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Everything posted by Canuck2fan

  1. If you are looking for summer weight rain gear I would highly recommend getting Frog Toggs fisherman series. I needed a 3X so that I could also wear my fishing vest UNDER my rain gear (I used to hate having all the gear in the vest get wet) whenever it rained. I ordered my set off ebay for under 30.00 Canadian total but that was back when the dollar was strong. I don't know where you can get them locally in 3X as bass pro only goes up to 2X on the website. Cabelas in the U.S. does sell them in 4X
  2. Here is one article that took 20 seconds to google where it states that Ottawa has been pushing for it for years.... and mentions Liarhety by NAME!!!! http://www.thestar.com/news/ontario/article/607564 Quote from article. "Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty has long pushed Ontario to merge the two taxes, saying it will work with all provinces interested in harmonization. Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador have already harmonized their sales taxes with the GST" Also part of the money the ease the transition known the 1000 dollar bribes is going to come from the FEDERAL government so why would they do that if they didn't want the taxes harmonized. And it was going to benefit them somehow? Just think that Ottawa gets to hold that money for months before remitting it to the province or even longer!!! I would take the intersest on the taxes collected for a week and retire for life....
  3. I wish I could truly believe that fluro makes a difference... but I just can't. I have sat beside anglers using the EXACT same setup as them and got nothing all day while they could NOT stop reeling in fish after fish. I have also seen it go the other way. That is using mono or fluro leaders so for me the verdict is still out. I have found though that using fluro does one thing it gives a little more confidence in really clear water because the science says it should be better and it costs at least twice as much. And I don't like wasting money so I just THINK it is better LOL.
  4. After reading this I find it strange that everyone is slamming the Ontario liberals for all the "new taxing". The truth is the FEDERAL conservatives have told the province of Ontario if you want any chance of getting what you rightfully deserve in transfer payments instead of getting screwed like we always have in Ontario you MUST harmonize the taxes.... For the majority of federal programs we put in 34 percent of the money but only get 20% or less back. So Lairity and Stevo cooked up this bait and switch at the federal level saying if you play ball with us we will start to give you back some of what you legally deserve. Another funny thing is no one one complained about what they now pay the GST on.... Why isn't everyone writing their MP saying we are getting killed by paying the GST on this stuff. So when we harmonize the taxes it should COME OFF all these items instead of being increased by 8%. If Ontario doesn't charge it now why are the FEDS forcing them to charge it on all these new items? I guess it is all a matter of perspective.
  5. I am lucky I live in an apartment building, where my neighbor who sometimes goes fishing with me built a fish cleaning station in the laundry room. The other tenants think it is a laundry folding shelf but we know better. The shelf extends over the edge of the sink an inch or so, so cleaning the shelf is a breeze. Hot soapy water then bleach a quick rinse and it is good as new. When done with the cleaning everything goes into a garbage bag and into the bin outback. BTW the bin stinks so bad that the fish after a week or so kind of sweetens it up some. LOL The funny thing is the only question I have EVER been asked by any other tenant who has caught me cleaning fish down there is if could I spare some fish because it looks so good LOL. I usually share too to keep the peace just in case.
  6. Congrats and along with the camera be sure and pack the odd can of bug spray too LOL.
  7. It really depends on if you are going to concentrate on floating in small rivers. If you going to do that then I would take whatever rod you are going to use and take the reel that balances best on it. I spend a lot of my time steelheading off of the piers either floating or bottom bouncing so I use a Pflueger President 6740. It has enough line capacity to fish the piers or the lake itself where long runs are the rule not the exception. The drag is good enough to use when I float but I actually perfer to fish open bail when drifting or floating. The Pflueger President line of reels is about half the price of the symetre from Shimano and 10 times as smooth. I have had mine from 3 yrs now and only missed about 5 weekends each year from September 1st till opening week so they have seen a lot of use and have held up great.
  8. You should try going to the manufacturers website and tell them you bought one at CTC but it didn't have the cover.... Hopefully the company will happy someone bought their product and send you a cover.
  9. That has to be the same guy who keeps calling my 96 yr old grandmother who has never had her driver's license much less a car....
  10. I don't know what is going on either. I signed up for the list and seem to be the lucky one who now gets 2 or 3 calls a day. Since I am looking for work right now I can't call screen in case it is a prospective employer... I do however get to have a little fun with the telemarketer, I rehooked up my indestructable old fashioned hard wired phone. After I politely tell the caller I am not interested and wish to be removed from their call list. While talking lower and lower hoping they turn up the volume on their end so that they can hear me. I say even more politely have a nice daa..... hoping they haven't hung up before I smash the phone against the side of my metal desk a couple of times as hard as I can. Which thankfully so far has not damaged the phone or desk in any way ;o) I still think that any political party that wants to win a landslide victory only has to promise to make telemarketing and the sending of spam of any kind a capital offense.
  11. I wonder how the limit is affected when you are back out fishing with cured perch eyes. Say you have 40 perch eyes left as bait which equals 20 fish and then you catch 35 new perch when a CO happens along? Are you going to get a fine or a nice pat on the back since you technically over your limit at that point.
  12. I have always bled salmon or trout I am going to keep. After talking with my uncle a few years back about muddy tasting bass he suggested killing them right away if you plan to keep some smallies. I have done it ever since and no more muddy tasting bass either... It kind of makes sense if the fish is stressed on a stringer on in a live well it has to produce some unwanted chemicals which could affect the taste. I wonder if anybody has done any testing in a lab?
  13. Too late they have been hackable with chips in them in Europe almost since they were introduced... http://www.yourprivacy.co.uk/ChipAndPinCards.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-38...N-security.html
  14. This the ultimate comfort food recipe.... 1.5 lb of ANY ground meat browned with a small onion diced. I have used beef, turkey, pork, veal. I have even used cooked salmon flaked with a bit of green onion 8 slices of cooked bacon crumbled or 4ozs of diced ham I have even used coined up pillars hot pepperettes to add a bit of spice. Place them in a 9in deep pie plate Shread 6oz of your favourite cheese and put over the meat. In a 2CUP measuring cup take 1/2 cup of any egg based salad dressing. I like using half mayonaisse and half PC salsa ranch salad dressing. Add 4 eggs one at at time beating throughly with a fork after each egg. Lastly blend in 1/2 cup of half and half. Pour the mixture over the meat and cheese and bake until set in preheated 375 F oven. Usually takes about 30 to 35 minutes. Cool for 5 minutes and enjoy!!! This is excellent cold the next day with a salad as well. I make this so often that when ground beef or pork is on sale I buy 10 to 15 lbs and brown it off and freeze it in 1 lb lots so I can throw this together even quicker.
  15. I absolutely do WISH that everyone in any industry had the guts and authority to stand up for what is right what sane person wouldn't want that? And just because I happen to disagree with you doesn't mean I am not awake LOL
  16. I think Mike Holmes is not arrogant so much as ANGRY and to me that is good thing!!! So many people in so many of the trades have knuckled under and been beaten down so they ALLOW the shoddy workmanship to happen just to make a buck. I can understand how and why it happens too, lets face it they have to feed their families somehow, and if quick and dirty is the only way to earn a paycheque what can they really do? Almost everyone who says they work or worked in the trades knows minimum code is a joke. Which is MH's biggest gripe. The thing is if anything is going to happen to improve minimum code then it will take a TON of arrogant ANGRY people who won't bend until the problem is addressed!!!!
  17. Towers now that brings back some memories.... The Towers here closed and what store filled the hole in the mall? Zellers which was at best a step side ways. Them Zellers move over to where Kmart was and really took a dive in stocking items. The only rival for Towers in incompetance was Consumers Distributing LOL
  18. I guess they didn't tell you the rain checks are good at any store.... You just have to check at your store after the sale. If they have stock they have to honour the raincheck. If they tell you they don't it just takes a quick cellphone call to CTC head office and they happily explain to the store staff about the franchise agreement and yadda yadda yadda LOL. I love going in with a rain check from Kitchener to the Stratford store just to irritate them in Stratford because they never have items in stock after a sale starts on good items. Which means if you don't run in and pick it up on the night BEFORE the sale starts it will be sold out. I used to do that if I really wanted something and just get a price adjustment after... Recently I found out though that at both the Zellers and CTC in Stratford that the "staff" who do the pricing changes don't seem to work past 6PM at either store so the price is almost always changed by then the night before. So no trip back for an adjustment or rain check. I am hopeful when Walmart comes that the stores here will grow a brain and get it together so they actually have stock but I won't hold my breath. St.Marys CTC is the best one in the chain for my money. One time I picked up a rain check for a friend who couldn't find something in Kitchener or Cambridge where they wouldn't give him a rain check just because the ad said there were no rainchecks. St.Marys said no problem I could get a raincheck which I did... I then promptly forgot all about it. 6 MONTHS later they called and told me the my items were in... I called my buddy who had wanted them for Thanksgiving but since Easter was in two weeks he said to go get them if I could. The next day I was delivering right beside the CTC so I go to pick them up and they didn't have the item on the raincheck... they had a similar model that was more than double the price instead. The owner came out apologized for taking so long, he said when he was going through the rainchecks that were outstanding, he authorized the staff to upgrade a number of items like that. He said he wished sometimes the staff would clue in and do that the week after the sale instead of waiting for months to ask him if it is OK. Since it is a small town they pretty much know every customer by name and he said that keeping a customer happy like me who he knows spends a TON of money there is a worth losing a few points of margin every now and then... I guess all the times I made a point of telling him I am from Stratford but drive to St. Marys to buy there because it is faster than waiting for 40 minutes while the teenaged staff in Stratford hide in the back room before coming out and saying I know the computer says we have it but I can't find it can you come back tomorrow and check again when Bill is here...
  19. Have you upgraded the bearings in your Okuma? That is a much cheaper option and some folks say it makes the Sheffield unbeatable for any price....
  20. Not a union rep at all in fact I have never belonged to one. I do how ever know my history with respect to when and WHY labour laws were passed. If you take the time to do some research you might be surprised to learn that in almost all cases labour laws came into effect AFTER those rights were won by a union first... If you thought that your union couldn't or wouldn't protect your interests just wait until you have to rely on the labour laws to do it.... In Ontario I just found out that it would be a minimum of 8 months before the board here would even begin an investigation. Which tells me not only is that not going help me before I would be financially ruined but that that there sure are a lot companies out there not following the rules if there are that many investigations going on. So I remain unconvinced that companies tend to do the right thing just because it is the right thing to do. Unions might overdue it some times but then again management are the ones who allow it to happen.
  21. I find it interesting that the "manager" of a company is bashing a union and people think this new or note worthy? What would truly merit interest is for the media or management to acknowledge three basic facts. 1 NO UNION ANYWHERE ever wrote the contract they received from a company they merely signed up for what the MANAGEMENT offered them. So why does no one blame the management? 2 Free trade instead of fair trade is what has caused all this and I have never heard the UAW or CAW ask for anything but fair trade. So blame the businesses and the politicans who have bought the garbage that free trade is beneficial to any but a select few. 3 In the same time that management salaries went up 580% the percentage of labour costs in building a big three car went from 20% down to a maximum of 8% that it costs now. So where is the waste and inefficency really happening? I would like to see what the people who bash unions at every turn are going to say when they are gone and they get to see what companies unchecked will do to wages and the standard of living in North Amercia.... People obviously don't know the history of capitalism if they really believe unions have no place anymore.
  22. Steelheading when I first notice a bite starting. I usually go "you know you waaaannntttt IT. Once I set the hook and fight it for about 20 seconds then I go FISH ON. I really have to learn how to say that is a bunch of different dialects though because lots of times people don't seem to understand me. So they leave their lines in the way which then affords them opportunity to hear a multitude of swear words that I know directed at them... which they do seem to understand because they finally do then get their lines out of the way. If I am bass fishing I turn to whoever else is there and say now you are down by how many ever fish they are behind. This is only because I always catch the most bass and it is always helpful to remind the other angler who is king of the river LOL.
  23. I agree with the limit of 2 across all of the lakes and that should be a combo of salmon/trout of any species. Until they do something about the commercial fishery quotas it won't make a difference anyhow. Kemper if you want to see a stocking program stop wanting and get involved with a local club who does what they can. I was fishing last fall with a bunch of people I didn't know and one of them was constantly griping about the lack of fish lack of size and how they should put more fish in the river.... After about 15 minutes of this guy spewing all sorts of degrading comments an older angler came over to him and asked him point blank how many fish have you put in this river? The mouth piece looked shocked for a second then admitted he hadn't done anything. The older man said he had put over 2 million fish in this very river and now that he was 76 and for health reasons could no longer work the long hours required to help the club they were looking for younger guys to help..... Mouth piece packed up and ran off after that. I hadn't even realized there was a local club doing something on the river I like to fish so I hope that this spring when the time comes I can volunteer my time to help out. If everyone could pitch in just a little maybe how knows, the MNR might see the interest and we could get them assist more?
  24. I think that if you go on the website and renew without a card then you must print that out and carry it with you and your unexpired outdoor card.... If you go to an outlet that sells licences they give a sticker.
  25. Rich how come you aren't cutting up the gulp to try smaller pieces? I find gulp live worked great until the fish went to school and learnt to avoid it this summer. I just found on smaller waters they caught on to it and it made the fishing tough when that happened. If you are fishing small ponds that might be the problem so change the shape because it sounds like they sure like the scent?
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