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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. ive heard of green thumbs ...but never green tows
  2. Borax and brown sugar
  3. talk about deflation ....first time i lost a tooth i received a nickle...second time a dime ...third time a quarter...you know the times are tough when the fairy hands out a sticker...
  4. apparently cajuns holiday in Newfoundland...lmao....but that is hilarious!!!!
  5. i agree ...it is an oddity ...cuz the yanks have no problem putting both feets in their mouths..
  6. two bows Jacques the one that got away felt like a good bow or a lazy salmon guess ill never know ..
  7. honor and integrity are wonderful things to to display...almost as glorious as the art itself... Cheers
  8. i went a bought a water proof camera for this very purpose Joey ...next im going to buy a memory so ill remember to bring it with me ...lol... Congrates BTW to you two Cheers
  9. the hood gangsters better look out...once you guys get your fishing gang formed
  10. yep it happens from time to time ...i almost fell in the drink trying to get him though ...
  11. Tu theres Three ( now that was fun to say ) Port Credit has several... Welcome to the board ... Good Luck
  12. so whats to look forward to now ????hmmmmm KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!! lots and lots of KIDS!!!!!!!!! seriously though ...Congrates to the two of you ...all the best for many years to come ...
  13. For sale...one Arctic Armour Survival suit ...sadly its barely used...previous owner is no longer requiring a means of survival is this a look into the future ??? IMO if ya have it ...use it... the water is already cold Cheers and may this ad never run for real...
  14. i just had to share this ...
  15. i just went through the bussiness directory to see who the drywallers are on this forum ...and much to my surprise...there isnt any .... Ive got 10 000 sq of board to hang tape and mud and california knockdown ceiling to be sprayed...if interested give me a pm and we can discuss this further....the timing couldnt be any better then right now for someone to have a working /fishing vacation ... Cheers
  16. agreed and you could always get an inexpensive shutter release( 4 inch mechanical or a 10 foot Air release) to eliminate the movement of the camera that depressing the buttons gives.... you can play with your aperture to change the depth of field... some really vibrant shots ...good on ya !
  17. i agree ....good icecream in hamilton too
  18. if he was smart he would have set the hook in the seal...and had the fight of his life until he got spooled...
  19. all i learned from that was ...he still didnt say "no"....
  20. Well said Bly Ron ...All the best ...brush off the dust and keep on fishing ...good to see you back on the horse (so ta speak)
  21. lol..the salmon issue is like a rerun of Gilligans Island... Ill say it now .....Salmon DO eat in the rivers especially this time of the season ....they are top predators... just because they enter the river system does not make them forget they still have to eat to survive....a BUCK that goes into a rut stops eating too ....but he isnt stupid enough to starve himself to death... the hens will act on aggression once they start spawning to protect their eggs from bait fish...hence the reason chucking body baits is a good thing and will catch fresher run fish ( they are still in predator mode) Marshmellows is no different then blowing up a worm or putting floaties in your tied roe bags...bait is bait ...to each is his own ...its the presentation that is in question ...not the bait... there is my 02 cents worth ...
  22. its moments like that !!!!!
  23. Good on you too Dan ...nice working portraits.... Just a thought.Brandon should start a diary thread of this adventure....i know ill add it to my favs if he did /does
  24. i have in the past years worked the hatchery and ladders ....ill see what i can do for time this winter and spring ...to do my part in Port Elgin ... unfortunately time is scarce for me...but for those that are considering helping out ...you will NEVER meet better men/women that share the fishing passion .....
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