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Homer Is King

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Everything posted by Homer Is King

  1. I'm a huge hot sauce fan. I make my own sauces. Everything from a mild jalapeno sauce to a scorching scotch bonnet sauce. Last year dad grew me a couple Bhut Jolokia plants. I got the seeds from ebay from a guy in Hamilton. I made a sauce out of them.....By far the hottest sauce I've ever made!! A teaspoon in a large pot of chilli makes it unedible for the average person! I can only handle a little bit of it! I bring it out at parties when someones running there mouth about how they like hot stuff and my other sauses aren't hot enough! Always good for a laugh! As far as growing it...it has the same likes and dislikes as the Habenaros you grew last year. Treat it like any pepper plant. The ones my dad grew never turned red. Most were light green at the end of the season. Some had a slight orange tinge. However they were still very hot!!! I can't imagine what a fully rip Bhut Jolokia would be like!! Good luck, let us know how it turns out!
  2. Dana, thanks for the info!! Joeytier, I agree!! My post should have read "Greater New Liskeard Area". Thanks for the tip!
  3. I have a work trip to the New Liskeard area planned for July 29 to August 3. The reason I accepted the trip is for the potential fishing opportunities!! I've never been to the area and was hoping for a little help! My first stop will be at the local fishing store. I hope to pick up some of the local "hot" lures and get some info. All I could find on Google was John's Tackle Box. Are there any other in the area? I'll be working long days but hope to get out for some evening shore fishing. Can anyone recommend any locations? I hate asking for shore fishing spots but even some general locations or starting points would be greatly appreciated. I plan to drive along the shoreline until I find a spot to stand and cast! Does anyone have any restaurant recommendations in New Liskeard? Thanks for your help! Report to follow … hopefully!
  4. Great job! A very worth while project!
  5. We stayed at Bass Lake PP about 5 years ago. At the time the park store rented tin boats with 9.9s. The docks at the park are shallow. There are some pan fish around but they are very small. Out from the park there is a drop off and we found some decent sunfish and perch there. We didn't get much bass fishing in. We caught a couple decent smallmouth out past the dropoff. Good luck!
  6. NICE!! Need to fine more of them!!
  7. Great report! Good times, friends & family, Great fish...doesn't get much better than that!!
  8. Great report! Thanks for sharing! That's some quality time well spent!!
  9. Perfect Timing!! I agree, I love to see the MNR out.
  10. Great job on the PB! Beauty fish!
  11. Don't forget your Camping Permit! For a lot of the canoe in camping (Haliburton Highlands, Kawartha Highlands) you book your site on line and then print off your permit. There is no check in at the campground. You just head into your site. The camp warden may pay you a visit and ask for your permit. It also helps resolve conflicts if someone else is on your campsite.
  12. Here's my Bannock recipe: 1/2 cup white flour 1/2 cup whole wheat flour 1 teaspoon baking soda 3 tablespoons powdered milk 1/2 teaspoon salt Mix all dry ingredients and add water slowly until mixture is slightly sticky And any extras (nuts, raisins, chocolate chips, etc.) Separate into 3 or 4 paddies Fry in an oiled frying pan on moderate heat until both sides are golden brown You can then eat it with your meal or top it with Peanut butter and jam, butter, etc.
  13. My buddy just bought a dutch oven and plans to use it for camping this summer. I've been looking into them and they seam to be a great piece of cookware for camping. Anyone else use this style of pot? Any other cooking pot suggestions?
  14. I've been reading some of Kevin Callan's books on canoe trips in Ontario. He states that the piece of equipment which is forgotten the most is a set of "Oven" mitts for getting the hot cookware aff of the fire / stove. I use a set of heavy duty welders gloves. They work great and are also good for tending the fire at night.
  15. Bannock is a must! Mix in a few chocolate chips or nuts or raisins or smarties or anything else you like!! Anyone ever take Kraft Dinner? It seams like it would be quick and easy plus it would be a hit with the kids. The packaging is a little bulky but you could can fix that! You'd have to use extra water and no milk.
  16. This is a great equipment thread. I've started a similar one for food and menu ideas! What's your Favorite Meal When in The Bush
  17. I've been reading the tread What's your Must Have Checklist When in Bush started by letsgofishing and and thought I'd start a similar one. What is your favorite meal when out in the bush? My wife and I used to do canoe in trips but that stopped when we had kids. We are now going to get back into it. I would classify us as "intermediate" in skill level but I always found our meals were very sparse. It is something I want to liven up this time around. We will be going with our 4 kids so we will be doing most of the work. We are looking for quick and easy meals that will feed a lot of people quick. In previous years we usually went with hot oatmeal for breakfast . For lunch we often have soup and cooked up some bannock and ate it with PB & J. Supper would be similar to lunch. Snacks would usually be gorp. I've seen a lot of great looking recipes on the internet but I am looking for some first hand recommendations. Here's a good canoeing resource that includes a lot of recipes . Canadian Canoe Routes
  18. This is a great thread! Lots of great info! I've learned a couple great tricks! Fire starting equipment is essential. We used to make our own fire starters and I plan to do it with my kids this year. You take an old cardboard egg carton. Fill the egg cups with burnable material like dryer lint, wood shavings, paper etc. You then fill the cups with melted paraffin wax. Once the wax hardens you can break the cups off and stack them together. They are very easy to light and once they get going they put off an amazing amount of heat! They can get any wood burning! They might not be the best for long trips where space is a premium. You don't save any money and it takes a bit of time but it's satisfying starting a fire with something you've made.
  19. I used it in my 4 stroke Honda and all my small engines. I treat my gas as soon as I put it in the jerry can. It stabilizes the fuel, controls moisture, and cleans at the same time! It completely turned my engine around last year. I've heard the the ethanol in gas ages quickly and will gum up engines (especially smaller engines). My engine is only a 7.5 hp so I don't go through a lot of gas and always use high octane. Make sure you check the ethanol content as some companies put ethanol in their high octane gas as well.
  20. Your underwater photography is awesome!! I'm glad it's paying off for you!!
  21. That things a monster!! Congrats on your PB Rudd!!
  22. Congrats! Another future fishing partner!
  23. Great job!! A 3 generation fishing trip! Talk about passing on a tradition!
  24. Thanks for all the input! It is greatly appreciated! I've picked up a couple of Kevin Callen's books. He has a bunch! His books describe a wide range of canoeing trips and they are very helpful in planning and researching a trip! Everything for 1-2 day weekend trips to 1-2 week trips. Great resource! jjcanoe - Depot Lakes CA is one of the trips. Looks like a great area! It is definitely on my "to-do" list! Are motor boats allowed on Second Depot lake, where the interior campsites are? I think I have narrowed it down to two trips. 1) Kawarth Highlands - Bottle Lake into Sucker Lake Length - Approx 3 km one way Portage - 1 @ 80m 2) Algonquin Park - Crotch or Farm Lake Length - Approx 1-3 km one way depending on site Portage - 0 I'd like to do the portage into Booth Lake. Still working on convincing the family! The most important thing on my list is the fishing!! Anyone have any reviews on these lakes?? Which do you think would be better? I picture the Algonquin lakes to be heavily fished and the quantity and quality of fish to be poor. I don't have anything to base this on, just a feeling. The round trip to the Kawartha's is 6 hours shorter. That means a lot more time on the water!! This is a big plus!
  25. It seems my timing is terrible. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard "You should have been here yesterday!! They were on FIRE!!"
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