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Everything posted by xeon

  1. whoa, that guy has some great reflexes.
  2. I have a 35, its great. HUGE display, anywhere zoom, 9 and 19deg cone, onboard battery charge indicator. All the features of a vexilar, then some. Head to head against an FL8, no difference in sensitivity what so ever. And they also dont interfere with eachother. You really just need to look at all the units on the market, decide what features you want, and how much you want to pay for them. I wanted dual beam, so all the extra features and pricetag were a bonus.
  3. Med shiners or dace for lakers. For days when the fish are very aggressive I prefer the small treble through the dorsal hookset for the minnow. I usually dont tip the williams spoons at all, just incase it ruins the presentation it makes on the drop. But sure you could try it if nothings working.
  4. That was so cool. Nice looking fish too eh?
  5. Well, some people think your crazy when you fish lake superior when its -30
  6. Nice work codered! I always find that getting away from everybody is usually the ticket when nothing else works.
  7. Fresh outa Sault College Ornithology, learnt from the best.
  8. Feb 13-16th 2009 Actually wait I technically won. But theres only a 50-50 chance im headed down south by the 15th anyways (weather and ride dependent), so its not worth the risk of a set of tickets going to waste. Throw them in the Auction for Tyler if its still running, or if its not give them to the next guy down.
  9. 90% sure thats a juvinile Coopers Hawk. How I tell is by the amount of colour on the breast, and this bird doesnt have as much as a typical juvinile sharp shinned would.
  10. "FISHING EXPERT V4.0 - A program which contains fishing patterns and tec..." FISHING EXPERT V4.0 - A program which contains fishing patterns and techniques as well as a fishing logs. OUTDOOR LIFE recommends the program in previous issues. You select conditions you fish under and program gives 400 proven methods to catch fish. Library, Whatif analysis, recipes. Bass, walleye, crappie, musky, trout, and boat control databases with purchase. IBM PC, Windows 95/98/NT/2000, 4mg memory, Pentium.The system is based on recent research on fish behavior and involves a literature search of recent writings in the area. survivor fishing game,We found a consensus of opinions in these writings and use the consensus as the basis for determining the data base which includes possible fishing conditions and the best methods for the conditions. The data base contains hundreds of possibilities which the expert system links to automatically. The expert system is a popular technology used for relaying complex information in an area. Doctors use expert systems to diagnose illnesses, and we apply the expert system concept to fishing. Variables:Type of fish sought: largemouth bass, trout (rainbow, brook, brown),walleye, musky, panfish (bluegill, crappie). Time of Day: morning, midday, afternoon, night. (night includes dawn and dusk hours) Time of Year: spring, summer, autumn, winter (for panfish icefishing you could easily find other game fish near the panfish). Type of Water: lake (not the Great Lakes), river, stream. Water Clarity: clear, murky/muddy. Water Depth: shallow, medium, deep. Weather: sunny, overcast, light rain, medium rain, heavy rain. Wind: calm or light, medium, high. Spawn: pre-spawn, spawning, post-spawn. Weed conditions: surface, submerged. Water Temperature: cold (below 55 degrees), medium (56-70 degrees), warm (71 degrees and up). Water Bottom: sand, rock, mud. Pressure System: high, low coming in. I dont need a computer to tell me how to catch fish, Id rather get out there and find out for myself.
  11. Haha ya there was a giant thread on this kinda thing a couple weeks ago too. Not many people like the place.
  12. Could try the Cod fishery in New england. Oh and what fishery have humans at one time or another not had a negative impact on?
  13. Just ask walmart when their going to have them in. Also you could try EBgames (online too), look in the yellow pages for game stores aswell. I think The Source may too. Futureshop.ca or Bestbuy.ca may aswell. Maby even Tigerdirect.ca. Think that about covers it. And if none of those work, well, there is no hope. OH get the NEWEST ravin rabbits game, its like the only other game you can use the wii fit for and its awesome. And it is the only game you can play with your butt.
  14. People do it to light up the bottom of the holes. Its used allot for spearing. Do a search on it here, or you could even try the iceshanty website, they have allot on it.
  15. I think you just made most people in Ontario very jealous... you and your fancy open water.
  16. Ha thats pretty good
  17. Another one for flasher.
  18. http://s86.photobucket.com/albums/k102/x_x...t=mathrules.jpg Just change the 19degrees to whatever your transducer is, then change the 10feet to the depth you want. Use the formula and your set.
  19. Im kinda questioning the article. The biggest animals would be the ones to breed first anyways right, so the genes are still going to be in the heard. Even the inferior animals might still be the offspring of the "trophy" animals, and the gene that makes the animals trophy might still be there. But then again im not a geneticist or biologist.
  20. Well the 2 big ones for the F&W route are definitly Fleming and Sault College. With my experiance from the Sault College F&W program, there are definitly some questionable courses in there (pikeie you'll find out when you take software, 2 math classes, 2 english classes, resource sampling and carrer mngmt). Both the colleges have a great rep from employers for the most part, and you'll probably learn exactly the same stuff. The big difference is going to be the teachers. I know you can do the campus tours at Sault College anytime, and during your March break you should book a tour of BOTH colleges and pick the one thats best for you. And its still going to be winter here so bring your ice fishing gear (another + for the Soo). And make sure you tour the Sault College Reformatory, sorry I mean Residence. Sometimes you'll love it, sometimes when its 3am on a weekday you wont. Sault College Likes + Dislikes LIKES: -Have to collect samples for next weeks class = class trip to go ice fishing -Teachers will bend over backwards for you if you need help -2 field camps -first year your at two locations where you do conifer ID, allot of compassing and chaining for accuracy, canoing, boating. Second half is the Firecamp, which has allot of pump/hose stuff, basicly a mini S100. Also do some chainsawing. -Second year you do allot of wetland stuff, netting, mapping, ect DISLIKES: -Some of the courses arnt relevant (math program delt with highschool stuff, and not once did the word tree come up. English was a joke, I learned more in grade 8. Software for fish and wildlife delt with mostly powerpoint and excel, resource sampling was good for about 3 weeks, then it delt with excel, career management was also a joke but there were some good points made) -Theres nothing to do in the Soo other than fish or hunt, but you cant do that everyday, well ya can, but theres gota be something else.
  21. Agreed. I use 2lb on my ultra light jigging rod, 4lb on my med jigging rod, and 6lb on my tip up. Only problem is when you catch big fish. But luckey for me that doesnt happen often
  22. LMAO! That has to be best redneck portable Ive seen.
  23. Yep there legal. I think ive seen them at walmart too. Also, I think there might be a thread on them somewhere, and there seems to be good things said about them.
  24. The boating licence one is for your pleasure craft operators card. I dont see the point of an advanced course if your not doing hardcore boating stuff.
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