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Everything posted by Canuck2fan

  1. For the folks who use the various sites are any of these sites ACCURATE though? I check the Canadian Marine weather buoy forecast and actual data and it is NEVER even close to being right.
  2. I am hearing that the run is non existent this year..... salmon numbers are down from last year to this point and nobody sounds hopeful it will pick up. As for this weekend be prepared for high, fast and MUDDY conditions.
  3. I am sad to say that I have yet to find a "deal" on mesh my friend.... The dollar store doesn't carry it yet. LOL. However I have found a mesh that I like and it is a little bigger, softer and stronger than the other brands I have tried. The brand is Atlas spawn net. I gave a pal who owns a bait store some and he begged me to pick him up so more because he said it was the best he had used.... Considering I have seen him sell upwards of 500 or 600 hundred tied roe bags in a busy morning so him saying it is the best is a pretty good endorsement too.
  4. Yeah they are on sale at Cabelas just be prepared for sticker shock!!! I ordered a set of stockingfoot waders from them on sale for 99.99 last year when I got them the price had exploded to 168.99 due to the same exchange rate it is now, handling, shipping/taxes and brokerage on all of the above. Sent them back which was only 16 bucks but here is the funny part. I had to sent them back to somewhere in Canada LOL. These are cheaper though and only 89.99 so you should do better and apparently the warranty is good. If you want lifetime warranty go with LL Bean a little more money but you will never have to buy another pay as long as LL Bean doesn't own a bank and therefore goes broke. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...350005&rid=
  5. On a serious note, you will find that most steelhead you catch now will have immature eggs.... Of course if you happen to get lucky and get a fall spawning steelhead you could just hit the egg jackpot in the next few weeks. I know five or six guys who were lucky enough to do that early November where I like to fish.
  6. Hello you are mistaken THERE ARE NO QUOTAS for tickets!!!!! According to two different Police Chiefs on Roy Green a while back.... The term is "suggested" minimums no quotas exist LOL. The best part was they both kept on saying that no matter how hard Roy pressed them.... I think they actually believed the lies they were telling.
  7. I don't think there is a set rule.... I have only ever been pulled over doing 20KM + over though. I have seen others get tickets for doing as little as 12 over though. The officer said her sargeant said no free passes that night so she was writing up anything that moved LOL. (she did offer to knock the ticket down but then corrected herself and said the fine is the same up to 17KM over with no points) I think road conditions, area, type of vehicle you are in and what kind of day the officer is having play a more important role than anything. Of course one thing every officer I have ever talked to will agree on is the fact that they don't like standing out in the freezing rain or driving sub zero winds to write the same type of ticket they would gladly hand out on a warm summer's day.
  8. I would think that any stock related to things people need no matter what would be the only safe haven right now. What that is I don't know exactly. Mainly, because the things that people once thought they couldn't live without are likely going to be a lot different than what they can survive without for the next little while.
  9. I have to go +1 on the Pflueger President 6740's I have bashed the heck out of my two and they just keep on working. I fish all winter long for steelhead with mine, and use to fish all summer. They seem to take -30C or +30C equally well. I found shimanos at the cooler temps felt like I was turning a coffee grinder...
  10. Careful Rich.... That gomer who owns all the fishing tug boats in Port Stanley might be reading this and think he has permission to up his quota by a couple hundred thousand tonnes..... OH too late he does that every year and just pays the fines. The sad part is I wish I was joking....
  11. Spoons out proform most other methods off of piers IMO. I have only caught one salmon in the dark in about 30 trips. Just before dark and right after dawn always seem to produce the higher numbers on the L Huron tribs. However, on a night near the full moon the numbers seem to go higher at night.
  12. For oil I just use 3in1 and the lithium grease I get it at CTC.
  13. +1 on oiling regularly since I use my reels all winter for steelhead it is especially important to get a good lithium grease as well. The most important storage tip for any reel though is too back the drag right off if you are going to store it for any length of time. No tension on the springs helps them last longer obviously.
  14. I think everyone here is guilty of buying from all and any sources LOL.
  15. If your sore throat persists for more than 5 or 6 days you really should go see if it is strep or not. The infection if you have it can spread to other areas after your throat feels better and do some real damage.... The only thing that will get rid of strep safely is a full course of anitbiotics. I find the hardest thing about having a sore throat is getting to sleep. Here is an old home rememdy that works for everyone who is brave enough to try it. Take a large glass of coke heat it in the mircowave, until it is really hot (it will probably boil though). Pop two tylenol cold and flu sip the warm coke and go to bed for 10 HOURS you will sleep like a baby and wake up able to handle the day.... (worse case senario is that you start liking warmed up coke LOL.)
  16. I might be wrong but a few things that are going on right now economy wise could help a new fishing store. Live bait is going to be banned after 2010, if you call the ministry to get a license for selling it. They will tell you to forget about it because the 40,000 dollar start up cost for tanks can't be recouped in one year. So take that into account. However, even though I am TOTALLY against such a ban it gives fishing stores an opporunity to sell more plastics!!! I don't know about the rest of you, but I rarely use plastics yet I have a small shopping bag full of them collecting dust.... The other "ADVANTAGE" is that with the right location you can get top buck for those last minute items that people forget to include when ordering from Cabelas, LeBaron and BPS. I hate paying the price my local guy charges for terminal tackle and I am totally disgusted by the fact that no matter what I have wanted from him in the last 2 yrs he never has it in stock..... I sometimes go back 3 or 4 times to finally get it. Why do I do that you ask. Simple, it is still cheaper than taking a 4hr round trip to BPS or 3hrs to LeBarons' from where I live. So if I need something for this weekend, and cant't justify paying next day shipping from the big boys,(which is becoming horribly expensive with exchange, shipping, handling, "DOOTY" and taxes on all the charges" when I check my gear on Tuesday he is the only game in town so he wins. I spent over 500 bucks there in the past just for that reason of covenience. So location can really help just like in any business. Now if he had the stuff in stock all the time I wanted and was just 10 to 15% cheaper the number would be have been over 2000.00 though. The last factor I see helping a local shop drive sales in a tough economic situation near a good fishery is the human information aspect. Sure ordering online and making the twice yearly pilgramage to the big guys takes up a lot of my dollars but a fair percentage goes to local stores near the water I will be fishing as I don't mind trading 20.00 to 30.00 bucks worth of small items for up to date info about what is going on with that particular fishery on any given day!!! To maximize those sales though open at least an hour before dawn and have the coffee on!!!!! Hope your friends gets a A+
  17. They could do that but then the millions of rich little blood sucking speculators wouldn't be able to make an extra profit. The excuse is that since it is a commodity it is OK to pillage customers at EVERY opportunity. Funny though pork bellies are a commodity too and I don't see someone in a supermarket running about madly with a pricing gun everytime the price changes for them in Chicago at the Merchantile Exchange. I am starting to see the very real possibility that in the not too distant future a blissful time for us customers where these speculators, oil execs and toady politicans who allow this sort of thing to go unquestioned are tried for and convicted of crimes against humanity LOL I can dream can't I?
  18. Streamside are making some pretty sweet 13.5 float rods for under 100 bucks lifetime warranty too. I don't know if they make shorter ones however, I have seen guys who know what they are doing stop and turn big fish with them using pins or spinning reels. If you are ever at Angler Outfitter's in Woodstock ask Joshlin about them. I just saw a 3pc 17fter but I didn't even look at the price..... tv blew up last week and Nascar ain't over yet so.... there will go part of this falls fishing equipment budget LOL.
  19. I know I hate to even let use my net to net a fish for me. Quite often unless I really know the person I net them myself on a pier. I would rather lose a fish that bust the handle now that I got it set up perfectly for where I like to pier fish... I bought the cheapest net I could find on sale at Walmart it was under 20 bucks I just wanted the hoop to hold the netting. I could not for the life of me find aluminum tubing in the right diameter to make my own hoop. I then bought a new larger rubberized mesh for 8 bucks. I lucked out at the pool shop the owner's wife was working on a Saturday morning in January (it was blizzarding out too) and she was so happy to see a customer she gave me the two sections of handle I wanted for free since she couldn't be bothered to figure out a price. So I got the net for under 30 bucks and it is about 14ft long before the hoop so I don't miss many fish LOL.
  20. Well lets all be realistic NOBODY in government, private enterprise or for their own consumption is going to anything about cutting fossil fuel use until they profit from it somehow. That is why I said what I said in the holdfast's thread. We have to decide that as a nation it is in the best interests of everyone to get going on electric cars. If fuel cells ever work it might be too late to switch to them. Electric cars with a Canadian Power grid supplying the juice would be the fastest cheapest most practical solution.... As for T Boone I say let him make his money just like we should let any body here who comes up with solutions or works for those people make theirs. Getting off fossil fuel is inevitable doing so now will have slightly higher start costs. But who ever leads the race in developing the tech needed will lead the world financially so why not us? We have the smarts, the potential for HUGE tidal power stations, wind farms, even solar fields and we definitely have the unused manufacturing capacity to build the cars in ON and QC.... We just need a leader who isn't owned by big oil to inspire us instead of scaring us.
  21. Yeah it is a good one my dad got one for like 24.99 last year. He likes it alot it is so much easier on him to carry than the old one he used to lug around. We had not fished for over 15 yrs and to be honest when he picked up his big rapala box he could hardly lift it.... The difference between being 58 and 73 might have had something to do with it too LOL.
  22. He isn't a Minister he is the opposition.... Even when he was in government he couldn't get his party to do anything to stop them, although he certainly did try. The reason the oil companies aren't being charged is more complicated than you would think. It would take writing a new law because what is happening while morally and ethically outrageous is not illegal. The law McTeague wants is one that mirrors the Anti Trust laws in the states, which would make it more a civil not legal matter. The problem is the aggravated by Nafta which states we must oil sell to the U.S. as well so we get tied into every problem they imagine. That might help us in a bit though because their government is looking to limit speculation there which will help here. The big problem is as stated though we currently need gas to live the life style we want to live. Until we dig deep as a nation and do something about that the longer we will keep getting hijacked at the pumps. If we had a real leader from any party they would IMMEDIATELY after the election do three things. 1) Pass a law requiring a 10yr moratorium on any enviormental study that holds up any national energy crisis program. (that way a panel of industry, government and citizens could mandate that any project in the interest of a national energy program would take place without the blood sucking consultants holding it up for years.) 2) Declare that by any means necessary within 5 years they would be a CANADIAN ONLY electricity grid. This grid would use and all existing technologies to develop ways to power this grid to the extent that within 8 yrs it could power at a minimum of 80 percent of the energy needed for domestic transportation by electrity, on top of enough power for everything we currently use. This would all be done by tender. 3) Any corporation or person holding up or excessively profiteering from any of those projects would be guilty of treason and treated as such. If we did that then it would make sense for everyone to begin the switch to electric cars and electric transit systems. The technology we would develop could lead the world, and make us the new energy kings. But what do we get the two stevies and jack whining about how they can't do anything....
  23. Do yourself a favour and just get a big enough rubberized 4ft long handled net. Then go to a pool store and have them cut you to size a length of aluminum the length that will fit in your car then an extension that goes over it..... If it is less than 5 ft just have them give you another length of the inside tube. Get them to give you two spring buttons. Now you take the net hoop out of the net you bought and put it in the inner handle. Take a cold chisel and tamp it in to shape it for the two ends of the net (that is the hardest part but it doesn't have to look pretty). Now drill your two holes for the screws. Put the screws in with lock tight. Drill out your holes for the buttons that click for the length. Now you put the buttons in the inside of the smaller diameter poles about 10" from the bottom of the one with the net on it. Same for the extra length.... Now you have a fifteen foot long net system So when you need all three lengths on a tall pier you carry the second the extension inside the outer diameter pole. YOu should be able to get a 15ft long net handle for under 30 bucks and about a half hour of your time. Also when netting a fish you have the fish in the net then you put the net beside the pier and pull it straight up hand over hand you don't scoop it like you would on a boat.... That way you won't bend the handle. Of course you do have to worry about buttheads driving over it while it is on the pier and sitting on the ground in the parking lot LOL.
  24. Somedays having absolutely nothing to lose is a good thing..... I would have went liquid about 6 months ago the writing was on the wall.
  25. Congrats on hooking up so many fish. I don't want to sound like a broken record but as I said in another similar thread the reel/line doesn't tire the fish the ROD does. So if your setup is too light on any component it breaks at the weakest points ie line usually near the knots, if not then the fish is breaking you off an a snag. (nothing can help you there) However, realistically you aren't likely going stop a big salmon in a small run with lots of snags even if your rod is the thickness of a tree trunk, without using braid or heavy mono. There are a couple of things to try though. One if the salmon goes for a run and you can't hold it try letting your line go as free as possible for a second or two. Hopefully when the fish doesn't feel resistance that may make it stop.(believe me it is TOUGH to let the line go slack as that goes pretty much against all you have ever been told about how to fight a fish) If that happens wait a second or so, before you try bringing it back to you. A few times I have been lucky enough to have that happen. However on a pin reel that be bad as usually when the fish feels pressures again after stopping sometimes it comes at you instead of away from you.... That is a whole other problem keeping up reeling a basically one to one ratio pin. The second thing is to do as many others have already suggested pick the spots for you battles where you have the advantage.... Screw around for an hour of so getting hookups in the spots you are having trouble landing them in, but before or after go up or down stream to other drifts where you have room. ie trying the end of the pier if you have one and drift out with the river current it could be the time of your life getting something on and having a couple hundred yds of line out playing with it in the lake. (not so good for the fish though if the fight lasts a half hour or so)
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