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mike rousseau

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Everything posted by mike rousseau

  1. Warranties are funny It's great they have a long warranty... But he went without a boat for 7 weeks... Warranty won't get you back home safe
  2. Nice year for sure... Glad to be part if it Hopefully I'll get to fish with you again next year...
  3. I have a 4" I bought like 15 years ago... Haven't seen anything under 6" in a long time... That 4" cuts sooooo easy compared to 6"&8"
  4. That reminds me... I should put the charger on my starter to top it up... Been sitting outside since Christmas...
  5. Hey Don't get me wrong... I'm a walmart employee (distribution) so this is good news for me... But to not take advantage of liquidation prices because they're a big bad evil corporation is foolish in my opinion... They're on their way out and won't be back.... The local stores are going to get increased business... Target still loses here... Why not save a couple bucks through their failure?
  6. Not sure why you'd say this or what it would prove... They took a shot at the Canadian market and were unsuccessful... PERIOD... Now when they admit defeat and close up shop we should kick them while they're down?
  7. I had one of those too... I actually built a flip over style hut using copper pipe and tarp on a home made base with cross country skis
  8. We had frost build up the day it was -26... Once the sun came up and it got above -20 it all melted and dried out... That's also when I learnt to use the fan to blow warm air to the colder areas of the hut
  9. It's been fairly chilly... But it's also been mostly sunny with very little snow.... I'll take -15 or colder with a bluebird sky over 0 to -5 and snow every day.... I just can't get over how many people are so unprepared... Going around with no gloves or hat or boots or anything... What would happen if they get stuck or break down on a quite road... If I'm not wearing heavy winter gear it's I'm my back seat...
  10. Clam also makes one I know cabelas sells em... Maybe SAIL or Lebaron or bass pro as well
  11. Here's one at PA Little more expensive The one I got at tc saw regular like $24.99 on sale for $12 http://www.princessauto.com/en/detail/camping-tent-fan-with-led-lights/A-p8491961e
  12. This is the one I got http://m.canadiantire.ca/en/sports-rec/camping/tents-accessories/tent-accessories/broadstone-mini-tent-fan-with-led-light-0762824p.html?utm_campaign=bazaarvoice&utm_medium=SearchVoice&utm_source=AskAndAnswer&utm_content=Default
  13. The one I got is pretty small.... Abouts a pop can in size.... And runs on 2 D batteries.... It comes with a built in hook to hang from the poles on the roof.... I added a metal carabiner because I don't want the plastic clip to break... I pointed the fan straight down to blow the hot air th the floor... The fan has a pivoting head as well... So when the sun came up and warmed the south east corner of the hut I then pointed the fan to the north west corner if the hut...
  14. It seamed so soften the ice a bit allowing the ice anchors to "bite" faster rather then them chipping ice for 20 turns before getting a good "bite" Today (-26) was the first time I had an issue with the anchors getting a quick bite
  15. Good day everyone.... So I've used my new Eskimo Quickfish 3i 3 man insulated pop up hut a handfull of times in a handfull of different conditions... This hut is 70"x70" and right around 6.5 feet tall dead center... At Canadian Tire it was regular $499 on sale for $299... Cons.... The hut when packed up is pretty big... This is mostly due to the thicker insulated fabric.... Not much of a con because it was expected with an insulated hut... Pros... I bought this as a 2 man and there's plenty of room.... If your super organized you could probably squeeze 4 in there... But 2 is nice and roomy.... Sets up fast and packs into the oversized bag really well... Very dark inside... But has 4 windows if you want light... Can also open the clear plastic on the window if you want... 2 air vents up high that can be closed or opened... Nice heavy zippers on the doors... They were really tight on the first use but after we "broke in" the hut the zippers are smooth as can be... Came with 6 pegs... Great pegs... 4 for 4 corners and 2 extra to peg out the wind blown walls... For this I added a set of straps from Canadian tire instead if the piece of string they provide... Also learnt today if it's super cold pour a little water where your screwing your pegs in... Helped a LOT... The insulated material holds heat very well... That being said the hut is pretty tall... And heat rises... I added a small tent fan from Canadian Tire and was amazed at the difference it made moving the heat evenly around the hut... We were out this morning... -26 at the start of the day... I use a portable buddy heater (9,000btu).... With this heater and the small fan we were plenty warm... No gloves... No hats... No jackets.... Overall I couldn't be happier unless someone else was setting up my hut for me... Lol Hope this helps anyone looking at buying a pop up... Feel free to ask any questions Thanks Mike
  16. I've had that bit I'm on a big river and the current pushes ice around a lot
  17. We have one in alexandria that's over 1000 anglers every year... 50+ places get prizes... 1&2 are 4 wheelers... There's guided fishing and hunting trips... All kinds of great prizes That being said... With 1000+ people fishing a small pond/lake for pike it's pretty much a lotto...
  18. Rocky used to have boots like this... Forget the name Tried buying em but couldn't get size 13
  19. Nice lakers... Pretty jealous... I couldn't even get a 10" perch today... Not sure if I even got an 8" one... Lol
  20. Not workin Maybe cause I'm using a portable pack... I'll try it in the boat tomorrow
  21. Ok I managed to get the Nav data onto the as card... But can't figure out how to get it onto the new unit
  22. Hey gang... My good friend was nice enough to give me his 788 when he upgraded... I wanna "copy" my waypoints from my 597 and put em on the new to me 788... Anyone ever done this? Can I do this without a computer...? Thanks...
  23. I read that yesterday... Disscusting...
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