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Everything posted by motv8tr

  1. Aww come on Lew, you don't even have to go on the ice this time, you can just come and hang out with Big Cliff, Beans and a couple of others at the BBQ Maureen
  2. Hmmmm...I thought something changed...going to have to check that out.... Maureen
  3. Well, went to the post office to pick up a package and low and behold, it's a Muskie Fishermans Dream!!! Pete & John's Excellent Adventures, top 10 all time muskie catches. Musky Lure Techniques, Volume 3, Muskies Suck, a book of stories by Pete Maina, and two 25.00 gift certificates for www.petemaina.com How cool is that?? Thanks Pete and the gang!!! Maureen
  4. Hey all, hold off on the dogs and such for now. I talked to the manager of Sobey's today and he is going to donate some food and stuff. I should hear from him in the next day or so as to how much they will donate. What they don't donate outright we will be able to get at cost. Maureen
  5. Wow, Congrats Joey, personally i don't know that I could be with someone that long...truth be told I don't know that I could find someone willing to put up with me that long hope you have many more Maureen
  6. Ya I know I'll try to take pictures of it later today. I think I'm going to have to get someone in to clear off the roof though . I just hope they clean out what they pull off, I can't shovel it from in front of the door or garage. I cleaned some off the edges this morning, and cleaned out a little by the back door so I can get out there with the dogs. Barrie is getting it pretty good today, they say there's a band about to go through that will drop 15cm/hr Maureen
  7. Eddy, there are days I think about that...but then Florida has it's own weather issues....at least the snow isn't likely to wipe out my house in less than 10 seconds...I'll stick with what I know....but thanks for the suggestion , although Arizona might be nice Maureen
  8. Community Service is pretty much useless in my experience. While the death penalty is a bit severe, for what they've done, if convited, should serve some jail time, then maybe community service, and most definitley restitution for everything...even if that means garnishing any future wages until their debt is paid. Maureen
  9. Good luck with the sale of the house Eddy, and don't forget to post the date of the house warming for the new place Just please try to make it in the summer when it's nice and warm Maureen
  10. Smart alec ...my mom and Beans have had a couple of inches in that time, Toronto hasn't even had an inch sheesh.....I think I'm getting another 6 inches of snow today.... Maureen
  11. TJ had one he made I think, two pieces of 1 x 4? held together and an OFC measuring tape attatched....I think I have a measuring tape, I might be able to come up with something...going to need one for the new fishing season to measure all my fish anyway Maureen
  12. Thanks...I guess to get to King St E I go south on Ritson? Maureen
  13. Well it's snowing once again, or should I say still? It has snowed for the past 6 days here now, and no sign of it letting up . We have had over two feet in the past few days, and since I've been at work for the last couple of days I haven't been able to keep up with it out back. Thankfully I have someone clear my driveway for me Too bad he can't get the tractore into the yard to make a nice big clearing for the dogs That's my rant for the evening...good night all
  14. Thanks guys, using Mapquest, or my favorite, Google maps takes forever on my computer dang dial-up...that's why I asked here. I have to be there for 9:30 so I guess I'll take the 400/407 combo there, and come back up 12 if I have to go to Beaverton afterwards. Can anyone tell me the exit on the 407 I would need to take to get to King st E or do I take it to the end? I don't know Oshawa very well, I think the place I'm going is near Ritson road. Thanks for your help, Maureen
  15. Hey all, I need to go to Oshawa on Thursday morning, King St E and I think Rosiland Rd. Can anyone give me the best way to go? I'm guessing the 400/401 but I get enought of that at work...lol. Would Hwy 12 take much longer? I do have a credit for the 407, will that get me close to where I need to go? Thanks for your help For those that don't know where I'm located, the closest town to me is Penetanguishene...where it never stops snowing Oh ya, how far is Beaverton from Oshawa? I expect to have to go there afterwards...thanks again... Maureen
  16. Very cool, going to have to find my way into one of those stores one day... Maureen
  17. Hope it works for you... Maureen
  18. If I can get that Saturday off work (I'm really hoping to), I may show up...just giving you fair warning I won't know until Monday or Tuesday next week though. Maureen
  19. Good stuff, you're a brave pair being out there today...thanks for sharing Maureen
  20. paul, I could make it to Glen's faster than I could to see Tom and frankly at this point and time, that's a trip i'd like to make Maureen
  21. That must have been after I left at 5:15 this am to go to work. No snow really, blowing or otherwise. The hardest part for me was getting into Penetang as they hadn't plowed all the roads. There was 10-12 inches, took me 15 - 20 minutes to get into town, after than it was smooth sailing. Not too horrible coming home, after the plows pulled off the highway at Hillsdale I was able to do 50-60 most of the way home. Maureen
  22. NOT!!!! , that's my safe heaven and it's styaing on shore :thumbsup_anim:
  23. Anytime Glen, anytime...I love the heat...sure beats these minus 20's to minus 30's here to go with the foot of snow I've had in the last 24hrs. And Art, do your worste buddy, do your worste...just think how much business we're drumming up for you with the cold blast , you should be thanking us and bringing us gifts in june Maureen
  24. Funny Wayne, I thought you left yesterday....guess it was bad in the morning? I saw a few things on the news last night, would have made most people turn around. Hope you do better today, but looking out the window right now it doesn't look good. Maureen
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