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Everything posted by archie_james_c

  1. Hey Scuro, why don't you go ask the criminals to give you their guns. Better yet, lets make criminal activity illegal!!!!
  2. Dont waste your breath Bill...
  3. Nearly impossible eh?
  4. Nevermind
  5. This is what I was thinking, but was not sure. Are trout/salmon species Gills not VERY soft? I'm not C&R activist but I do release fish and I try not to gill a trout/salmon or hang them on a thin chunk of wire by those gills... One more reason to Walleye fish
  6. Everyone knows Rainbow fishing is for fairy's...real men fish for eye's
  7. Is that a M77? I can't tell from the pic... My dad just got an M77 MKII Lightweight in .30-06...can't wait to develop some loads for it
  8. Yes we are. Our gun laws are absolute Bull. To the OP...it takes NOWHERE near 500$ to get a PAL/Hunters Safety Course. Go to your local shop ask them for the number of a reputable instructor. Should cost around 150$. Your PAL will take around 2 month's to be processed, in that time save up for your first firearm!!!! As for the guys bashing Billy Bob...you guys do realize Canada rarely does background checks on their PAL applicants? They do "random checks" every so often. America's firearm laws concerning buying firearms is actually pretty good. Maybe you guys should do some research before you start spouting on you Liberal Loving Anti-gunners...
  9. Think I'll wait for Walleye opener...Dara...I get to "borrow" your HDS-7/SS till around....um...september right?
  10. My god...blur the back ground we'll all know where you caught it!!!!!!!!!!
  11. I was joking . I completely agree with you. That dog would have been in the dirt if I were that police officer...I love dogs as much as the next guy...but you can't have a dog like that loose...
  12. hahahahahahahahahahahahahah!
  13. You'd kill that poor little dog?!!?!? All he needs is obedience training and probation... Thats right folks....now animals are being put on mother damn probation.... Boy I can't wait to see how twisted this world becomes when I get older...
  14. Tax payers!!!! He doesnt seem like an aggressive dog...don't get me wrong...he seems like he thinks he's playing...regardless...a dog like that can't be roaming around unleashed. But behavorall (spelling?) class??? Come on...
  15. If this were the 50's 60's or 70's that dog would have been dispatched on the spot, delivered to the owner, owner would be fined and held responsible for the damage. Now they must go to obedience training and behave for six months??!?!? What if that dog decided to have a tug-o-war with someones kid?
  16. you got ballz sal...i was out at the purvis scrap yard on the river yesterday helping my buddy drop some propane tanks off for them...thought i was going to turn into a block of ice
  17. You're up into the high end boats . Check out the Strato's 476SF fish n ski. Very nice fibreglass boats and very fair prices!! http://www.stratosbo...ro.cfm?mid=5564 Otherwise I'd say the Princecraft hands down...that thing is luxxxury in a nutshell!
  18. Yah the steel pallet it is bolted to has feet on only one side...which is a no brainer as to how you'd lay it. thanks for the kind words Limey, even with all these fancy rods I still wont be able to winch in eye's like you!! As for my jigging rod for this season I'm debating the following... 6'3" Medium X-Fast Croix Legend Elite " " Croix Legend Tournament Walleye IMX or GL3 Loomis 6' Medium, fast ........
  19. 2X 60oz's....as often as possible. Stay completely crap tanked until the pain goes away...please video tape your drunken rantings as well
  20. I make a hell of a sandwhich do I not?
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