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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. wayne - once your daughter kicks the crap out of this latest adversity thats somehow found it way into your lives...the techies or docs that screwed up her first chemo better make sure she wasnt taking their names...from the sounds of her determination/will and fighting spirit ...this could be detrimental to their health.. father in law- 77 years old/ one year ago diagnosed with prostate cancer...full recovery and back to being a miserable ole man ...i wouldnt have it any other way...(well maybe some manners could have been secretly installed in him) good friend 44 years old - diagnosed with colon cancer roughly a little over a year ago ..they gave him a 5% chance at survival past 6 months....we just celebrated his 1 year anniversary (Nov 3) and now they give him a 95% chance at FULL recovery... the thing he tells me that helped him through his rough times of chemo was the uncanny will to pay me the 5 bucks he owed me for betting against team canada in the last olympics hockey metal round...(im glad they didnt instill any more smarts in him) Stay positive...it IS the key to success! and i will bark at the moon on your families behalf
  2. pleah!!!!!!!! white friggin crap has to come every year ...
  3. ummmmmmmmmmm.....WOW!!! nice shootin ...
  4. Dennis Silver fight was a great match ...very fast paced fight ...
  5. thanks guys ...means a change of plans...
  6. is it on tonight brian
  7. ha ha ...thats ok though(they say) i had too much to drink last night( i say it was exhaustion) and passed out while the party was still going on in our house...well...i was dreaming i was peeing off the CN tower and was woken up to find myself standing on the kitchen island peeing on the stove in front of all the guests...(thats not the funny part ).... i forgot to undo my fly.......
  8. here is the link as opposed to posting directly in here...but it is fish related *language warning* http://roosterteeth.com/home.php
  9. if there was more bikimi scenes in her video she had my vote for first... congrates on the top ten Brandon ...get yourself an adorable little girl for your next one or a bikini cladded spokesmodel ...combined with your talent we will have a winner cheers
  10. sirprizd he didnt git the shotgun ooot en finnish off de ole laidy
  11. i may be wrong ....but i think white bass are what you get in a filet-o-fish at McRonnies...lake Erie use to have an abundance of them down the leamington way ...
  12. Nice rack!!! (last time i said that i got slapped ) now you have more time for fishing ...good on ya for your success
  13. man.... the clock cant move fast enough for Survivor to come on ... hey did ya hear the one about the american that had a pee pee transplant?????? Apparently ....his hand rejected it
  14. cheers man !!! good luck in the finals....sure pays to have a fishing community stand behind ya >>>cheers OFNers
  15. i could have swore i seen Lesner tearing up out of his good eye ...god am i glad that clown is dethrowned ...honestly i thought it was a joke to even let him in the UFC without even working his way up for a title shot
  16. ha ha ha ha ..wonder how Lesner likes the real fighting now ...back to the WWE entertainment for him ...Cain is a fighter for sure ...and Lesner didnt stand a chance
  17. GO STAMPS GO!!!!!!!!
  18. better insert that pic in the progression thread Laz...she is a beauty for sure nice shootin
  19. Brian they use velcro so the newfs can hunt too ...as well as keep their sneakers on ...no more going to school to learn the hoop loop scoop thing ...greatest invention since slice bread ya know.. the real wonder of the world is ...how do they they get them spots on the certs candies
  20. newfies dont get offended ...they dare ya to try to match it ..
  21. i bought the fugi awhile back on the recommendation of Ryan (Mercers Camera man )...im very pleased with it ...but what i do not like about it is the port to connect it to the computer is kinda in a tough spot (fat fingers i guess) it does take surprisinly decent pics though ..and it is really cool to do the HD underwater movies i would by another one if i had to do it over again ...159 bucks is a great deal ...i paid the 199.00 when it came out .. cheers
  22. this is proof that morons do grow up...what a clown ...i wonder if he will video tape himself when he commits his next illegal act...
  23. the storm of 77 was an awsome time for us at the age of 13...we literally skated EVERYWHERE ..up and down snowbanks to houses to shovel out laneways it was like living on a frozen lake in london...we were 3 days with no power and our fish tank froze solid...
  24. hmmmmmmmm a floating gazebo with a 40 horse outboard... where to mount the riggers very nice spot indeed...your son will remeber the weekend for ever ...(as long as you keep reminding him of a great helper he was... cheers
  25. Done ...Good Luck
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