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Everything posted by thefireman

  1. If you don't have an hour meter, then go fishing! I'm sure a few hours here or there won't void your warranty. What would happen if your in the middle of the lake when the 10 hours hit. Stop and get towed home? GO FISHING!!!! Again NO hour meter, they won't know either!
  2. Sell your sled and buy a grizzly 700 with power steering! Go and get a track kit for it and you got the best of both worlds, for what you want to do! The grizzly 700 is one of, if not THE best ATV around. I know there will always be debate, but I've seen the grizzly do a whole lot more than most bikes ( Polaris, Honda, Arctic Cant and Can-am) All though to be fair Honda is only a 3 wheel drive!
  3. I'd wait a YEAR for a free Boat, even if it had a 25hp on the back! Hope you didn't trash the boat Dave!lol
  4. Nice reel for sure, will have to take a look!
  5. I'm going 4.5 to 5. Very nice bass. On second thought 4.2. lol I posted a little late
  6. I'm with Tommy! Mariko all the way! In the tropical locations though, as she always had the bikini on!lol
  7. I can't believe that there is 3 pages to this thread! Gone fishing........
  8. Some people have no idea the shear power of that water! Glad to hear their okay, nice little boat too. I guess they'll have a little maintenance to do on the motor!
  9. That is pretty slick! Might be the way to go, want to build one for me?lol You might have a good little home business there. Anyway really nice work.
  10. I just checked youtube about the snake fish! Pretty crazy little buggers! I wouldn't want them anywhere near my water! Check it out
  11. Drifter ,it was your boat. I like the idea of not turning around all the time, and I guess that it would take some getting use to, but it seems good. If you could get some pics that would be stellar. I am worried about tangling everything up once I have fish on. Especially a double header!
  12. I have been searching the forum (past and present) to see what everyone has to say about downrigger mounting! I seen one picture that showed the riggers mounted on the bow of the boat (not to far from the console) and thought that might just be the answer! The guy wrote that it was perfect cause he never had to turn his head all the time to watch his rods! So I guess I'm asking if anyone of you have mounted riggers this way or thought about mounting them this way? If you have tried and found any problems or if it worked I'd definetly like to hear about it. Maybe the cable would hit the motor on turns? That's the only problem that I can come up with. I think it should work as my trolling batteries are up front, so it would be an easy install. The boat is a 19ft Fisher Sport Hawk Thanks in advance
  13. DO NOT STAY at the Blueberry Inn (hotel?) Horrible!!! It's at the intersection to Searchmount (Aweres township) As I said horrible! I don't think there is much else. Better to go right into Sault Ste. Marie!
  14. Good read for sure! Vote is in. Good luck
  15. Should have given a short cast in to the boat and seen what you could catch! There always seems to be some people that just lack comon sense! Takes all kinds for the world to go round. Outside is the way to go.
  16. I'll let my name say it all! Firefighting fulltime for the last 6 years, but got 11 in the service. Before that I was a long haul truck driver. Did some time in the plumbing HVAC scene as an apprentice for a couple years. Wouldn't trade the job I got now for anything! Well maybe Mercer's boat! lol
  17. Thanks! You guys are going to cost me a fortune!! haha Great ideas, I have been fishing alot of those mentioned, but I guess I just keep trying new ones! I have been catching the smallies just not the ones I want. Trying to target the big ones! Well another day of trying for me, better than work anyway you slice it! Thanks again all
  18. Hey guys was just wondering what people are using for smallies? I tend to use X-raps, jig heads, and normal hook (wacky style) Was hoping that you guys who fish bass alot would have some good ideas on some other presentations? All suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks
  19. Hey there, is your last name Vance? Cause mine is too. Just wondering where your family originated from? I'm pretty sure mine grew up in Spanish Ont.

  20. Keeper for sure, I thought I was going to see a monster bass! Congrats on the beauty!
  21. Thanks ROY this is perfect!
  22. Great report Gman. Great fish too, It looks like I'll have to get into Salmon fishing this year. Where abouts you fishing for the kings? Down south?
  23. Hey all just wondering if anyone knew where to get a free Mercury owners manual. It's a 2003 90hp 4 stroke. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks boys and girls and keep your rod in the water!
  24. Thanks guys I'll be in touch. Still researching which make I want to invest in. I hear the Cannons are #1 with Scotty coming in 2nd? Lots of crap to read through. But again thanks
  25. Hello all I am looking for 2 downriggers peferably electric but not a must. Tried to post in classifieds but it wouldn't let me.
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