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Everything posted by RuNnYoOzE

  1. http://www.rapala.com/products/luresdetail...eshorsalt=Fresh click " color choices" I didn't see any pinks http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...+Baits+||+Lures and basspro!
  2. wow man I could freeze them and use some for cut~bait seeing those monster cats today I know have a new love@
  3. got to be amazed how we are getting fleeced on the prices of hooks!
  4. I meant me NOT meaning to flame him .
  5. yea it is a bit much but Im sure they are good eating and probably breed like crazy otherwise this type ot fishing may dwindle the population anywayws Im sure sinker is sensitive to these issues and I trust that no flaming going on man!
  6. no limit on perch then? WOW anyways good haul!
  7. was out there today , met nancur cool guy and another gentleman ( not on this site) but he offered me some bait to fish with ..gulp was useless and yamamoto worms can float back to Japan hehe but seriously Im going to bring lots of cut~bait with me...the guy caught a 10 pounder and 11 pounder within half an hour with dead stinking minnows! I had to go early but it was exciting to seee the size of the cats! as per pics above^^ P/s it's a beauty spot by fishmaster property! Thanks again!
  8. I got there as fishmaster was pulling a bucket full of huge cats from the boat..I guess your not fishmaster for no reason ...ooh yea did I mention your a fishmaster LOL ....seriously want to thank your wife for the great service in the bait~shop Very knowledgeable and courteous and I called about my net but a member on this site grabbed it for me.....thanks again I will be back ! ( thought I'd give you fair warning )
  9. words to the wise < LEAVE WIFE AT HOME<<<<<<<<< can't live with them ..that about covers it@!
  10. urp I did manage to get to the rocks by fishmasters, this guy landed 2 monsters 10 pounder and 11 pounder, Yerm big snaffo I forgot my net there it is aluminum with blue netting! crap! NEwfie I hope you found it and turned it in kept it whatever my wife is flipping crazy over me leaving it!
  11. definitely want to hit the whirlpool again this year!
  12. lol
  13. changed my avatar lol
  14. LOL I broke mine while putting my gulp in my tackle box.....I hope some of my bad karma didn't rub off. Nice fish tho bro.....huge!
  15. http://www.conservationhamilton.ca/Asset/i...keFactSheet.pdf
  16. doesn't look like Im going to make it tomorrow anyone have 1 of these at home starts with drama Ends with drama!
  17. ok guy have fun ..Milton is close to me maybe we can hook up sometime!
  18. nice of you to offer. maybe we can go fishing together sometime!
  19. ooh man "where" Dammit Im just going to hit the bait shop for some night crawlers, I hope to see some fellow OFC people there! I'm in Hamilton but probably bills bait will be closed for looong weekend! I may try some GULP@ bait but not sure if it will work Hmmmm I haven't fished for any suckers this year so unless someone "gives" me some I'm pretty much screwed...hope to see some of you there , I am a big bald guy with pointy ears and 5 o clock shadow. I love Cat fishin they are amazing fighters!
  20. don't forget to take your kids fishing! I remember my uncle always taking me fishing and it had an impact on our relationships...Dad never took me fishing ,neither my brothers went with me. The point is spending quality time with your young 1's No matter how awkward or clumsy they may be, the rewards will last a lifetime. I know some kids think the worm is icky but when they land their first fish the whole experience will come into a new light.....Did I mention fishing is the cure for everything...depression , alcoholism, gambling addiction , drug addiction ...lol I know some may agree it fuels these addiction also ...but seriously Forget the shrink go fishing with some good friends and or your kids and reap the rewards!
  21. went to the buffet @ casino niagra and they were serving "CATFISH" ooh the fish GODS are teasing me.....fresh catfish with lemon on the barbQ ...yummy ....now to get some chicken livers and soak them in ( what the hell am I goig to soak them in ) lol I will try to come tomorrow and bring some smelly chicken livers! Hope to say ho to a few anglers!
  22. all those moments when she didn't want you to go fishing was "she wasn't invited" why not fish with the missus....a great fishing partner who will love you no matter what you wear how you swear and oh man even what color underwear you have on after that huge line strike! Yes and a friend to help you eat them and strong enough to vacuum after a hard days fishing
  23. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source...=14&iwloc=A good luck ! just use your mouse and click with left mouse button on the map to move it around and the mouse roller to zoom in and out...have fun !
  24. SIXTEEN MILE CREEK Excellent angling opportunities exist throughout the Sixteen Mile Creek watershed. The West branch provides excellent coldwater habitat for brook, brown and rainbow trout, and chinook salmon are also found there during their spawning runs. The Mill Pond, located within downtown Milton provides excellent angling opportunities for a number of panfish and carp. Fishing derbies for stocked trout have occurred at the Mill Pond, but the pond does not provide suitable habitat to sustain trout populations. Both the middle and east branches provide opportunities for smallmouth bass fishing and the lower reaches provide additional opportunities to catch smallmouth bass and provide a migratory corridor for Lake Ontario fish. Oakville Harbour provides angling opportunities for trout and salmon before they make their spawning runs and the rocky banks of the harbour provide excellent habitat for smallmouth bass.
  25. we got our pic taken for the spec, the reporter skid down the hill to get a shot of us. We all were cooling off in the water, if I had known the red hill valley creek ran past the dump Well lol ..Id probably still refresh there! The creek run by the new expressway, I have often wondered what or if there is any fish in there! by the by the red hill expressway is super convenient but still could of went with out it! There's still a stretch of the old road buried in weeds and growth by the old limeridge, and you can see age old guard rails of the old road also.....Albion falls is also the site of a mill! Lots of history!
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