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Everything posted by archie_james_c

  1. Wooooooooooooh!!!! Thats a gorgeous, bright, beautiful Chinny!!! Can't wait to bust out the downriggers this fall
  2. Im assuming you're talking baitcasters. I don't have experience with the Croix casting rods, but I own the 7' Medium Moderate action Legend Tournament Walleye Spin and it's one hell of a rod in terms of sensitivety, so the Avid won't be far behind. As for reels you can't go wrong with anything middle of the road from Shimano or Daiwa....although a Daiwa Zillion would look pretty snazzy on an Avid...
  3. I wouldnbt say anythinhg because im not a dipstick with no life...i'd say "thank you for the heads up" and move along if I wasn't interested. You need to join Bill The Bass Fisherman in the game of "getting a life"...i'D HATE TO SEE THE GOSSEP YOU GUYS SPREAD ABOUT YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY.
  4. Bill the Bass Fisherman...get a life. Epps is one of the best sporting goods stores around. If the guy cant even come on here and say "Hey guys we're having a sale this week and BBQ, come on out" than thats just danmed sad. Get a life Bill...go fishing or something.
  5. Power Pro....nothing else compares. No memory, and tough as nails. I find 15 pound PP works well in pike territory (unless theres big gators around). No need for steel leaders and what not. Fireline Crystal Fused is ok I suppose...tough and very easy to cut as opposed to PP, but as people said it's flat which makes it feel bulkier than Power Pro. a 125 yard 10 pound spool fills my Daiwa Tierra 2000 full...a 150 yard 10 pound spool of PP has room to spare...things to think about I guess.
  6. This time of the year on mid-sized lakes I have luck finding eye's in freshly emerging cabbage beds (1.5 feet or less) down in 7-15 feet of water. Pop jigs into the cabbage or troll the outsides of it with a worm harness with whatever bait you like on it. A good hot spot for hungry active males (eating size 15-18 inches) is rubble shorelines (7-12 feet) that slowly taper into deeper water. Here is a very good article on WC to help you get the locations started. Write the importnant things onto a note pad and keep it with you fishing...it will help! http://www.walleyecentral.com/articles/?a=2390
  7. I've been worked about 55 out of the last 60 days in the last couple weeks so I haven't been on OFC much lately, and well I haven't been getting any fish when I go out!! I've been busting my brain trying to figure out St. Marys River fishing and i'ts really breaking me.So I said screw it and me and my dad headed to a local fave lake around 6pm tonight in search of eye's. Can't find my camera so you guys are outta luck on the pics . Caught 10 eye's between 17-20" all nice eaters, kept 3 for my stomach along with a nice 5ish pound pike that decided he wanted to interupt my relaxing Walleye fish. All were caught from 7:30pm-10:00pm in about 6-15 feet of WARM water. I popped chartreuse jigs with dace minnows and got 2 eye's. My dad hammered the rest of them with a perch colorado bladed worm harness with 4" Berkley GULP blach shad...god I love GULP! And just to top it off...since my buddy was supposed to go across the river to fetch my new custom St.Croix Legend Walleye with REC recoil guides and he FAILED to...I took his Legend Walleye 6'3" Med Xfast and popped it's cherry by landing those two eye's ...needless to say, he's a bit upset
  8. Wel...if it isnt little Whippy McWhippy The Whipped ex-fisherman.
  9. Fishin seems slow there eh? There is a couple different things I wanna try before I write it off. Buddys say they;re doing ok there....

    I'm gonna try the other couple lakes down the road from it ;), and try and decipher that damned river!

  10. If you want to pick up a Legend Tourny Bass rod then I'd just pick up a Triumph for 80$ to hold you over till you have the money for the Legend Tourny. The Legend Tourny series will put a smile on your face everytime you take it out of the case .
  11. Came back this afternoon. MAN...my new boat is MUCH harder to control than my old 12 footer!! Last evening we fished from 6:30-9:00, we pitched jigs and twister tails into 3 feet of weedy shoreline and that produced a nice 21" Walleye, burning a Yellow Perch Clackin Rap off the same shore got a nice 4-5 pound pike, other than that...nothing. This morning and afternoon was a right off, waaaaay to nice. Sun, sun and more sun, lake was glass all day...they had to have been down deeper and today was the day my fish finders main power harness wanted to go on the fritz. 90% of my problems right now are that I'm still getting used to my new (bigger) boat. Winds catches it and pushes it worse, backtrolls faster, and is slower to turn than my old little Dingy. I'm going to pick up a drift sock to try and slow it down, hopefully that will remedy alot of the problem along with eventually getting a bow mount motor on it.
  12. Heading out tomorrow afternoon for an over nighter in search of Gold backs. Primarily be running 2 rod/reel combos. 7' St.Croix Legend Tournament Walleye Medium, Moderate/Daiwa Advantage 2500 w/15# PP and 10# Suffix Siege. 6' St.Croix " " Light, Fast/Daiwa Tierra 2000 w/6# Stren Tough Knot and 10# PP. I'll be pitching 1/16 oz white and green jigs with 3" Black Shad GULP/minnows along and into weed beds and drop offs, trolling perch coloured colorado blade worm harnesses and at night I'll rip my favourite crank bait (#10 XRap in Clown) off the shore lines for Ol' Marble Eye's.
  13. I always love hearing about what rod/reel combos guys are using... and Im jealous of the Walleye . I'm heading out saturday/sunday to a favourite lake to annihalate some Marble Eye's...
  14. Summary of the cost involved in last years Moose hunt. 1X Sako Model 85 Laminate/Stainless and Leupold FXIII 6X42- 2000$ Boots, pants, thermal undies, socks, fleece sweaters- 500$ 100 rounds of 225 grn. Hornady's (reload) for practice/business- 60$ Cheap Vortex Bino's- 170$ Gas to and from Marathon, ON- 300$ Food/Booze- Who knows... 1 missed bull....PRICELESS!
  15. Wormdangler is usually first inline for Pike...but he's a home owner now...and to make matters worse got a steady girl friend... So long Wormy's balls!!!
  16. that makes 2 of us dude. My new boat and motor is sitting in my portable garage on tires...waiting for my new trailer to come in!!! 2 new rods leaning against the wall waiting to be used...walleye just opened up in select parts of the water up here yesterday . Trailer should be in this week...
  17. I just paid 6999$ for my 2010 Honda 50hp tiller. As for how it performs...I'll let you know when I get a day to use it !!!! EDIT- If you're only looking for a 9.9-25 horse, maybe try Ebay Motors and such...shipping on a motor that small wouldnt cost much...180$ish
  18. He must have heard the old saying "get it while the gettin's good" What a slob!!!
  19. Might get lucky and find one on FleaBay for 180$USD. Might as well just buck up and pay 199.99$ for one and get it right away rather than waiting for Ebay to pop one up for 10$ cheaper. I was gunna run them on my rods this year but I think I'll suck up the extra 3 oz's (and 80$) and run Daiwa Advantage-A's or Tierra's.
  20. A BASS BOAT?!?!?! SINNER!!!!!!!
  21. *cough* st.croix *cough*
  22. almost doubling your gas mileage isnt considered saving money?
  23. Oh and spray and wipe your lense off between games. having nice clear vision makes the game much funner when I seen new people at the fields I used to referee I'd come over to them and clean their greasy paint splattered lenses off so they could see again, if you don't see any paper towel and blue lense cleaner ask the ref for some . Same goes if you notice your gun is shooting all over the place, chances are a ball broke in the barrel and it needs to be clean. If you notice this, ask a ref if he has a squeegie or barrel swap and ask him to clean it out for you. It makes the game pretty crappy if your paintballs are shooting in alllll different directions . You'll be lookin like these guys in no time http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=3EylYS9HI3Q&feature=related
  24. :good: Played for 5 years my self. Seen DM3/4/5/6's come and go and owned quite a few nice hot rods . MASK ON when on the field. BARREL PLUG/BAG ON WHEN OFF THE FIELD!! The idiots peole see on youtube shooting each other and and getting eye injuries are equivalent to the white trash loser poachers of the fishing world, just giving the sport a bad name. Have fun...it's one hell of a game .
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