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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. no worries on losing that one Mike it will be hangin there for the rest of your years
  2. talk about snuggling up with a whooley but i suppose.....God made sheep ....waist high for a reason....but he didnt put much thought into the kissing thing at the most intimate moments...
  3. nothin it isnt your Bday yet...but last years prezzie tasted just fine the day after you were supposed to pick it up... Cheers
  4. hey when the Diceman first came on the scene i was in his demographic of appreciation...now....not at all ....same goes for Stern...satelite radio is still awesome for the music without the commercials and blathering djs....
  5. WOW ...thats only 5 hours of daylight to measure the ceiling height ...NWT must have a gas powered measuring tape
  6. 19271 i was going to try to hit the 20 000 vote ...but i think ill try again tomorrow...
  7. In my case....the wind can raise my chicken
  8. After Monday and Tuesday...even the Calander says....W.T.Friday
  9. i hope you didnt have to choke that boneless chicken before you gave it to her
  10. ya got my vote too ...good luck ... side note- thats one heck of a brown above you too
  11. its been like that in the maritimes( atlantic salmon) for as long as i can remember... the two bow was imposed on Lake Huron about 15 years ago i think ....yes it was an uproar for those boys that came from inland...but it has been VERY beneficial to our rainbow population that it is now BETTER THAN IT HAS EVER BEEN!!!!!!!!!!.....its almost a rare occasion to catch a stocked fish...im all for the limit As for the Charters and derby people ....you can still catch 5 fish a day ...2 trout ..three salmon etc.... learn to deal with it and in 15 years from now youll be thanking the fish gods for incredible outings... personally ...i have never kept a single fish from Lake O and regardless of the limit on any species ...Never will
  12. you exposed it as a gag ...but i was thinking ...what the hell...i didnt know spegetti grew on trees...lmao..
  13. Amen !!! Give yourself a pat on the back too Mike...with out knowing it ...you will be an inspiration to anyone else that has to endure what you have unfortunately have had to.. Cheers to ya !
  14. ahhhh for fork sakes
  15. NO worries Brian...Sammy Davis Jr said it best ..at a Dean Martin "Man of the Hour " roast "If they aint making fun of ya ....they dont like ya "
  16. at least i never made refrence to brians tree stand as a deer sanctuary...but somehow the deer just knew it was safe to stay there... whoah!!!!!
  17. you must be talking aboot the tire tracks leading to timmies....where you can spend a buck rather then get a buck... Couldnt resist Brian
  18. KOS got his "mind" game working on you does he ???
  19. theres a skeeter on my peter ...whack it off!!!....theres a skeeter on my peter ...whack it off!!! theres a dozen on my cousin ...i can hear the buggers buzzin...theres a skeeter on my peter ....whack it off!!! no biting involved
  20. im wondering the same thing ...when i went to Buffalo for UFC 7...the tickets were 14 dollars...but there were scalpers out front of memorial statium selling them for 50 and i thought to myself...who in their right mind would pay 50 bucks to watch these fights...ohhhhhh how the times have changed!!!!!
  21. it started snowing here last thursday and it hasnt let up as of yet... the lake is ferocious with the winds and "white wall" a quarter of a mile off land....this snow came in hard and fast... Bring on the last saturday of April for more then the obvious reasons
  22. much respect to you Richard...this is truly a good thing your doing i wonder if a field trip or a video of the process in a hatchery would be beneficial...( just thinking out loud ) hope your mortality rate stays low Great on ya for your efforts!
  23. you might want to grab some hot shots (for in the waders)... happy warm feet for the kid will make for longer excursions Good Luck and good on ya ...hope the two of you get into them
  24. when your doing your glue up in the spring ...might i suggest digging a gradual trench away from the house and place a 20 foot section of socked Big O in it and plumb your sump discharge into the pipe so that the water that does expell from the sump will eventually find itself homeless...since your Big O rolls come in 50 foot lengths ya might want to dig another trench and have your roof water carried away from the house too ...just a thought
  25. so what your saying is ...because you hunt and fish ...you do not support the conservation of animals as a whole?...everyone is entitled to their opinion though ...i know several Humane Society workers that eat meat ... based on your thinking ...they shouldnt even eat meat...
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