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Everything posted by Canuck2fan

  1. The question is flawed in my opinion..... No fish is difficult to land if you are using gear that over matches anything you will run into. Musky/Pike fishermen do this more so and better than anybody and with good reason the fish they are going after must be treated with kid gloves at the boat. Any of the musky guys on here ADVOCATE using more rod/reel and line lb test than you think you will ever need. ie there are not too many 80lb muskies swimming around but most people who fish for them use that lb test as a minimum. So once they have a musky hooked it is all but certain they can "land" the fish. Smart too because Musky aren't line shy so you can almost use anchor rope and get away with it. Also folks using a boat for Salmon on the Great Lakes again make sure in most cases the rod/reel and line lb test OVERMATCH the fish they are going after so landing one is just usually a matter of time. In pier/river fishing for Salmon and steelhead it is a whole different mindset. The rod and reel match the fish while the line lb test is much less than you would ideally like to use. So you have to out smart the fish and have a bit of luck as well making it hard to land them sometimes. However there is another consideration here. The cost of setting up a rig for this type of fishing is pennies compared with tens of dollars for the two types of fishing listed above. So with long rod fishing in rivers you SET up so that the line fails rather than murdering a spawning fish by over tiring it. That makes it harder to land them just because of the type of set you have to use to be successful. I agree that landing a musky is more DANGEROUS once you have it at the boat that doesn't make it harder though to get them to the boat or it shouldn't unless you are scared once you see the teeth while you are reeling it in LOL.
  2. Get her an Ugly stick or Pfleuger trion and a President Pflueger reel..... If you go to LeBaron's and let her try the President against any other reel up to double the price she will PICK the President. It is the easiest to turn reel out there for the money and very durable as well. After her using the Pflueger everything else will feel like grinding silverware in the garbage disposal especially similarly price Shimanos!!!
  3. I would have been reluctant to share this method before it became illegal to use crayfish in Ontario as bait unless they are from the same body of water that you going to use then on. (ie you can't transport them overland anymore) As I would be afraid too many people would go catch a 120 crayfish and then wind up wasting them thinking they would use them.... For years I tried to keep crayfish and nothing really was simple, cheap or worked long term until I hit on this method. Take a large flat bottomed plastic container with a lid that has holes drilled into it. Take about 10 pages of newspaper and put it through a strip shredder. Soak the newspaper in DISTILLED water and then squeeze until it just damp. Put the newspaper in the container add your crayfish and put it in your beer fridge. I have successfully kept crayfish alive for up to one month using this method, by changing the papers once a week. However keeping this way and in good condition 2 weeks is more a realistic time frame. The cold of the fridge slows them down and the moisture on the paper keeps them from drying out. The cold should also mean that they really don't need to eat although if you wanted to you could sprinkle some fish food on the paper the day before you are going to change it. I wouldn' leave the food on the paper longer than that though. If you want to have a supply of crayfish until bass ends, just gather up and keep a few dozen when the water temps start to drop because they will dig in for the winter earlier than you think once the water gets cold. I remember having a terrible time going for crayfish and literally having to kick them in to the net because they were hibernating or inactive in the fall. Where as in the summer you get the crayfish to do the work of swimming into the net as you just walk along... lot easier on the toes. LOL
  4. I like to read just about anything I don't have a favorite author or genre... I like a story that is entertaining whether true or fiction. If it isn't entertaining then why bother? Here are some of my picks for a GOOD read in no particular order. To be on the list the book has to have been re-read at least 3 times LOL. Ford the Men and their Machines by Robert Lacey it is just exactly what the title says.... Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett a book about a couple of fictional familes along with the history of England and the Church circa 1100.... If you are a tradesman you might get more out of it. The Stand by Stephen King just a great read. The Bear and Dragon by Tom Clancy just has a more interesting plot than his other Jack Ryan novels in my opinion. Honor thy Mother don't know the auhthor it is the true story of a son's quest to find out what happened to his mother.... The Alienist by Caleb Carr a book with a lot of history and interesting plot twists. Those are just some of the ones that come to mind right away.
  5. Well first off with fluoro leaders you should be able to go heavier.... Where are the break offs occuring? If they are close to your knots then you have NOT been lubricating the line enough while tying the knots. I also try to pre tie all my leaders to the hook at home where I can dip the line into a dish of water on my desk as I pull the knot tight. I then take the hook put a good test on it..... Once it passes that test I wrap them around a piece of pipe insulation. Then on the stream I know for a fact I have 10 to 15 properly tied leaders. So at the stream all I have to do is tie it to the swivel.... Same thing applies though make sure the knot is WELL lubricated when you pull it tight. I always where possible hold it under the water while tightening it. Now if the breaks are happening away from your knots do this simple test and take a section of your leader material about 4 four feet long wrap it around each hand and snap it tight a couple of times. If it breaks your leader material is crap and you need to throw it away. I have had some many bad spools of leader material that now I just use Vanish main line.... I had one spring trip where I kept losing fish and my buddies were razzing me about not being able to tie knots properly. No one could break my line with a steady pull on it so I thought it was fine, but when a buddy snapped it we knew right away that the leader line was the culprit. Lastly remember it is the rod not the line that tires the fish, so when the fish has to bend the rod before taking line that in theory is weakening the fish. Good job on getting hook ups though but if you can't land the fish quickly it is better that they break off than you kill them by playing them for a half hour.... especially as the water temps are high still.
  6. I do tend to agree that it will cost you a fortune to buy something from Bay Bloor but it won't cost you anything but your time to see it or get a model number over the phone and then GET it somewhere else for a lot less..... We used to have a guy in town that EVERYONE would go to for any audio/video advice or ideas. Then because he only had one sale a year everyone would usually take his advice but buy the item much cheaper elsewhere...
  7. 64 the first time although I know for a fact if the one deer that cost me 20 of those points had been stuck that fast and that many times it would have went down LOL. The second time I was very disappointed to only get 87.... When they said that the shots were ALL shots you SHOULDN'T attempt they were right. Talk about showing what not to do!!!
  8. Can you try the speaker behind the TV? Is the TV just on the stand on the floor or on the TV stand on something else? If being behind doesn't screw up the sound too much that might be your best bet finding some way to mount it after you see if it works.... My Paradigm from behind the CRT I have sounds fine to me, but then I have been told I am deaf in one ear (65% true) and that I refuse to listen out of the other (100% true unless you saying something I want to hear)
  9. I have never been spooled completely. Although I do start each fall with a full spool of line. I use Pflueger 6740's and they hold a TON of line. IE the other day I was at Fishing World and saw some Raven Mainline in Pink so I figured I could get 4 reels done with a 1500 yd spool of 6lb and so I only bought one spool. Big mistake because when I put it on I only got 3 spools filled to where I like em before I could see tons of black on the line spool. Good thing I had about 900yds of Ande here to finish up another spool for me and a couple for my dad.... So now I still have to do the 8lb for salmon for but I only do two spools of that. (That is the nice thing about having 7 spools for 3 reels.) I know from past experience though that I get 330 yds of 8lb on no problem.... Even with 330 yds of new 8lb on though I have had a couple of salmon make me nervous when fishing the lake from shore though especially when they start using the river current going out to help them. I also like a full spool for casting because it seems to go further, but the other cool thing about having that much line on is that in the early part of spring just after ice out you take 7th spool and just back spool the line onto it. And you have fresh basically uneased line to do the spring run.
  10. I put my center channel behind the tv on the wall I just screwed in two screws to rest it on and then one on top to hold it from moving.... It now actually sits there behind a curtain so no one can see it and works OK even having to blast through the TV.
  11. The pathetic part of our justice system is that is no longer a punishment system LOL. Then again no one wants to hear their taxes are going up to pay for housing these losers as long as most people would like to see them locked up.... I really thought Stevo would take advantage of the Liberals lying down this past while and letting him do whatever he wants but he is all talk and no action on law and order just like the rest of them "leaders" have been for years.
  12. It is good to hear that you got your stuff back and it wasn't ruined.... Five years no parole sounds just about right to me too so Carp would have my vote too!!!
  13. I don't know about BPS but NO CANADIAN TIRE near where I am sells them anymore. They stopped about 5yrs ago or more for some undefined reason.
  14. I am dreading buying new tires this fall. I just hope my tire guy remembers me so I get a good discount. The Michelins I have been using have 121,000Km on them and probably won't do the winter LOL. By the mileage you can tell I haven't visited him in 3 yrs.
  15. I believe the watermelon was flown in I could be wrong, but so what if it was trucked? The same logic about the high cost due to its weight would still apply. To have anything of that weight shipped that far north it is going to be big dollars. High grocery prices are just a fact of life when you choose to live that far north or in a community with remote access. Actually where the fruit comes from is irrelevant in this case since the bulk of the cost is the weight of shipping that watermelon the extra distance it has to go in the case of that community. (Although as someone who works in food service I know a bit about where things come from.) I think you are missing the obvious point here which is WATERMELON is not a dietary requirement it is a LUXURY and if you can't afford it you go without. Just like this weekend when I went shopping I decided I would rather have lean ground beef at a 1.79 than striploin steak at 9.95 a pound. We all have to make choices on what food is worth to us. I am sure there are tons of people who chose the steak and I hope they enjoyed it!!!!
  16. Go get a Pflueger President reel in the size you want and then take the other 80.00 bucks out of your 150 and spend it on some other fishing toys. I haven't had any problems with my three which are all used YEAR ROUND for 3 yrs now or the two I have bought for my dad. Also your arms and wrists will thank you for getting something so smooth. Just for fun I put 2300 yds of line on 6 spools the other night in a little over an hour and I can say that with my old Shimano Mark II's and symetres I would been crippled doing that much reeling in that amout of time. Never even had a twinge of discomfort with the President though.
  17. I also think it would be cool if they really existed, though. I used to agree that it seems stranges that no carcass has been found, until I thought about it a bit more. I have spent a reasonable amount of time in the bush and walking rivers and I have never come across a large animal carcass that had died of natural causes yet. That alone has reversed my thinking on it especially when I see herds of 10 plus deer ALL OVER the areas where I am off the beaten path. The population of deer is HUGE and seems to grow every year yet I have never encountered even one body of one in all my travels. I see lots of live ones though and even almost step on fawns that are hiding, from time to time LOL. So it seems that nature does have it way of quietly desposing of larger animals that die off. So I can see why that if this creature exists and it only lives in very remote areas that finding evidence of one that died of natural causes lying round would be slim to none. Another factor that would make it tough to find a carcass is that in nature animals who are dying tend to go off by themselves and hide away.
  18. The unfortunate reality of any government spending is that the government being the largest single consumer of goods and services in any country will always pay a higher price than you or I would for something. I used to get so worked about it but after seeing it so often it doesn't even faze me anymore. I especially like when large C conservatives own businesses that deal with government. One minute they are sqawking that our taxes are killing us they are WAY to high.... The next they are giving out quotes at 3 times the price you would be charged whenever the government is buying something from them. The justification is always everyone else does it why shouldn't I. Same thing with insurance claims too LOL. It is just a vicious circle. The sad thing is that a lot the people who scream the loudest about government not spending money wisely would likely find themselves in deep financial trouble if the government ever stops over spending.... Money is just like manure you have to spread it around to any good and the governments in this country sure do that all right.
  19. How exactly isn't 39 bucks a fair price? Think about the size of it and what each pound of freight costs to move up there by air. That watermelon had to be between 10 and 15 lbs. Seems pretty reasonable to me actually for something flown in..... Aviation fuel isn't going down in price while other fossil fuel prices are soaring. The real shame about it all is that in all likelyhood the melon won't get purchased and will wind up being binned instead of being eaten.
  20. Lightning water and I don't mix.... Since May this year many times on the one day off I get each week the % chance of a boomer rolling through makes spending the 30 bucks worth of fuel to get to big water a bad bet. Only to have to turn around and come home without wetting a line. The four times I risked it I got rained on 3 no worries Frogg Toggs do work fine, one trip though was interesting as I had to wait out a major T-storm in the car for over an hour. Also the fishing sucked HUGE all 4 times I have bothered going to big water since the second week of April. Never seen it so slow at either spot EVER when I did go as well. I hope the high water levels will mean something come steelhead time though. So this year, due to time and weather constraints I have spent a lot more time fishing closer to home. I know the spots well, never get skunked and amuse myself by catching lots of bass while other's can only catch rock bass or sunfish. This year I am definitely catching good numbers of fish (except last Saturday)but they are all smaller than usual even the panfish. At one spot I have refined my approach to "sniper" the bass I want to catch. It gets a little depressing though when you constantly line up a nice 2lb plus smallie only to have a little 1/4 or 1/2 lb fish dart in and grab the bait while the bigger fish just sits there UNINTERESTED. I have to wonder what is going on, since I can't use crayfish anymore I know that is part of it but something else is still way different than the past 3 or 4 yrs. GCD says he is keeping at it because they HAVE to eat sometime and I do agree but this year I just can't crack the feeding schedule. Other years I could predict within ten to twenty minutes when the big guys would turn off and on there. I would be able to show up when others had been fishing for hours with nothing going on and nail a few decent fish and then head out because I knew nothing would bite after a certain time. This year that timing is way different but again only the smaller fish will hit anything you offer them. Which, just goes to show the best learning opportunities are usually in adverse situations. I have spent more time this year watching how a certain type of fish will attack a kind of bait compared to other species. It is also very interesting to see how a small fish uses speed to smack a large bait stunning as it swims by, so it can come back and then try to swallow it, whereas a big fish will just engulf it and carry on.
  21. Might as well of put a closed sign on my favorite bass hole. I fished for 3 hrs to finally get one smallie yesterday. I was NOT leaving until I didn't have the reek of the white striped weasel on me..... Now, my record is still in tact. I sure earned that little fish though. Usually I have one in the first 3 casts there this year. It rained while I was there and even the rock bass stopped biting for a bit.
  22. The silica bags are the best bet because DW-40 and oil aren't good for the water you will be fishing and just wash off anyhow. You can also get commercial products to put in your tackle boxes to get rid of moist air. Here is one that is available. This one can be regenerated to use over and over again. http://www.drierite.com/default.cfm?gclid=...CFRpknAodZ1ZVrg If you want silica gel you can get it here. http://www.leevalley.com/garden/page.aspx?...&cat=2,2260
  23. I think you will most spinning reels these days have a 5.2 to 1 ratio. However a lot of the taking up line slack is done by the rod as you are reeling too.... longer the rod the faster the uptake of the line. I tend to lift the rod as I am reeling then when I feel tension I set the hook.
  24. Awesome fish and definitely + six lbs on her fish. It looks like that bass has had the fall feedbag on for about 2 yrs solid LOL
  25. Don't neglect the other side of the bridge either although it doesn't open into any decent pools for a couple of miles. Walking the creek either direction is tough if the silt doesn't get you a rock will bust a shin or ankle but for a long ways though there are trails along the side if you can find em as they tend to get overgrown. Just don't step on any wild turkeys or baby fawns. I have had a couple of close encounters... I was less than 2 feet from a fawn two years ago there before she jumped up and called to mama. I never had a clue it was there, no wonder when I was a kid my dad used to tell me to NEVER go lion hunting son you just aren't that observant LOL. This year a group of wild turkeys would not stop eating as I was approaching them, they would only run about 15 ft in front of me then grab some more corn. I pity them though if do go ahead with the bow season in there this fall for them. Good thing there is no hunting strictly enforced because these birds are not shy at all.
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