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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. i can see a good thing for this ...collect money owed to you from dead beats..
  2. its all just above you ...we are getting another 25 cm tonight and the highway is closed until tomorrow from grand bend to port all its going to take is a slight change of wind and you done for ...lol..
  3. based on the pitch of the cathedral ceiling im going to say the ceiling wasnt blown in ...its too steep for celulose to not sag to the bottom... with the heat runs in the pics posted they look to be installed low below the floor joists...and if the bulk head wasnt treated as habitable space ...im betting the coolness of the bulkhead is cooling the air before it gets to the room....this is an easy fix though.... inconvenient ...but easy and painless.. Im going to assume your builders response wasnt favorable to what you wanted to hear which is why you were forced to call Tarion in the first place...if i was you ...i would call your builder to come and see for himself now that the weather is cold out and if it remains an issue then revisit the Tarion route with a second opinion In the meantime ...break out your "Home Owners Package" and read it thouroughly...so you understand the proper route to resolving this issue If your builder is any kind of a company...they will make it right without involving Tarion ...too many marks against a certain company will increase his "inventory and security" payments to them for future builds... Strik is right ....a builder will protect his standings with Tarion at any cost unless the home owner is totally incorrigible ( not saying this is the case here but it does happen and those people are out there) Ergo...Tarion is a "God sent" to some builders... Someone suggested a space heater for the interim....good idea..do what ya have to do..
  4. good choice !!!! Zoey ( our dog) has never complained about her handle...and she actually comes when called ( a definite bonus)
  5. Scoring criteria The Judging panel will evaluate the 30 finalist ideas based on these criteria: Impact How deeply are people affected by this idea, and how urgent is the need? How many people will this idea benefit, and will it be compelling for a broad audience? Likelihood of Success How likely is this idea to be successfully executed in the short term? Longevity & Sustainability How long will the idea's affect last? Will it require regular funding beyond the initial request? If so, is there a plan to obtain additional funding? Originality How original is the idea? Submission Quality How much effort went into this entry? Was it well thought through and clearly explained? Should be interesting to see how this plays out ...
  6. if that song gets stuck in my head for the rest of the day .....your paying for my lobotomy
  7. 39883 and that concludes my voting ... heres a link for convince any others for the last ditch run ...today is the last day for voting ... http://www.cbc.ca/canada/north/story/2010/12/07/nwt-puppy-animal-cruelty.html?ref=rss
  8. yes Simon ....nice eyes....shame about the boots,coats.gloves and all that white crap around you though ... from my hot hands holding cold drinks...to your frozen hands yearning for warm drinks... and vicariously through your lens...i applaud you
  9. Geoff go around and adjust the heat vents to the rest of the house to see if you can blow more heat in the room for your daughter...maybe even close off the ones to rooms that arent being used ...check your furnace filter...(just thinking out loud) is this the first time in two years you have noticed this problem?
  10. whats an OPRAH?
  11. everywhere the duct work is ( inside the bulkhead) ...should have been insulated to code as if it was habitable space
  12. im going to assume there are 2x6 walls above the 2x10 3 plys (floor Joists) and 4 ply in the third pic....they should be insulated R20 from the inside of the house....is the interior of the house in this room cathedral ceiling ...because moore vents were to be place all the way up the entire roof or a false roof was to be built from the inside to create 1 1/2 inch ventilation of the cathedral...if they foamed right to the sheeting (that your shingles are on ) its done wrong and heat and cold will transfer through ( hopefully this isnt the case ...because its a painful deal if it is ) in pic 3 i think i see batt insulation sticking out from the cathedral ceiling from the habitable space....no vents = not correct but it is hard to determine from these pics.. were the garage walls insulated ???if so ...they should have been insulated all the way up to the stick framing for the cathedral with vents .. do you have pics after the insulation was installed???
  13. i know how ya feel...but i found mine after replacing almost everything .. http://www.wikihow.com/Find-Lost-Objects
  14. Canadian version of 12 days of Christmas 5 pounds of hash 4 pink pills 3 snorts of coke 2 hits of acid and a dime bag of Panama Red Merry Christmas!!!
  15. i could be wrong but ...i dont think studs are legal in ontario...alberta they are though ...
  16. 37238....
  17. hopehe used the rubber...so no mistakes were made
  18. good point!!!
  19. im pretty sure this is an american equation referring to the Iraq occupation...oops i mean freedom
  20. the things a guy does to appreciate a new tool when it arrives...Happy Shovelling!!! Lew - Buy yourself two 2x8x10' boards and drive that sucker right up to the back of the truck....ramps are 300 bucks
  21. thanks i needed that ...
  22. a garage isnt habitable space...therefore ...does not require insulation or vapour barrier except on the walls /ceiling that is a divider to habitable space( hence the reason i suggested to investigate the walls before heating ) those days of removing insulation out of a house and moving it over to the next building are loooooong gone ...in the 70s it was a big thing because HUDAK back then wasnt up to speed as they should have been ...with Tarion in place these days ...any builder would be a complete idiot to try something like that today...its because of these idiots of yesteryear that the process of a build is so stringent today (not a bad thing) ..even the "geared to income " housing units of today are overkill with Geo thermal heating/cooling (at HUGE expense to the tax payers) but in the long run ...i suppose it makes it easier for the people that have to live in them make ends meet without the big utility bills
  23. im going to answer this for him......of course there is ..otherwise the local building inspector didnt do his job when the house was being built...the reason it should be sprayed is to act as a vapour/carbon barrier as well as R value ....this has to be in place prior to getting an insulation/vapour pass for your permit Roy_ when you purchase your new door for your garage ..buy an insulated door with the supports (for attaching your door opener to) installed inside the door...if your garage is insulated im going to assume ...the wallls are R 13 (2x4) then you should match the R factor to that ( R 13 Door) R value in a door is only as good as the walls surrounding it Top of the line Chamberlain door openers ( red ones) are the best on the market will run you around 400 bucks but well worth it ...the key pads will give you garage temp/time and a few other tweeks If your garage has 2x6 walls then it is likely insulated R 20 (could be R 24 but unlikely)...match that to the purchase of an insulated garage door of an R value 19... regardless of the R value of the door it has to be installed correctly or you will be defeating the purpose...this includes sufficient down pressure from the door opener to seal the floor Geoff- just a thought ...you might want to check behind the window trim of the cold rooms to ensure there is adequate insulation ( moisture on windows is a tell tale sign)...unless its the actual floor that cold then you may have to open up the ceiling to ensure the duct work is sprayed and not just sitting in a bulk head to cool by the time the warm air is sent to the rooms in question.. personally when i come across a build with this situation ( side/back splits) the ceiling in the garage is sprayed to R 40 and if the duct work is in a bulk head ...its insulated to another R 20 then boarded... For those thinking that a heater in the garage will solve the problems ..your going to want to ensure there is a vapour barrier in the garage for the exterior walls...moisture will form and create different kinds of problems..
  24. i concur
  25. i fell off a 40 foot ladder before ...let me tell ya ....it sure was a stroke of luck that i was only on the second rung
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