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Everything posted by ckrb2007

  1. I use the palomar for smaller diameter lines and braids, and the improved clinch for larger diameter flouro.
  2. Thx Dan! Great pics. Really like the loon.
  3. I can't help you with where to get plastisol but I dabbled in making some molds and they turned out ok. I just saved up my old plastics from the season and melted them down in an old microwave in the garage. Turned out ok.
  4. About a year ago I asked some questions about types of cameras to get. Since then I've purchased a GoPro Hero2, a Fuji XP50 waterproof/shockproof...etc, and last week I got a Nikon D5100 dslr with 2 lenses....18-55 & 55-200. My question now is what would be a good 3rd lens to pic up...within reason. I'm no professional but I do like wildlife pics so I'm thinking a stronger telephoto lens. Maybe something in the $500 range as I dont want to break the bank just yet.
  5. LOL....I loved the "pop" sound it made on the way out.
  6. Plus you'd miss out on the day fishing.
  7. First cast of the morning, live target bluegill crank, 2lb smallie. All was great until............... WARNING ***** A little graphic and a little foul language *******
  8. I might be heading up there tonight to trouble shoot our fibre optic cable that runs beside the tracks. If I end up going, I'll snap some pics.
  9. Check out "We pound'em Fishing". Ryan and Dan are both great guys and will put you on Lake O Salmon and trout. http://www.wepoundemfishing.com
  10. About 15yrs ago when I was a utility locator, I had the pleasure of marking out some gas and communication lines for Alex Lifeson at his house. Total class act. He invited me into his garage and we had a drink on the hood of his 'benz. Shot the @#$t for a good 1/2hr. I still have my word order signed and framed on the wall.
  11. Just want to say a big congrats to the greatest power trio, RUSH, on their induction to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame tonight! I'm sure there are many fans on the board here who are as excited as I am! Crank them up all day!! Cheers, Colin
  12. I cringe everytime I hear John Gillespie's voice. lol
  13. The funny thing with my experience was that the weekend prior to it, I had taken St. Johns First Aid for my hockey trainers certificate. Came in handy that day.
  14. I once witnessed a brutal pedestrian vs. cube van accident in Markham. I was the first one on the scene. The pedestrian was hit crossing the road legally......the cube van ran a red, ran over the gentleman and wedged him up into the wheel well. (a sight I will never forget). It was an asian man who couldn't speak english who got hit. The driver got out and started trying to pull the man out of the wheel well with all his might and I had to tackle him to get him to stop. He was in shock I assume. After police, fire, and ems arrived, my info was taken, everyone thanked me and 2 yrs later I was summoned to court. The man survived, the driver was charged. I'm glad that I did what I did but it wasn't a pretty sight to see. I'd like to think I had a part in saving the guy's life or at least from a more serious spinal/neck injury.
  15. I guess you guys haven't seen the video of that Jeb guy and another guy trying to get close to a bridge while using those wing suits. Needless to say, Jeb is the only one who lands in one piece. Just youtube "guy hits bridge in wingsuit".
  16. I pay around $2000/season for my lot on Jack Lake in Apsley. Been going there for 35yrs.
  17. After driving home from work on the Friday morning I was beginning to wonder if fishing was "a go" for Saturday. We got quite the dumping of the white stuff which could cause problems for Todd and my mode of transportation. We really hate walking. We decided we were going to load up the ATV's and head out off of the government dock @BBP and try our luck at beating the mass amounts of snow. Arriving at the launch we were worried about what we saw, pretty much virgin snow the entire way out. There were a couple ATV's out there but they took a different route then we were going to take. The only saving grace was that there wasn't any slush to deal with, except a small patch out near the operators huts. I had flash backs of 2 yrs ago off of BBP Rd......nothing BUT slush the entire way out to our 4km waypoint. Todd broke trail because he has better tires on his ATV but we still got stuck a few times. Easily dug out and on the move again, and yes....it still beats walking. We arrived at our waypoint and got set up. We marked fish on and off during the day. I managed 4 lakers and a prized whitefish for the table. Todd was marking fish and did get a few up to the hole only to become unbuttoned after a few well timed "leader touches". It wasn't a bad day despite our worries of travelling through the drifts. Here are a few pics from the day. A nice sunrise to start the day. Todd breaking trail A little frosty out I think. A fly by My ATV after the run out Todd's after his run out A nice laker to start the day off My "golden laker" This was some good table-fare A little video I put together. Cheers, Colin
  18. I was out off of the Gov. Dock at BBP..on my ATV. Made it out to my waypoint about 1.2km out, got stuck a couple times crossing drifts. 8" of awesome ice. Went 4/6 on the lakers and 1/1 on whities. Had a blast out there. Report to follow.
  19. I bought BillM's XL Mustang Integrity HX suit a few years ago and I love it. I'm 5'10", 190lbs and it fits me good. Lots of room to layer, move, bend down..etc. I wouldn't go any smaller. It's the best suit I've owned in regards to the weight and flexibility of it.
  20. Awesome pics, Steve. I'll be heading out to mid-lake this weekend I think. Me thinks it's gonna be a zoo around the normal areas! LOL
  21. Loving the r-type rods. I have an extra 36"'er I might sell. Yeah, the trout have been hammering the TriggerX Goby tube. I'm not sure where you can get them...possibly Sail since they carry a lot of Rapala/triggerX stuff. I have a buddy who works at Rapala in Oshawa so I order direct through him.
  22. I know.....it does look thin but it was a solid 5"+ of excellent black ice and it's very clear with hardly any bubbles in the ice. It's like watching a big screen TV when you're fighting a fish. I haven't seen such great ice on Simcoe in well, 2 years!! Also, thanks for the compliment....much appreciated.
  23. ouch...how's your spine!! lol Guess they forgot to maximize the Fox shocks on that one. lol
  24. I just thought I'd post a few videos from some previous lake trout outting I've had on Lake Simcoe. I know a lot of you like to hear the reel peel, but with the GoPro's waterproof case the sound gets muffled so I decided to put some tunes to the videos. I'm still getting use to the editing process with Sony Vegas but it's getting better. Enjoy. Colin.
  25. I was out all weekend on my ATV. Never found anything less then 6" of soild black ice. My guess is the two guys that went through, probably went through skimmed over pressure cracks. I was 4kms out off of BBP today, and the ice is even better out there.....pushing 8" of amazing ice.
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