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Everything posted by RuNnYoOzE

  1. well past time this issue was dropped and lets get back to fishing! I know it's hard to forgive and forget but seriously this thread is serving nothing for anyone. Please I am not attacking anyone just let it go people I sometimes wonder why it's easier to cause problems and hate on someone and this guy for real has been humbled by doing garbage work for you ...see this is a lesson dont poke a snake the snake just might come back and bite yea on the tush! poetic justice and humbling...yes yes the gentleman question has be humbled let it rest at that and HAPPY season guys lets hear those fish stories!
  2. will do !
  3. sorry for your loss, my wife has severe kidney disease also. 1 way to look at it and its the oldest saying in the book but "hes not suffering anymore. Many days left until the final countdown but none of us can put a time period on it. Live life catch lots of fish and send a shout out to Rodney when you catch a big 1 and you never know he might be listening!
  4. ill be a tall guy bald with goatee with big ears lol & my shorter bro is going also! hehe look 4 me
  5. I can't wait to go to this show this Saturday, I live in Hamilton and I need all the tips and tricks I can find and of course pay them forward to my fishing friends on this site! I will probably leave Hamilton around 7 am to secure a spot and it doesn't open until 10 but Hey it sounds exciting and it will be great! <<click here <<
  6. still be shore ice close to that area! wait a few weeks until we get a good thaw Id say! Try it and see ...most often things can and might change over night!
  7. thats terrible they should have more education on ice conditions! and possibly monitoring!
  8. your dog seems to like the fish....nice fish btw~!
  9. wow random to get an invite on a boat! woot what a great day. I have never fished from a boat but it sounds fun ..no casting every 2 seconds just let the boat do the work I guess I'll find out 1 day!
  10. seemed like yesterday my daughter was born......they grow up so quickly ..you will have many days of fishing ahead of you ...savor those days when he "wants" to hang with Dad Savor them my friend...don;t let them melt like the early spring thaw that gives our jigs false hopes PEace out !
  11. Congrats!!! this calls for some fishing! ( my solution to celebrate and feel better) it cures all aches and pains!
  12. I think the webmaster just wanted people who came to know what this site is about OFC is an acronym but doesnt shout " fishing site" quite like this skin!...the blue skin is more modern but I feel this 1 says more IMO notice I said IMO it might be fact or not but I think this skin is more to the point on what this site is about!
  13. slip bobbers are the way of the future! and slip knot! Can't wait to try it thanks!
  14. any idea of the name of the product?
  15. sweet fish! did you get it on the Niagra river?
  16. Thanks alot I am currently exploring some topography maps and locations from Tournaments sites and I just can't wait to land some beauties.. I live by the grand river and there are 100's of streams and lakes just calling my name.......I will defiantely share any fishing stories and take my choice shore spots to my grave!
  17. thanks everyone for the help. I am glad I found this site!
  18. oooh totally makes sense! I have to agree without a boat your fishing rock bass and carp! unless you become lucky and or love to bush wack!
  19. why I joined this site to get hints and tips!
  20. Hi it's been awhile since I fished ..we went to the whirlpool to fish with roe..what a climb out of that place! well then went to the boat launch down from Laura Secords house..poop I really need some hints on where to go..I don't have a boat and someone hook a fellow human up with something worthwhile!
  21. yea this site is killer I am hoping it lands me a big 1 and my fishing buddies will think im a fishing GOD lol
  22. HI all I stumbled across this great fishing site...I'm hoping to get some help in establishing some resourses and places to find hot~spots. I usually shore fish ( never have fished from a boat to be honest) so Im hoping to network with some pros and or weekend warriors who like me love to get our lines all bent out of shape landing a big 1.....thanks and if anyone has any news or links or tips to great places Id love to know...I am currently residing in southern Ontario 20 minutes from Niagra falls.
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