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Everything posted by Whitespinnerbait

  1. Yep , nice fish Jacques Let me lop on some Nature pics.......... Bohemian Waxwing Wooducks Common Loon Your PB ..... :worthy:
  2. Simon.......... Tomorrow i'm bringing Jacques to a Lake where the real Monsters are...
  3. One hasn't lived until one has been to Disneyland with the Kids.... Brings back memories from 2000 when we took the kids down , we had the time of our life...
  4. = had a 2 and 1/2 pound speckle on , and it got off when he reached shore with it... :unsure:
  5. WoW ..... Lucky Guy to be off work on a Beautiful day like today, and a plate of speck's to boot :worthy: Nice outing Jacques....
  6. Finally someone puts on a Crappie Report and '' Under '' estimates the weight of his PB.....
  7. If we take it in as a trade in we will have take a $1000 just for starters........... :blahblah1:
  8. If we take it in as a'' trade in'' we will have take a $1000 off just for starters........... :blahblah1:
  9. Hilarious right there..... That Video is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth... :clapping:
  10. $45,000 must be an error in price :dunno:
  11. Keep going till not one of them are left , then move on to the crows...........
  12. Can ya say hi to Bubba for me ..........I mean Bubbles,,
  13. Won't be long ,, week an a half or so and we will all be fishing Victoria Island for cats You won't have any hockey to watch Dan ......
  14. Cocoons best sunglasses ....right there :worthy: So my fishing buddy says.....................
  15. Smoke them as in outplayed them Bigtime ,,Not necessarily in points...
  16. Serious Pike Report right there!!!!!!! Congrats to all parties involved ..
  17. Wonder what the Canadian fans are doing right about now.. :blahblah1:
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