wayne - once your daughter kicks the crap out of this latest adversity thats somehow found it way into your lives...the techies or docs that screwed up her first chemo better make sure she wasnt taking their names...from the sounds of her determination/will and fighting spirit ...this could be detrimental to their health..
father in law- 77 years old/ one year ago diagnosed with prostate cancer...full recovery and back to being a miserable ole man ...i wouldnt have it any other way...(well maybe some manners could have been secretly installed in him)
good friend 44 years old - diagnosed with colon cancer roughly a little over a year ago ..they gave him a 5% chance at survival past 6 months....we just celebrated his 1 year anniversary (Nov 3) and now they give him a 95% chance at FULL recovery... the thing he tells me that helped him through his rough times of chemo was the uncanny will to pay me the 5 bucks he owed me for betting against team canada in the last olympics hockey metal round...(im glad they didnt instill any more smarts in him)
Stay positive...it IS the key to success! and i will bark at the moon on your families behalf