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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. None taken mang. You're absolutely right. cheers!
  2. Sorry. Guess I shoulda been more specific. I meant the weather! cheers
  3. Ah thanks darling.. We do make teamsters look like work horses.. Can't wait to do some more "relaxing" with you and Paul next year!! Don't worry Glen.. We got you mang. yyee yyeeeeeee HD
  4. I reckon dawg.. That's what happens with self snagellation.. The baitcaster hand gets all cramped up and focus is severely disrupted with all that snagelling.. So it's official. I guess Grant is a hoser too!
  5. Don't worry.. We rock it out whenever, wherever. In fact, Chris and billy had a gig the night before if I remember. They're called The White Squirrel Sinners.. Hey that's right up your alley dawg! HD
  6. Wha what?! Do I need to drag you out kicking and screaming?! Come on out and play Chris, the trouts is waiting. HD
  7. which one? Oh lord master ruler of trouts... Where's your trout reports huh?! What up son?!!
  8. Awwww Snaglepuss.. The smell of skunk must permeate your work trousers lately.. Don't worry, I'm privy to a spot with mountains of beer cans. I'll take you to it on Wednesday. You can pick up cans while I work my crankbaits.. HD
  9. And how! Thanks budday. You outta join in the gansta fun one day. I'll link you up son. yyeeeeee HD
  10. Hey gang, Played hooky on Friday and linked up with BC and Chris for a little trouting out East.. The conditions were tough, but we managed a few solid fish. Weather wise, the day was absolutely gorgeous, no doubt the last one in the high teens. The fish stopped bitting when the sun became too intense, so we just chilled, soaked up the rays and enjoyed a couple larfs.. We're still learning the craft, and we gain a little more knowledge every time we hit the water. This day was no exception. Glass floats, ultra light fluro tipets, small hooks and small roe bags were an absolute must. All fish were gleaming silver, fresh from the lake after the rains, and they all fought like they had roid rage!! Here's some pics. Enjoy. Silver so intense, the glare makes you squint. This buck went absolutely gonzo! and the close-up. This toad didn't mind sharing his hole. He struck a pose for the shot. You gotta love it!! Billy.. Chris.. And moi.. Thanks for reading. H to the D
  11. Holly shnikes Kemp!! Nicely done. cheers HD
  12. MEH.. Not bad.. Thanks for the offer to join ya. Had no time for myself this weekend... but I did sneak out for a little sesh on Friday. ch-ch-check it out. Well done brah. HD
  13. Atta Boy G! Great report and those are some sweet smallies mang. Great way to go EXTREME. wicked. HD
  14. Didn't take you for a interior decorator Misfish... Runaway thread!! self destructing in...5...4...3...2... KABLAMO. HD
  15. Buahah.. Nice one Bassfighter. That's one less fish we have to contend with!! LOL hd
  16. Good report Lew, Musta been the fish of a thousand KM.. At least the gas was inexpensive. Funny, thats about the distance to Long Island.. FHRs domaine! cheers HD
  17. Very noice TJ! You're only missing the celebratory shot of the bull's head strapped to the hood of your car... That would have been the icing on the cake! MERDE STI. Mon congelateur pese rien cette annee! Ben joue mon grand. HD
  18. Gotta luv the double hold!! WTG mang. cheers HD
  19. Just lookit that guys face!! Here's your deer meat.. WOW! HAAH HD
  20. Mmmyyaaaahhh! Very kewl. I learned how to work reefs with slip floats years back.. Great technique for fall eyes. cheers! HD
  21. That's totally sweeeeeeettt. I'm jealous.. Thanks HD
  22. Used to spend long hours at the vice when I was a younger, back when I had the time and I was absolutely gonzo about fly fishing. I remember my mother coming home one day with a whole cape, wings and tail feathers of a golden pheasant! She had visited a petting zoo with her class and she was given the bird... I still have some patterns left with those materials. I outta get back into it, but I don't wanna! False casting is great, catching fish is way more fun. cheers HD
  23. Oh Shnikes.. I didn't do my taxes yet!! What do I do?! AAAHHHHHH HD
  24. Tunnel Monster.. They're out there. Visit My Website HD
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