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Everything posted by RuNnYoOzE

  1. SEEN SOME MONSTERS..this feed has been posted recently but still interesting
  2. 5 Great Catfish Baits http://www.gameandfishmag.com/fishing/catf...ing/RA_0805_02/ who loves his fellow anglers more than moi!
  3. infomercial lol nah they brain~washed me into it buy buy buy! sorry Rob!
  4. GAMMA Technologies is the only company producing a "processed line" using Nano-Technology that provides up to double the break strength for the stated size and traditional pound test diameters. Whether you fish tournaments or for relaxation, your time on the water is too valuable to be compromised by your line's performance. Choose GAMMA's high performance line and start catching more fish. IT's a stronger lighter line ....more for fishing tribs and lakes with lots of rocks and stuff.....The ling is finer ( preferred by most) and is easier to manage !
  5. haha I don't see that EVER happening!
  6. back in '95 I bought 2 rods reels and equipment totally close to a grand , back then it was the shimano quickclick2 reel and although I hadn't fished in years I went out this 1 weekend to a trib was carrying the rod to close to the ground and snapped the top part off.....really it casted better after that but seriously I think Im going to invest in a st croix set up !
  7. Hey man Id just use the waders and neoprene socks . grab a good pair of boots and voila..you can always bring a dry set of socks and shoes to change into before and after.
  8. the capitalist pigs and in general most humans have cornered the market on GOOD jobs due to your being new and finding experience and networking most people register with a placement (temporary) agency..some are professional also ..many employers like to feel out an individual through these companies so they aren't under any commitment to hire the person I.E you! SO yea if you dont believe me look on the http://jb-ge.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/ <<website and see how many agencies are out there! Good luck and I hope to meet up for some GREAT fishing!
  9. congrats man~
  10. they are athletes in the water I admire Cats for their fight and the smaller 1's taste good beer battered and fried yummy
  11. LOL AS a hunter I would send a shot in the air to scatter them..I just don't see any sport in shooting into such a huge herd and oooh knowing how skittish deer are most would have scattered as soon as they got the photographers scent!
  12. in hill~billy terms you got hosed man...the waders were altered the guy can't return them . hence destroying the original design by putting on cheap pair of suction boots most people wouldn't buy if their life depended on it....Yea so cut the part off and grab a good pair of boots..us Hill-billies just use an old pair of jeans and work boots! lol good luck with them man...honestly Id cut my loses and buy a new pair!
  13. if you look close enough you will see some bad cropping on the deer on the right! I don't think deer have edged backs and white stuff on their bellies. all the rest were done pretty well!
  14. Bell are crooks ..they charged me 80+ $$ an month without any loong distance, I use my local cable for phone service, only 34.95$ a month and free long distance in Canada and US up to 1000 minutes! pretty sweet deal . Bell is greedy !
  15. they sell trout at the local store! they are VERY photogenic also! hehe but seriously thank GOD for the store ...stop by there with your pail..bring it home to wifey and voila ..she doesn't think your wasting time and money on this sport lol.
  16. I knew a farmer who said it was legal to shoot deer out of season if they walked on your property? Can you imagine all those families who go without , the deer population is out of control ..how many mouths could be fed! but then you got some guy on a deer farm selling it! I don't want to sound like a hippie but seriously the whole province of Ontario could supplement their diet on all the deer running loose! I heard it was in the millions!
  17. sweet fish! although this may sound stupid but all Ive ever used was night crawlers for cats! what is cut-bait>? lol I told you it was a n00b question but is it just hunks of fish? sorry Atleast im honest !
  18. wolves are opportunist hunters ,,they usually only hunt weak or sick animals...The movie " never cry wolf " there main stable is rodents!
  19. great shots Henry~!
  20. hey man looks like you guys had a great day! good pics! Hope you had a great weekend!
  21. hey there network to meet people ..alot of good people in Toronto with vehicles who may take you out maybe!
  22. ok 2nd place is good
  23. Welcome to the board!!!! yea Im the first greeter , now someone bake me a cake!
  24. that building is huge!
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