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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. well said salty...but you let your daughter play with matches?...just kidding ...sounds like a good time...
  2. Dan i just put the Crunch on my phone...here comes another learning curve..
  3. or the fact there is no closed season on the lake (other than ice)... or the fact you can run cheaters off your rod or the fact in essence when your fishing you are fishing multiple species at same time there is no comparison to the float fisherman and the downriggers ...each is its own animal and should play by its own rules with its respective pros and cons...bottom line ...if there is concerns for the well being of the rainbow fishery then ANY step in the right direction to preserve it should be welcomed with open arms by ALL fishermen and the OFAH regardless of their methods of catching them ...the two possession limit isnt a bad thing for the open water fishermen...just means your forced to drop your cannon balls deeper and starting fighting salmon after you catch your two trout after reading what i just wrote ..i think the only comparable to the two techniques ( only for the greater good of the cause)....if they were to eliminate roe to the river floaters then they should eliminate ALL hens out of the lake possession limit ...
  4. weather network seems to be the one i cant live without...dam...im officially OLD!
  5. there may not be any "scientific data" but there is most definatly "practical data" from Lake Huron ...the rainbows are thriving on our Lake and it is getting harder each year to find a stock fish...If they need scientific data to support their decision making then they should contact Lake Huron Fishing Club or the Steelheaders that work the ladders along our shore...lets just say...it is no longer a short gloomy day of dissapointment when lifting .. It would be nice to see the "scientific data" that states the fisheries CAN support a 5 fish Limit
  6. livin the life man ....great report ! Your efforts are much appreciated but i tend to disagree with the "easy 500 buck " comment ...it would have ONLY been easy if the fish was caught on your very first cast of your very first fishing trip...its nice fishing gave you a bonus to all the quality time you have spent with your family... Cheers and Nice Shootin to you ALL!!!!
  7. i peed outside three times today ....so i saved three flushes... i hope someone appreciates it ...as much as i did each time...
  8. seriously for the charter boats 2 Trout (Laker or Rainbow)and 3 Salmon is more than enough to feed any ONE individuals family...same rules apply here on Lake Huron ...the transition was fairly successful when it happened here years ago ....and the MNR actually made a few dollars in fines for those that wouldnt comply
  9. I dont hear any heavy set women singing yet.... 377
  10. Happy Birthday Brandon! May all you shots today have something to do with Tequila and nude models
  11. you finally made it to qualify for blue pills and super absorbent undies... Happy B Day
  12. another run through the ranks for the bird enthusiasts....you might find this site interesting ..
  13. this is kinda cool....apparently these two same birds come back to this nest year after year...they are now sitting on an egg....no sign up or anything to veiw ....it is actually quite tranquil to watch them http://www.hornbyeagles.com/webcam.htm
  14. Save your money on the Suffix or bury it deep in the reel...IMO
  15. wisdom and glasses come with age....hope you seen a wise man in the mirror.. Cheers
  16. lol...where is the motor city mad man!!!!!
  17. waaaaaaaaaay kewl!!!!!
  18. Last week of June and Port Bruce is a proven winnner for Jumbo Yellows
  19. These were taken yesterday
  20. I think i still have one of those Penns Still...hasnt been in service for years though Whats the secret to getting kids to read on the boat??? best i could ever get outta my kid on the boat was to stay awake for about 15 minutes....then wake up 8 hours later to ask what HE caught Done And Good Luck...
  21. As GB stated...make sure they are IC rated and if they dont have a sealing gasket around the housing lip make sure you "tuck tape" the poly to the housing and all your seams if they dont overlap on a joist/truss....although it is impossible to achieve 100% closed sealed barrier (because of staples and drywall screws) try to get as close as humanly possible... pot lights have changed drastically over the last 5 years in sizes and prices...there is a reason some cost 5 dollars a unit as oppposed to 35 dollars a unit ... Good Luck and enjoy your new lighting ..
  22. I was up there today just taking pictures and there was two guys out on the harbour and 5 or 6 guys fishing off the wall by the old A&P store....the guys fishing the wall had a whitey and a small bow....i dont know if the guys out on the harbour had any fish but i do know they didnt have any brains...i took some cool shots of them with the freighter and its open water and them in the ice hut not too far away....my buddy wanted to go out and chat with them ....but i told him he was going alone...lol...yeah im a wimp....but ill remain a wimp that doesnt fall under ice...lol... If you go ...stick close to the Chichiman Cheers
  23. 1.19 for diesel up here....who would of thought i would feel good about that ....three years ago i was paying 1.57...cheaper to fill up with vegtable oil bought out of the grocery store
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