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Everything posted by ctranter

  1. I think its sad that crime in Toronto is spreading to the outter regions of the GTA... Scarberia, Mississauga, Brampton, rather than being restricted to the "ghetto's" or urban centers, where it can be more contained by police.
  2. Thx for the advice gents, Ill give it a try this weekend and report back
  3. I have an early 90's mercury 9.9 outboard that constantly cuts out when the throttle is very low. I end up trolling too fast, or not trolling at all. I clean the spark plugs every season, and last season I had full maintenance done on it, yet it has always been a problem. Could it be caused by a problem in the gas line? Old gas? some other gas intake problem? Usually right before it happens, the engine revs to a high rpm. I have a feeling this is a common problem with old outboards, is there an easy fix?
  4. Nice largie, nothin beats a wild topwater frog catch, looks like a nice scenic spot also
  5. Them looks mighty tasty! Nice post
  6. I love the variety and specialization of MEC, but I find the prices too high to justify most purchases. For things like clothing, I don't really care if my cotton is organic or not. I did however snag a nice GPS unit on sale for 40% off not long ago, which I use all the time. Also, if you are looking for a quality head lamp, I cant think of any place better to find it.
  7. I went to my cottage in the Parry Sound area as well, and the Smallies were definitely off. Normally I have the lake to myself, but 4 other boats were on (I'm assuming they were campers), and all reported slow fishing over the 3 days I was there. Very disappointing to hear its the case elsewhere, but I'm sure it will pick up soon.
  8. Like you, I also fell in love with woodworking in high school. It's kind of hard to tell from the pics, how did you make the design on the front?
  9. Just want to wish everyone on this board a safe holiday weekend! Despite controversy, lifejackets DO save lives so put em on!
  10. I fell in love with live target cranks this opener as well, love the attention to detail and the action is just insane. I am still undecided about the live target crawfish cranks, they look nice but I haven't tested one yet - anyone with experience with these? Thanks for the report!
  11. They are cowards. The group hid amongst the peaceful protester, disguised in "street" clothes. They sneak off from the group in street clothes, make a swap to all black clothes, and cause petty violence. The goal is to promote fear and violence, not any cause or reason. After they smash a few windows, torch some police cars they swap back to their street clothes and continue to mix in the calm crowd. Nobody cares about their cause because nobody respects their voice. To the men and women of the Toronto Police that keep our city safe everyday, break out that sound cannon and deafen some "anarchists" the next time they decide to do this.
  12. On the contrary I wish all the best for Serbia. My life is pretty intertwined with Yugoslavian culture. I love pita and suho meso very much! I hope Serbia does well this world cup, but I hope you resolve your issues before raging again, or at least read the comments thoroughly first. All the best, lets let this thread die now k?
  13. I need to get me one of those duckling baits, just to freak my fishing friends out.
  14. My girlfriend gets this every season. Its allergy related, but her doctor adviced that it was infrequent enough that prescription meds weren't worth it. Maybe there is a preventative treatment available if you know you are going into the bush. The black flies are almost gone in my neck of the woods though, but horse/deer fly is possible too.
  15. Facade - 2 : a false, superficial, or artificial appearance or effect I'll let the logical insult imply itself.
  16. A tad extreme, don't you think? To clarify, my gf is Canadian, who happened to leave her birth country of Bosnia. As for politics not mixing with athletics, if you think they are unrelated guess again. Read up on Jesse Ownens for an extreme example. Obviously this does not apply, but conceptually, what good is international competition if you ignore national characteristics and differences between nations? (including poltiics). Part of the reason international soccer is so globally dominant is because of this very reason. You are right though, this is a fishing/hunting forum, that routinely expands to include many sports, many political ideals, and many rants. If you prefer to debate Yugoslavian politics intellectually, I am always happy to oblige. As for the previous post about N.Korean ideologies (which Im too lazy to go quote)... How about totalitarianism, Stalinism, and Propagandism? How about complete and utter denial of free speech? I'm just saying, I was much happier to see 7-0 from N. Korea, than a country that is neutral to me. Sorry for enraging you, and... "hatred" Back to soccer.
  17. They deserve humiliation because their nation supports ideologies that offend me (and the rest of the free world) morally. As a supporter of freedom and equality, their nation continues to show the rest of the world how socially "behind" they really are. Combine that with ignorance, and military radicalism and you have a big fun bundle of bias. Thats why they deserve international humiliation, and I stand by what I said. Don't take my opinion for fact, do the research for yourself, as I have done. When you have any international sporting event, prepare for peoples biases to show based on who they cheer for. Don't like it? Tough. As for Serbia, my girlfriend is Bosnian, my best friend Croatian, and many close friends are Serbs. I don't get to tease my Serb friends much outside of soccer, so during international events we verbally battle it out pretty hard. When I saw this thread, I couldn't resist the opportunity to continue the fun. The best part about insulting Serbs, is that its all fun and games until you start insulting Serbs. Although, with the dramatic facade that Italy continues to display, its hard to rag on a team like Serbia that has a fundamentally solid play style.
  18. Nuff said. Although if there is one nation that deserves humiliation, its North Korea. Next after that is Serbia.
  19. I've seen deer, fox, coyote, racoon, skunk, all off the humber at Scarlett and Eglington. Also many salmon
  20. sorry no... the most blatant divers are always french canadians and russians.
  21. I only have experience on Big Whitefish, but I know there are lakers, pike, and lots of bass in there. It does get pretty deep in the middle so it definitely helps to have a fishfinder. There are still many natural stretches of shoreline with no cottages , try those first.
  22. Great Browns man! I've recently discovered myself (with a little guidance) just how much bushwacking is needed to find some sweet spots. These reports keep me entertained through class, keep em coming!
  23. Great pics, gotta love those big smallies.
  24. I had no idea it was already being built. Do I smell a field trip for a certain grade 5 class studying communities? The fishing idea was rather far-fetched and improbable. Rather, I was more supportive of a simple recreational water facility that the community desperately needs. The wonderland wave pool has rubber shores, but its chlorinated water, and if they plan on a 'pseucho-natural' lake, it might not fit in well. As for Ross G. Lord park, I am very curious where this 'lake' exists. If you mean the pond/resevoir at the south end of the park... that is hardly suitable for anything recreational. For all I know that is the runoff from last years sinkhole at Finch and Dufferin.
  25. Regardless, they waste our money on ridiculous "sound cannons", which they will probably not even use. I live in Toronto, and own a cottage on a bass-fishing-paradise of a lake, but If I could soak some lines minutes from home, I would in a second. Hell, I would even pay to do it. ^^Spoken like a typical white middle class bigot. Do you have any idea how disadvantaged this community is? They deserve a park that is not an empty field. Oh don't worry, they can just go north to enjoy the outdoors...
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