Hey gang,
Played hooky on Friday and linked up with BC and Chris for a little trouting out East..
The conditions were tough, but we managed a few solid fish. Weather wise, the day was absolutely gorgeous, no doubt the last one in the high teens. The fish stopped bitting when the sun became too intense, so we just chilled, soaked up the rays and enjoyed a couple larfs..
We're still learning the craft, and we gain a little more knowledge every time we hit the water. This day was no exception. Glass floats, ultra light fluro tipets, small hooks and small roe bags were an absolute must.
All fish were gleaming silver, fresh from the lake after the rains, and they all fought like they had roid rage!!
Here's some pics. Enjoy.
Silver so intense, the glare makes you squint.
This buck went absolutely gonzo!
and the close-up.
This toad didn't mind sharing his hole. He struck a pose for the shot.
You gotta love it!!
And moi..
Thanks for reading.
H to the D