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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. not just the youth
  2. I think they are all awesome....nice shooting !
  3. Ma Bell wants to recoupe the 6 billion she spend on new fibre optics within the next few years before everyone goes 4G...personally i think if Ma Bell wants to remain in the bussiness of communication then they simply made an investment into their company so they can continue to gouge us for many years to come...
  4. I won I won I won!!!!!!!! now comes the very hard part of picking just ONE of Brandons Photos as a PRIZE!! Thanks to ALL that voted!!!!! It was ALOT of fun participating ....Grab your cameras guys and gals....Brandon is doing it again in February!!!!!
  5. if its a question of snow tires...although its an inconvenience to put on ....they are alot cheaper then a compansation claim....if the employeee in question is truly concerned for his safety ...then all he has to do is call in sick...he wont be lying
  6. He has the right to refuse any job that he feels is unsafe for HIM...with out repercussion ...everyones tolence is different when it comes to anxiety ,temperatures noise tolerances...so there is no specific levels...its up to the person that has to do the task under any circumstances or conditions what their levels are....I am IAPA certified and OHSA certified... Better question is ...why would an employer want to put his equipment/employee at unnessasary risk of being damaged or lost... Hope it helps...
  7. who knows ...he may even need a reason to come back for the ceremonies... charters are available but i highly recommend Dwindles Dream ...they just love to fish !!!
  8. Today is the last day for voting in January's contest ...check it out ..for those that missed the submission date for January ...Brandon will be posting a February contest so get your pics ready for submission ... To ALL that voted for my pic...thanks for voting ...i had alot of fun entering this contest...i know there are alot of exceptional photogs on this forum ..i highly recommend entering Feb contest and having some fun yourself...Even if your thumb is in the pic I think voting closes tonight at 8 pm Thanks Brandon for hosting CHEERS EVERYONE !
  9. Congrates to Irish and the beautiful judges ....im sure this contest conjured up some warm feelings for all that participated.. Good Job All!!!!!!!!
  10. Theres alot less snow in Las Angeles today ...i think it all melted in Charlie Sheens briefcase
  11. maybe they didnt catch any fish ...so they didnt need the salad
  12. 30 seconds to "dock"???...heck....im usually havin a smoke after three seconds.. ...man i hope the ole lady doesnt find out i can "dock" for that long or she is gonna want me to prove it
  13. Merc i mis-read your comment and thought it said "witnessless" then i thought....there a big savings when it come time for divorce my bad Congrtes JM on the engagement !!!....but if your getting married in space...where in the universe are ya going to go for a honeymoon?
  14. ill ask her ....actually i was just chatting with the owner of the house (left building) and what they call the "shed"(building beside it with the bay windows) in the middle which is actually a studio for her to do her paintings...Terry and her husband just moved to Bonivista so im thinking this is looking from their new place at the neighbors...the pics she has send me makes me think i need to go there to do some jigging for orcas and cod kissin...oh BTW ...the house they just moved from was featured in the Tourism NFLD videos......i thought that was kinda cool...
  15. Laurd Tunderin Bye...maybe time fer a veesit...hopefully Summer falls on a weekend this year.... so ya wont have to miss any work if you go for the entire summer! A friend sends me pics all the time ....hope it helps your cause
  16. Congrates Brandon !!!... seems to me OFC has yet another celebrity in the ranks... keep feeding your passion because we are all richer for your expenses Cheers
  17. Gummy Bears for Fish....who wants to invest??? Dont laugh ...ive actually tried it ...injected liquid spawn into a gummy bear....nope didnt catch a thing and wasted a perfectly good Gummy Bear
  18. good for your mom Jocko!!! welcome back BTW kinda miss reading your posts...im guessing your posting enthusiasm wore off or youve been extremely busy All the best
  19. hey if your looking for a replacement ...i have three cats you can have...but dont tell my wife....cuz im sure ill feel real bad if she found out ...
  20. Absolutely the right spot at the right time ... ok everyone ...see if it was Geo-tagged
  21. thanks Johnny...just checked mine and its turned off too...
  22. SMOOOOOOOOTH!!!!! that outta be good for a lobster dinner!!!
  23. No Problem Rod...The name of the pic is "Frozen Motion" for the obvious reasons... Thanks edit to add a thanks to the guys from this forum for the votes
  24. im just glad im self employed....
  25. is there a start date for construction or is there a bunch of red tape for releasing the money...hopefully you can be there for the grand opening with the first stray to occupy the shelter... Give yourself a "pat on the back"..you deserve it Cheers
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