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Everything posted by davis

  1. I love my GoPro. Be nice to try the GoPro2, but the original does a fine job and I can't really justify the cost to upgrade. I use it mainly while trail riding on the dirt bike (see and watch in 720p). For editing, I got the tip on a pretty decent and very affordable program called TrakAx from a post here on OFC - I can't remember who it was, but he'd posted a clip he'd put together of boating/fishing footage and referenced the editing software. There's a free trial version, and I'd say its well worth the $30 cost for the full version. I like it because you don't have to convert the .MP4 GoPro files before editing. And, it's super easy to create HD clips for YouTube. Keep in mind that you generally need a pretty beefed up computer to be able to even view the footage in HD. My 'older' computer couldn't handle the files - so I'd just hook up the GoPro straight to the plasma and watch there. It also meant that editing the files was impossible, and I'd have to convert them first to a format that my computer could handle.
  2. wow she's hot!! damn...
  3. I totally get how most people would shrug this off because "i have nothing to hide". so long as it's not directly inconveniencing you, then who cares, right? I'm all for getting rid of the 'bad guys', but the bottom line of this specific government initiative - in its current form - is that it's a direct infringement of our rights, and so long as we shrug these things off because we don't think they directly impact us law-abiding citizens, it paves the way for our civil liberties to be further undermined. Just my opinion, and I'm no expert on this by any means. But if you are interested in the perspective of real experts on this issue, check out this mini documentary... <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/xyHnOCDewuQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  4. This is a serious issue that should concern all Canadians. If you're interested in learning more, or want to take action, go to http://openmedia.ca/ and sign the petition. They're a great organization who have already won a fight or two...
  5. Slightly off topic, cause I have nothing of value to offer to this post - but I'd love to see those pics!
  6. Yes, it will be a lottery system as it has been for all previous Winter Classics. There will also be a number of promotions/contests to win tickets from the Leafs, Red Wings & league partners - but those are still a long way away. If you visit the Leafs site, you'll see that they're offering sign up for pre-sale access - which essentially means you'll be notified when they launch their lottery. It'll definitely be tough to get your hands on tickets. To give you some perspective - the lottery list for the 2010 Winter Classic @ Fenway in Boston was 300,000+ people deep. The demand for this one will far exceed any of the previous.
  7. sweet!
  8. Like how much $$ are we talking? I'm not a huge fan of MMA myself, but I can definitely appreciate the skill and sport of it. I hear Brazilian JJ and I automatically think of Royce Gracie. My buddy used to work at his families video store when we were teens, and we'd spend hours watching Royce in UFC 1, 2, etc... back in like 94 or so?
  9. This is awesome - i'll definitely take advantage of it. Thanks Chanelle! And congratulations on all of your success!!
  10. Wow!! I really appreciate everyone taking the time to respond (and with pictures too!!). Lots of great stories and experience to help with our decision. Amazing. The real appeal to me as a parent, as almost everyone has already mentioned, is the physical and mental benefits of a martial art. Team sports are great and have their place, but I feel that something like this really emphasizes character development and better reinforces the values that we try to instill in the home. Just like anything though, it is what you make of it. I've talked to my son about it, and he seems pretty enthusiastic. Hopefully if we get into it, he'll stick with it. But that'll be his decision. I'm starting to do my research on what's available in our area (Aurora/Newmarket) and am looking forward to making some drop ins. Thanks again
  11. now that's a stupid spelling mistake!!! D'oH!!! Thanks for the suggestions. He hasn't really expressed interest, but he's a feisty little guy and I figured that he can benefit from the lessons learned through martial arts, including how to defend himself. Now that I've got kids, all these stories about bullies are really getting to me. I just want both my boys to have the smarts and skills to be able to look after themselves (and catch fish!) as they grow and mature...
  12. I've got a 4.5 yr old son that I'm looking to enroll him in some form of martial arts - not necessarily for competition - that'll be his choice - but more for the other benefits - i.e. self esteem, confidence, discipline, etc... I'm posting here because I swear that there was a member of OFC who had a child - daughter I think - that was heavily involved in martial arts and might be able to share some advice? Just trying to determine which discipline he should pursue. Open to listening to all suggestions/advice - PM me if easier. ~dave
  13. well then i guess i misunderstood, probably from not knowing what you are selling and what you're asking for (i haven't read all the responses in between) i took from your post that you were just pissed that people would offer you less because you indicated prices are firm, and my point was that it's expected to be offered less, firm or not. i found a trailer on kijiji listed for $800 firm. Went to see it, and ended up towing it home for $700. some may consider that a lowball, some may not - either way i saved myself $100. just my $0.02. no harm meant...
  14. So this surprised you that someone would try to negotiate a lower price (low-balling aside)? I've made many purchases where I've ended up paying less than the so-called 'firm' price. Whether you indicate 'firm' or keep the price up to leave room for negotiation, people will always try to bargain. Part of the game...
  15. Unbelievable and downright ridiculous!!
  16. I believe said lake is the home of the current (or former?) record for largest LM Bass in Ontario @ 10lbs+ Entire lake is surrounded by private property. If I ever came into some excess $$$, top of my list is to rent a heli and drop in on these so-called 'private' lakes...
  17. I remember it like it was yesterday. I remember how beautiful a day it was. At the time I worked for an ad agency at Bloor & Church. Saw the 1st report about a plane flying into the WTC tower on my way up in the elevator. Got into the office and most of the staff was gathering around the TV in the boss's office. People were coming and going thinking that some small plane had accidentally flow into the building. When the 2nd plane hit and then the first tower fell, the mood changed from wonder and awe to OMG, this is some serious crap. I remember that most high-rise office buildings uptown and downtown were evacuated by lunch time. I remember how mad I got at my girlfriend/now-wife because she couldn't understand the 'over reaction' and why people were being sent home early. She had only caught bits and pieces of the news and I remember her apologizing profusely later in the day when she really understood the magnitude of what happened. I was in full on panic mode thinking that we just witnessed the start of WW3 and the US was going to start dropping Nukes all over the middle east. I remember going to my friends house that night and watching the President address the nation. And I remember standing outside that night, amazed that for the first time in my lifetime, there were no planes in the sky. On my last trip to NY in Sept, I visited Ground Zero for the 1st time and walked through the 9/11 memorial center. It was heart wrenching and overwhelming. I think i used up a half box of tissues myself. And to look over the site and imagine that two massive 100+ floor buildings came crashing to the ground was almost too much for me to comprehend if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. I'll never forget that day...
  18. not really. pretty classless. what gripe do canucks fans have with him?
  19. I do indeed. Running strong, though she doesn't get used as much as she used to after the kids came along...sigh...
  20. so does that mean you wouldn't give this a try? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJy-t_yc9l8
  21. XM Canada is official partner of the NHL and carries games. Sirius and XM are one company in the US, and they're going through the same process in Canada now. Channels and programming will be consolidated, but they'll still have NHL games - i'm just not sure about when this will all be done. Might be worthwhile to put in another call to Sirius and see if they share any info with you, otherwise i'm sure it'll be a short wait before the two finally complete the merge - likely in time for next season.
  22. You won't regret it! It's an amazing little camera. Great video Brandon. I've never seen anyone jig for muskie - that hookset was awesome!
  23. LOL that.was.awesome! thanks for the laugh
  24. Yesterday I was heading to the airport for a business related day trip. And, like usual when I take these trips, I prayed that it wouldn't be the last time I would see my family. I heard this senseless tragedy unfold over the radio during my drive, and last night when I returned home safely it hit me pretty hard. The thought that there's a little boy who's dad wasn't going to be coming home anymore is so terribly saddening. Condolences, thoughts and prayers to the family, and to those who choose to protect and serve.
  25. I went Plasma with a Samsung 8 series. Absolutely love it. It's in the dark basement (even with all the lights on - pots - there's no change to picture quality or any reflection issues) and is mostly used for gaming, sports, and movies. Colours are fantastic - deep and rich, and you can't beat the blacks/contrast on a plasma. It came down to the Samsung or Panasonic G or V series plasma. Burn in is not so much of a concern these days, though they call it Image Retention now - as long as you 'break it in' properly. To be extra cautious, I make sure that I set my sleep timer on the tv in case I fall asleep with a video game on. Six hours of static menus/graphics up on the screen is not good for any plasma. And you're not doing your HD tv justice if you don't watch how amazing Blu Ray looks. Animated flicks on Blu Ray look so life-like it's unreal. Vids from my GoPro HD camera look amazing. For basic tv-watching in HD, or DVDs, you'd hardly notice the difference between similar spec'd LCD vs LED vs Plasma in my opinion. Its the stuff that's made to take advantage of the full resolution (like HD video games and blu ray) that really allow the TV's features to shine.
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