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Everything posted by Whitespinnerbait

  1. And the week after , and the week after .......
  2. No problem there ..... Many fish are released ,, My first reaction was to get the fish in question back in the water and released but unfortunately is was bleeding bad Looking back now I could .. :wallbash: :wallbash: for being unprepared..
  3. All it would take , would be the wrong type of guy to find out about this Lake ...and all hell would brake loose :( :( :devil:
  4. In to many 5 gallon pails.........
  5. Highdrift.... We went to shore because all hell had broken loose ,, The fish was bleeding like a stuck pig , both my thumbs were bleeding like hell ,, from my partners yelling grab it , grab it :devil: Next outing I would like Leechman to get a Beast like that... I might have the fish mounted or lop it in the Garden for fertilizer.... :unsure: :wacko:
  6. Mepps Black Fury #2 ,,,Gulp Alive ,,,Little Mepps Spoons . :worthy: That's about it right there.............
  7. Well Ladies and Gents... Days like today are pretty much unpredictable , A couple of us headed out in search of some Big Bad Trout , And Man did we get Lucky. Long story short, here's some pics ...... 24/7 with a Quebec Red Beauty.... He caught with a Quebec Blue... Action shots..... Now Bass- Hunter's turn Nature Shots Now for the Freak..... :worthy: OFC Style of pic.... What a Day Today.... :wub:
  8. Stcoked or not............... Absolute thrill to hook into one of those Magnificent specimens ......
  9. Probably taste like Catfish .............
  10. I still have dreams of the fight I didn't get that day ........
  11. Heading back to the Lake in question , this weekend ... This time all fish will be released like they should have been in the first place.....
  12. Pick up one broken piece in each hand lop in to the garbage can ....end of story !!!!
  13. Hey Moose.... One thing you never want to do is witness 24/7 and I out fishing for bass or pike together........... The name calling between us would bring a grown man to tears... :wacko: P.S. never been at odds , just ribbing each other
  14. Exactly ............Usually they remove one of the front fins ,, BTW ... its a two hour walk into the lake in the middle of nowhere.......
  15. Exactly ............Usually they remove one of the front fins ,, BTW ... its a two hour walk into the lake in the middle of nowhere.......
  16. Don't worry about them posting anymore , if they catch and keep another trout that size they won't be allowed to fish that Lake '' ANYMORE '' .....
  17. Here Here ......... Fish of a Life Time right there........... :worthy: :worthy:
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