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Everything posted by RuNnYoOzE

  1. sounds like a car technical question Hmmm? Sounds like a circuit internally has let go ! http://www.the12volt.com/ try their forums alot of technical types there!
  2. Thanks I had a great time other than hearing voices and hallucinating it was amazingly therapuetic down by the water....I would like to meet up again just to hang out and stuff, I was a bit nutty due to lack of sleep but trully I am a fishin fanatic and as like yourself an so addicted. I hope we can meet up again ( repetitive thought processes "stupid Adult hyper Activity)) Again thanks for including me in your adventures and am always up for another ...this time we leave bright and early and come with munchies and liquids! PEaCe
  3. some guys and I went fishing yesterday.....no report but had a great time! We fished in Oshawa near that bridge ...thanks again red-head person...we seen some steelies jumping and they were hitting my GULP@ minnows pretty hard but my ROD broke and it is 10 years old..so anyways I hope to have a report soon on some great fishing!
  4. seriously need to look to Northern Ontario...Lake of the woods rent a cabin for a week....nightly campfires near the lake...millions of mosquitoes and GREAT fishing while the wife is sleeping..P/s don't forget the sleeping pills and very comfy pillow..you actually make her enjoy the trip and get some great fishing in it's win-win! ...did I mention there's great fishing there? and yea most cottages you can rent boats! ENJOY!
  5. Bob Izumi custom worms for me ! I hope
  6. Port Dover was a hotspot for smelts...we used to buy some fresh smelts and bread them..they stink to high heaven but full of good omega 3 goodness......like I said I have a smelt net and vehicle and I live in Hamilton anyone want to go P'M me .
  7. I have a smelting net and have never even taken it out of the package...anyone think I should use it for catching bait fish instead? Smelt are yummy!
  8. i like it the way it is !
  9. there is a great bunch of individual fishing guides , professionals and weekend warriors who are more than happy to explain "how to's" I am glad I found this site!!!! LETS go FIshing!
  10. most people ask questions and get suitable answers@! as far DIY in theory WE all do it ourselves...and don't think many will come do it for you ??? lol there can be a blog on different subjects with a suitable search engine , or a wiki but all in all this site has pretty good resourses and people to answer any questions, I am hoping to learn all I can here and contribute some ideas and pics as soon as I get my butt out there!
  11. cool SIg, "fishing capital of the world"? just curious ! I haven't done any serious fishing for like 10 years help ! Just kidding!
  12. welcome to the board ...and yea people guard their shore-spots as much as their wife's virtue ! Have fun exploring the waters!
  13. seen a booth at the sportsmen show who said they will guarantee a pass on a boating license when you pay...I should have gotten 1 ..I think they should make them seasonal like a fishing license and a short quizz make more money that way. sorry to piggy back your thread but I was wondering " do you need a license to rent a boat>?"
  14. got my GULP and fishing stuff and a vehicle anyone want to go fishing I'm in Hamilton send me a PM .....bring your own GULP and thats al folks! PS I have a mini van lots of room for a cooler to hall all the fish back in an EPIC fashion ..I love that word
  15. some nice fish there my man!
  16. I got a combination of leeches ,worms and minnows and yea baby drop shots! hehe Im hoping to get out there soon and fish. The whirlpool is calling my name ..bit of a hike but a oriental gentleman told me like every cast you catch something! For those who don't know how to get to the whirlpool there is a path straight up from the scenic lookout with the tram lines going across! ...bring a walking stick and travel light...carrying 50 pound lunch pail down there ..remeber you need to climb out! Happy fishing and hope to see more great pics.....ooh and I was telling this guy about the walk down and then he kind of shrugged and said to his friend " I can't wit to get my boat in the water" DOH!!! ooh well us shore-fishermen have it just as good but being on a boat is better somehow...ok Im rambling have a great season guys!
  17. I was thinking of transferring the GULP@ to a leak proof container but I think Xing it in the middle will do fine. A gentleman at the Sports show @ the fishing world booth let me know about the leaking, ps I don't work there but I'm sure its an awesome place for all your fishing needs and the reps at the show were super friendly and helpful! As for chainging my avatar I will . I think the spray might be my next option and just buy jigs. Thanks for your responses and hope to maybe hook up and fish 1 day!
  18. SO my friendly angler's [screw the haters] I have went ahead and purchased some GULP@ bait in a tub at the fishermens sports thingy in Toronto ( thanks Blake from FishingWorld on Barton street in Hamilton) I really want to know who has used them and or is thinking of it? Thanks for your feedback!
  19. haha no such thing as freebies but got some GULP@ and some custom worms with some Bob guys logo ..ooh well the GULP bucket has leeches ,minnows etc....The juice can be used for cheap as jigs also as a scent trail. Well I met Blake and he hooked me up with a GULP expert and he showed me how to use the bait properly ,Thanks again Blake from FishingWorld. I look forward to coming down and checking out your store in Hamilton. I have lived here all my life and rode my bike many times to the Grand in Caledonia!....Thanks again for helping me and happy fishing!
  20. freebies I wish
  21. I'll be there tomorrow , checking out fishing booth Blake is hooking me up ooh yea!
  22. what stretch!!!! haha help a guy out!!!
  23. word of the wise " leave your VISA at home!" trust me if you don't have the cash you don't flippin need it!
  24. will do blake! hope I get some freebies!!
  25. HI probably be a better idea to PM the said Gentleman I think ummm so ea this show looks like a good 1. (first time for me )
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