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Everything posted by Canuck2fan

  1. According to the powers that own our politicians the price increase in Canada is to protect us from shortages that would be caused by thousands of profiteering Yankees coming north in their oil tankers and buying gas at lower prices and then heading south to sell it there. That would cause potential shortages here in the future. So BIG oil who loves and protects us Canadian consumers has RAISED prices immediately to protect us from that happening..... Gee thanks We are so conditioned to believe stupidity with respect to gas, insurance, cell phone data and taxes, so the lies, fly and we in Canada buy all of them at inflated prices. That no one in power dares to question..... Why, when as EVERYONE, who add and subtract has pointed out in this threat, that any price we see for GAS is far cheaper currently in the US of A, would a trucker come north pay more to sell it for less there, is believable. Makes the LIE they are using to PROFITEER on the storm all the crueler. Yet the oil execs will get away with it, and earn huge bonuses for doing it. If they were small store owners in the area of Texas doing the same with their inventory, they would be publicly shamed, possible beaten and perhaps even jailed....
  2. Are you sure you can't do better overall getting a new Ram with all the deals they have now? Unless you are paying cash it would have to be almost a give away for me to look at a used Ram given the current deals available on new ones... As the monthly payments could easily be less for a new vehicle, with full warranty and hopefully a higher resale value in the future. If you can find the trim you want that is. Some dealerships are offering 30%+ off new. Up from 25% off in the last few months so the selection might be slim now. Check out redflagdeals.com for a thread about dealers who are willing to save you some money.
  3. Interesting reading the various posts.... Basically, it seems that there is no political will to stop it because the solution will be worse than the problem. The criminals have figured out our society is more than OK with accepting stolen vehicles and the cost of it. Than we would be reading about, some fleeing suspect mowed down a mom crossing the streets with their kids, to get away, when the police wouldn't back off. I am very much behind law and order for everyone but I totally accept the logic of giving up a vehicle for any potential injury any person cop or innocent civilian. All through history the most dangerous times were always when a segment of society felt they had nothing to lose..... Seems we have that now.
  4. It would be craps and giggles until a great white grabs it on that ONCE in a life time outing on the salty seas... LOL
  5. Not a fan of new fees for fishing specific areas. Only because once they are put in they will never be taken away or be will the price ever be lowered, guberments don't work that way... That having been said how much would it cost to hire 30 hooligans with baseball bats or stun guns "deputized" to restore order? Word would get around pretty quick.... JK LOL Or maybe the ACTUAL costs could be recouped by enforcing the laws and allowing municipalities to impose specialized local fines. That way the people who litter, or poach would be PAYING for their actions. Give officers 10% of what they "raise" in their off hours as pay and an incentive for them to step up maybe? If the province wanted to help they would tie these fines to driver and vehicle licensing, you don't pay your fine you don't get your renewals for driving. Also a HUGE fan of having a website where every litterbug and poacher would be posted along with their address and what their vehicle looks like.
  6. Good catch.... I got the non existant (non conservation) licence they mentioned in red confused with the real sports fishing licence in the reply.... (non conservation) isn't a real thing that they sell so I mistakenly took it as they meant a conservation tag. When seniors and minors are entitled to full sport fishing licences and so are other people, why not just WRITE sport fishing instead of (non conservation)? LOL My bad, for quickly skimming through it... BTW I got carded today while drowning worms on a trout trib. Very high drama operation with 2 C.O.s, One was hiding behind some boats in the marina, who we could all see anyhow, while the other one came down and did a walk about in plain clothes. Then they both swooped down in full gear to find everyone all legal and legitimate. They seemed upset when 2 of us genuinely praised them for actually being out checking though? I ALWAYS say I am happy to see either OPP or a CO in the field checking, to whomever is doing the checking... Also there must be a plan to keep COs in the ministry's future as I don't think either of these lads were over 25, so that is good too see as well.
  7. Answer from the MNR is total Bull as a blanket statement.... Doesn't address the fact that under 16 or over 65 you can fish without a licence much less be in possession of fish... Used to give fish to my grandmother who NEVER had a licence in her life, but as a senior she was OBVIOUSLY fully entitled to have a sportman's possession limit of EVERY type of fish at any time, because she could have legally fished for them and gotten them herself without a licence!!!! So whoever posted that from the MNR needs to go back retake their training course (do they even had one? LOL)
  8. Supposed to be available at some locations in the GTA.... Same unit sells for 14.99 on Amazon.com.
  9. I have ordered at least 6 shipped rods over years.... Never has one had so much as a scratch, they all have come in cardboard tubes that are pretty tough. I even reuse the tubes and caps when I go on long trips with tons of gear and friends who are more worried that that the whiskey bottles don't break than they are about the fishing gear being usable when we get there.
  10. I too have had the... "you have to spend money to "save" money" situations with amazon. I have yet to get the prime membership but when I added up my small orders over the last year it would have just paid for itself. More so because I wouldn't have ADDED in fillers to get to the free shipping amount... on other orders where I was so close I thought why not save 5.99 by spending 10 bucks to get there LOL.
  11. If you are going to start ordering from Amazon.ca or any other store on their program SIGN UP for ebates.ca to get cash back on those purchases. They even have an app that will remind you to activate the rebate when you go to a website page that offers one. Program does work I got just over 16.00 in rebates back since Black Friday on a few orders. Every little bit helps.
  12. My outdoor card arrived yesterday!!!!
  13. I would agree if there was somewhere here other than the provincial courthouse to get it done. Usually minimum 1.5 hr wait in line. The only fishing store here that might have them, I wouldn't trust with my money.... but that is another story for a different day LOL.
  14. Nope.... I have the latest version of chrome and it still won't work for some reason. It might be some extensions I have disabled or enabled? Don't know don't care it should work with EVERYTHING if they insist on charging for licences LOL. The bug I am having is the option for indicating I already have an outdoor card does NOT come up. Therefore I couldn't go past that screen as the hyperlink on continue doesn't appear function until after one of the options is chosen..... I did manage to get it work twice with Edge though....
  15. I don't know what folks on here did to make it work but the link is working now. So I got it all finished up for 3 yrs. Now I just have to get a second job to pay for it....
  16. Checked into renewing my outdoor card and fishing licence today. It says they would be available on December 6.... Since today is the 7th I tried 3 different browsers and can't get past the screen that asks me to confirm my Ontario Citizenship. Just more government lies LOL.
  17. Ice is one thing for poor traction.... Water covered smooth tile floors from melting slush in malls and stores to me are about 3 to 5 times more slippery. This is just a personal observation from delivering to malls and restaurants 6 days a week for 14 yrs. The worst part I found was boot or shoes that offer great traction on ice or snow covered ice for that matter were totally useless once you enter an establishment with tiled floors that have no texture. Those Mark work tarantula were the worst for me. Just as bad though was I couldn't ever find a shoe or boot that was slip resistant indoors for slippery restaurant floors that worked well outside on ice and snow covered ice.... Can't wait to see the data when they test for slush covered floors LOL.
  18. The series Goliath was my latest binge watch all eight episodes in one sitting LOL. Billy Bob Thorton, William Hurt, Molly Parker, Maria Bello and Dwight Yoakam.
  19. Cliff your political rant is fine... Just wonder why you NEVER make any mention of HOW many billions in corporate welfare were given away to nameless faceless entities, during the last emperor's reign? Along with the fact that those same corporations just keep out sourcing our jobs after cashing in on the welfare train. It is all a matter of perspective LOL. http://business.financialpost.com/executive/not-much-bang-for-the-buck-harpers-60b-corporate-tax-cuts-under-fire
  20. Trump does have a very good chance of winning. I personally can't understand the appeal of electing a person who HAS by deed and speech always been a bully. He always been too afraid to fight anyone straight up over anything who stands a chance of beating him. He has defaulted on BILLIONS of dollars owed, never paid anyone what they are truly owed except perhaps his lawyers. He has personally NOT won at anything he has ever done, except get the nomination, and picking good lawyers. He does however tell a great pack of lies. For anyone who thinks he is a successful rich self made man, they should ask themselves why no tax returns? It has been proven time and time again he INFLATES the value and his percentage of any pie he gets his tiny little hands into. Not to mention he has CONSISTENTLY peed away more than he has been able to hang onto over the years. Also he would probably be worth a lot more if he had of just passively invested the money his daddy gave him. There is a reason the only place he can borrow money from now is from the Russian oligarchs.... As for HIllary, what can be said that hasn't already been smeared across Internets.... She is allegedly a crook whitewater etc etc etc. Allegedly a heartless stone cold killer for not spending money the republican congress wouldn't give her for MORE security at the embassy in Benghazi... Allegedly a treasonous idiot who is bad with email accounts. Yet after the FBI has just spent an estimated 7 MILLION investigating her, the very republican director of said agency didn't find any thing to lay charges against her over.... The only real thing Hillary has going for her is a vote for her is NOT a vote for a certifiable madman. Hollywood and Bollywood together couldn't pick more dysfunctional candidates in a fantasy election from hell... Popcorn INDEED!!!!!
  21. If I were fitter and younger I would have went after a "bait licence" I knew an acquaintance was getting out of a few years back.... As it was explained to me at the time, BIG RISKS, back breaking hard work would usually earn a medium sized reward. Too many factors determine your ability to go out to catch and keep the bait in prime condition for resale, Fuel was only going up mostly at that time, vehicle insurance was soaring, but the 5 bucks a scoop was NEVER EVER to change or you were going to be called a crook. LOL.
  22. Fishing reports I can do catching reports is another thing entirely... WORST PERCH season ever on Lake Erie from the pier I am always 10 minutes, an hour or a day late when it comes to being there when they are biting. Not too mention the great minnow scandal of 2016... All I hear is someone sold their bait business to someone and that person who bought it is unable, unwilling or incapable of supplying bait shops. Of course the record high winds are a big part of the problem as well. Usually bait shops being out is not a problem as I like to catch to my own but this year 100's of pulls with the net have yielded maybe 5 dozen minnows over 10 trips. I did get 4 perch with the 6 minnows I caught yesterday no pics though I didn't want to waste the SD card space with the pitiful nature of the result. LOL
  23. I switched to Seaguar for chrome and have found it to be a lot more abrasive resistant than Vanish. One downside though is for some reason I find it a lot harder to see to tie properly.... Overall though I like it better it also seems to stay more limber in freezing temps.
  24. If you are paying cash then used might work out for you. However if you have to finance a large amount at all, buying used will probably cost you more per month as there won't be any 0% options for used... Also finding a GOOD value used truck of any make is pretty tough around here when the U.S. dollar is so high. The good ones seem to go over the border the second they go on the market from here, or the private sellers want you to pay enough for them to drive a brand new truck, while you take over their problem child....
  25. Check out videos on compressor clutch gap problems. Could be as simple as renting a tool to tighten the clutch so it engages.... if your compressor isn't engaging like you suspect.
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