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Everything posted by Canuck2fan

  1. I agree with the fighting part all right. I got about an 8lb female this spring she just went rabid..... Must have jumped about 10 times and I had out about 100yds of line when I set the hook. Unbelievable show for a fish with such a slender body.
  2. Yep if you have DSL available in your area Acanac are the ones to go with for cheap. I bought my sister a year's worth for her birthday in June. She isn't very tech savy and has had NO COMPLAINTS. Now if I could just get my contract over with before the special stops I will switch myself LOL.
  3. OH OH here we go again. They shut down a major pipeline today so expect another increase according the McTeague but he doesn't know the amount.... He said on Duffy Live that it shouldn't be as big as last nights but it will still be significant.
  4. It is really unbelieveable how something so useless as gold can cause so much envoirmental damage because it is shiny.... Gold is good for only one use and that is conduction in electronics. There is already enough gold that has been mined for that to last for enternity. However people have been duped into wearing it as jewelry so that makes it "valuable". Seriously the valuable metals "should" be the ones you can make things out of that are durable and utitle. It really makes a person wonder about our priorities.
  5. Ummm you don't want to be waiting until next year to go catch the trout...... You will do much better fishing the tribs with it until from NOW until freeze up. In the spring the best bait to get going is using rainbow spawn closely followed by worms. The fish that come into a river in the spring don't ever see salmon spawn, so they don't seem to like it as much as the fall river bows. The rainbows who follow the salmon up the rivers this fall have quite the feeding frenzy on salmon roe. So use it to get some rainbow skein tie that in daily lots and freeze for the spring and late winter.
  6. So after you get the hen with the loose eggs you bleed her. Then you take the eggs and put them in a knee high and soak in the river for a few minutes it doesn't take long at all. Drain out all the moisture. Put in a freezer bag and you have river cured eggs that you should be able to work with no problem. Now if you want to season them up like in Angies recipe take the eggs and lay out to dry but not a paper towel. Get some silicon paper (ask for a few sheets at a bakery) that rolled up crap sold in the grocery store will drive you crazy with the eggs rolling around on it. Why silicon paper the eggs won't stick to that. Once they are dried and just a bit tacky just do the exact same thing as in in her recipe. Anise oil, borax knox gelatine..... Or if you want to leave em natural they should last at least a month in the fridge in a very clean glass jar. I tend to like to take any loose eggs that I have river cured though and tie them the night I get them and then I just freeze them in containers small enough for a trip that I then double wrap in freezer bags. I have seen days where with dirty water it was only the stinky rotten tied roe that had been thawed and refrozen a few times (which is a heck of a lot easier to do already tied btw) be the only thing that would attrack hits. The exact opposite is true too though LOL But that is steelheading.
  7. Here today gone tomorrow will have a "hole" new meaning..... sorry couldn't resist. The best part is, is that it is win win. If it works and nothing bad happens they scientists involved will have done something totally amazing. If it goes bad it is not like anyone will be left to point a finger and call them stupid.
  8. In general my sources tell me with the water temp still in the low 70's on the weekend nothing going on yet. That is not to say the lucky might not catch one. Hell I have seen coho caught in all but July LOL.
  9. Out of a boat you can get away with 6.5 ft for most things with no worries. However I shore fish a lot and sometimes using the 8ft light action rod I use does wonders for reaching around trees and shooting line a long way when I only have a live leech on and no weight. Put on a 1/16 of ounce of shot and that extra foot of rod translates into an extra 20 to 20 ft with less effort casting.
  10. You are going to have to get in touch with the MNR office and talk to the CO's from the district you are fishing in to be sure and get it in writing!!!! Yep, that will be a pain but I can almost guarantee you that NOBODY but that particular CO knows how they will react in that situation. We have seen many many times that different CO's apply the letter of the law differently. So if you want to be completely safe why ask a bunch of us squirrels on here? Go right to the source and get the right answer right away.
  11. Salmon are just the appeteaser.... What you really want so you get your money's worth with steelhead gear is to wait for the bows to follow the salmon run and that lasts right up until the water hardens and you hear that clink rattle rattle when you cast out in the dark. It also restarts the minutes you can cast between the icebergs during break up. Last year where we fish we had a total of 7 weekends from Sept 2 until opening day in April when we couldn't find open water within a 40 minute drive.... For clarification those 7 weekends were not in a row either. 2 were in January then five were late February and early March. Best two days I had though were Christmas and Boxing day LOL. So enjoy your new gear!!!
  12. Yes, the new male lion will in some cases eat the cubs too. It is a jungle out there after all.....
  13. I have a simple theory of why salmon hit skein.... Same reason a male lion will kill any cubs with the pride when they take over. It eliminates the competition for the young he will produce. No other reason makes sense to me, since all the expert muckity mucks on here will tell you in no uncertain terms NO salmon EVER "eats" anything once it comes into the river.....
  14. For a quality rod at a reasonable price since they stopped making the Shakespeare Catera you can't beat a Shimano Convergence 10ft, you can use this rod to chuck spoons all day and also use it for bottom fishing off piers or even in the lake from shore. In a pinch it will work as a float rod especially off of a pier once the bows follow the salmon in. A perfect reel for it is a Pflueger President 6740. At Lebarons the combo will be about 110 or so. If you are going to be doing a ton of casting check out that reel over the others mentioned they will feel like you are grinding silverware in a garbage disposal in comparison. The 6740 will also hold about 250 yds of 8lb XT which will come in handy if you get a boot on.
  15. I can believe that friends of mine who work in the industry say the same thing.... However, if someone can save themselves 3 to 4 hundred bucks on a set of tires and rims by going to the U.S. they owe it to themselves to do so!!!! One reason the cheaper prices aren't available in Canada is that we accept that they aren't!!!! I got a laugh when one tire dealer here wouldn't sell a friend a set of tires for the same price as he could get in the U.S. the dealer said that the cost was higher to him than the U.S. was charging. My bud said that is OK I am going to get them in the U.S. and you will have to look after the warranty.... The dealer claimed he WOULD NOT do that. The manufacturer "explained" to the dealer that yes he would fix any warranty problems and like doing it too, or they would pull their tires from his shop. Talk about playing both ends against the middle LOL....
  16. If you want to do your "own" research the following website has some execellent information, especially the user reviews. It was even recommended by the Toronto Star as a good place to get tire information. www.tirerack.com Also if you can nip across to Niagra Falls the savings can be HUGE over Canadian prices. For some reason Canadian Tire dealers just are not giving us comparable pricing yet.
  17. Probably true enough. Granddad wasn't one to stretch the truth about fishing.... He didn't have too, because as anyone who was around Port Dover between 1905 and 1920 will tell you there were fish aplenty, back then. BTW the first time Granddad and his buddies saw a sturgeon they were swimming and one of the kids swore it was a shark because he didn't see it until it hit his leg and then the dorsel fin broke the surface.... When they race up on shore the kid who had been hit had a huge gash in his leg from where the skin abraded making then all sure it was a killer shark LOL. They ran back to town and got laughed out of it by the old timers who knew it was just a sturgeon.
  18. All you really need for bass is Gulp Alive 3" leeches and a number 2 tru turn hook.... Everything else is just extra weight to carry.
  19. When my grandfather was a kid and they fished for them out of Port Dover, what they used to do was get one on a line. They would then put you out in a small dingy and it would tow you until it was exhausted.... Then the big boat would come back and pick you both up. I didn't see where that sounded like fun myself, apparently it could take several hours for the fish to tire enough too. Now remember there was no GPS, cell phone or even radios in those days so there you were being towed around by this huge monster with only the vauge promise from the captain of the big boat that they would find you "eventually" on Lake Erie no less. Not to mention quite often the fish was big enough to sink your dinghy if it rammed it. If that wasn't enough to deter you add in the fact that a sturgeon's hide is like a rasp it can flay the skin on you to the bone just by brushing against you as it swims along.
  20. If you want to talk criminal think about the fine YOU get as the owner under the HTA for losing a tire off of a licenced vehicle or trailer and causing an accident. Even on a brand new trailer. I almost had that happen to me when a garage didn't properly tourque the lugs on a car I had certified, I drove 100 miles and noticed something wasn't right. One of the tires was only being held by 3 lugs with a couple of threads..... It is one of those situations where you might be right not to check heck you could even be DEAD RIGHT. Checking doesn't cost anything but a few minutes.
  21. Not really free when it costs you a half tank of gas to get to the cleaning station LOL. As for carp not biting on roe? I will agree with salmon roe not being the best but I have seen dozens of carp caught in the late spring on trout roe. One poor sap caught 4 in a row on roe. He was fit to be tied.
  22. Ummm it wasn't a "landowner" at all that put that on your windshield it was a ticked off fisherman because you were fishing in HIS SPOT and this is his way of getting you not to come back LOL. I highly doubht that something signed "the landowner" has any legal validity regardless of anything else. In all likelyhood the land owner is the BANK anyhow.
  23. At least some fish got caught and you both kept your sanity.... I hope the boat owner can laugh about it.
  24. No way 48 is going to win. Cousin Carl is going to make it 3 in a row!!! Dang I was wrong on that one....
  25. Nice doctor..... Blue why oh why? I don't care what you paid for it, it still ain't worth it. Nastiest tasting brew I ever drank. Although for some reason it was always the number one selling brew in Canada back in the day when I drank. I could never figure it out either. I used to have search everytime I went by the plant where they made it for where they kept the goats and mules they organically filtered it through. Could smell em but could never see em. LOL Anyhow hope you are enjoying the cheap suds..... but you could have at least bought a molson product.
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