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Big Cliff

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Everything posted by Big Cliff

  1. Ok Moe, you'll just have to bring that boat over here so I can install that fish finder for you and service that motor.
  2. I was out again last night and saw one but couldn't get a clean shot at it. That is the 4th one I have seen in 5 trips but they are really skittish. They seem to be hanging back in the cedars still, just hasn't been cold enough to get them moving around much.
  3. cityfisher, the bow is a Middelton; it is Canadian made and exceeds any of the other bows on the market in many ways, if you need specifics talk to DT Sam and he can give you all the details. About the best I can tell you is it is that it is the fastest, most powerful one on the market or was when I bought it last year. Anyway I like it a lot and yes, it does have a scope which is more for gathering light than anything as a lot of deer hunting is done at dawn and dusk. motv8tr; I am putting together a box of bones and some other freezer burned stuff for your pups, don't wory, I'll never forget and the season is still young. Hope you have lots of room in your freezer. To those of you that are considering the bow hunting; I had been thinking about it for a long time, my only regret is that I waited so long! Actually though it was probably all for the best because I was lucky enough to find someone that would listen to what I thought I wanted and then advise me of what I really did need. That made a lot of difference! If we were ever going to start another section on this board I would suggest that it might be a Q&A on hunting with some advice offered by people that really know their stuff. We have an endless supply of resourses available right here! HearingFish: While I have no trouble hitting a 2" dia. target with this thing at 30-40 yards (in fact I won't shoot at the same 2" target twice in a row, the accuracy is so good that I fear hitting my first arrow= "expensive")! Modern day crossbows are so powerful that my bolt went clear through this deer and about another 10" into the ground which was hard packed. Don't worry about starting out with larger game!
  4. For a few years now I have been thinking about getting into bow hunting but it was just one of those things that got put on the back burner for a variety of reasons. Cost, and lack of knowledge in what I needed and where to get it........ were a few of them but I had decided that crossbow was the way I wanted to go. Last year with the help of my friend DT-Sam I decided that now was the time so Sam took the time to set me up with everything I needed, delivered it to me up here in Lindsay, and even took the time to teach me how to use it: how is that for customer service? I did get out ith it a few times but never saw anything to shoot at, well, that's not quite true I saw lots just no deer. This year was a new fresh start and the little meadow that I love to hunt was loaded with fresh sign so I got all my gear together the other evening and headed out to spend some quiet time in my tree stand. I wasn't in my stand for very long and a beautiful and very large wolf walked out 20' from my stand, he had no idea I was even around. He spent a good 10 minutes walking around checking things out, I really wish I'd had a camera with me. I did ponder shooting him but for what? I was deer hunting. (The farmer where I was hunting did tell me after that I should have shot it because it was going after his cattle). Anyway inspite of lots of fresh deer sign, nothing came out that night. The following afternoon as I headed back to my stand a beautiful dow was standing almost right under my stand and I got withn about 200 yards of her before she took off, was I getting there too late? Well I climbed up into my stand anyway and settled in. It was a Kodak evening, light breeze, a trace of cloud, I really didn't care if I saw a deer or not, there is nothing like sitting there and becoming one with the bush around you. Then it happened, 6:18 pm and I catch a flick of movement slightly to my left, I slowly turn my head and there 25 yards from me is a nice young buck about a year old (actually I didn't find out it was a buck until after). His ears were going a mile a minute as if he sensed something was around but after a few seconds he put his head down and started to eat. Slowly, oh so very slowly I picked up my crossbow, put the cross hair juwst behind the sholder, slipped the safety off, and fired. I have to admit, I have only ever shot deer with a gun before and I wasn't sure what to expect with a crossbow. I wasn't sure that it would be as quick or as clean a kill. Well, let me tell you, that deer was down within about 3 seconds of being hit and it was only a few more seconds before it was dead. I have to admit I was surprised and very pleased! Anyway, I now have venison in the freezer and a lot of respect for the power of a crossbow. Thanks Sam for all your help in getting me started with the right equipment and for taking the time to make sure I knew how to use it properly!
  5. What I am trying to understand is if there was a spike belt just up ahead, how did the on coming car get past it? Even if the on coming car had somehow missed the spikes, wouldn't there have been cops there? Most important thing is you came out of it without a scratch!
  6. Well, first , Happy Birthday to you. I was thinking about you yesterday morning when I saw the fog bank out on the lake. We were kind of hoping you might drop in on your way home as I thought you might stop in for a few walleye around dusk. Good job on the fishing, nice bass! Really glad you enjoyed your day.
  7. Joe, you probably feel right now like a sledge hammer just hit you right in the chest! None of us want to feel what you are going through right now but it is something we will all have to deal with at some time in our lives. The best advice I can offer right now is to honor him and remember him for all the wonderul things he taught you. All the things you shared together, all the memories! Joe, keep him in your heart forever! He'd have loved that!
  8. It is a semi v hull boat, very stable, you could stand two full grown men on the side of my boat and you couldn't get it to draw water. It handles very well and I have had it out on lake O and Erie in some pretty big waves with no fear. It is a very comfortable boat to fish out of and gets up on plane very quickly and will stay there at about 15 mph. My boat is 17.5' and with a 55 on it will do about 32 mph. Down side, in 2' white caps you are going to get pounded if you try to run it up on plane, so you lower your speed and adjust your trim to keep the bow down and all is good.
  9. Good point FD. I have a pike hull on my boat and it can be a rough ride even on Sturgeon lake if the wind is up. Safe, but rough.
  10. A guy called the shop the other day and wanted to know if we sold snow blowers. I said yes and he asked if I would be interested in buying a used one. He went on to explain that it was only one year old, in excellent condition, and the modle he gave me was one that had sold for $1299.00. He told me he was selling it because he was moving into an apartment and would accept any reasonable offer. I asked him what he would consider "reasonable" and he told me he had been trying to get $600.00 for it but would take $500.00 but he was moving the next morning. I got his phone # and told him I'd call back in an hour. I thought about it but I already have all the stock I can afford right now so decided to pass on it even though it was a really good deal so I called him back, he then told me he'd go as low as $400.00 as he had nowhere to take it to so I called a friend and he decided it was just too good a deal to pass up. My friend called first thing next morning but a woman answered. She seemed really surprised by the call and asked where he'd gotten her number from. He explained and she called me. Turns out this guy was just renting a room from her, the snow blower was hers, and this guy had skipped out early that morning taking her snow blower with him. Fortunatly the cops have tracked him and the snow blower down and he has been charged with theft but it just goes to show how easily you can get taken! If I had bought that snow blower I could have been out the money and not had the equipment. Just be careful what you do buy from someone you don't know!
  11. New oil and oil filter would make me wonder why someone would go to the trouble if they were planning on selling it.... Apart from that, it's a little hard to tell from the pictures but I would think $2000.00 is a heck of a good deal for a package that isn't even 10 years old. My boat and motor are almost 20 years old and I don't have a trailer and I wouldn't even consider selling it for $2000.00.
  12. I have a 76 map and never have any problems with it, I can even leave it sitting in the passanger seat in my car and it won't loose signal. It is important to keep the unit almost horizantal to get the best reception.
  13. What a beautiful tribute, I am sure your dad would be very proud! Peace be with you and your family. Forever in your heart!
  14. You got it Jeff! Good luck on Thursday!
  15. Jeff, do you remember where I told you that I wanted to try? Well, I tried there tonight, first time since I moved here. 3 walleye in about 30 minutes then they shut down. Nothing big, biggest about 2.5 lbs but good eaters. Will show you if you can get back soon.
  16. I could write a big long post about how much we enjoyed your visit but I think the best way to say it is: You guys are welcome here any time, we really look forward to your visits! By the way, thank you again for all the chain saw and trimmer parts. They have found a good home! Hope you can make it back again before the season closes. Big Cliff, Sue, & Andy
  17. Anytime!!!!!!! Always glad to help a fellow OFNr.
  18. Where are you located? Anywhere near Lindsay?
  19. Really loved your report, hunting is like fishing, it's not all about how much you get; it's about how much you get out of it! May you enjoy many many more hunting and fishing trips! Just keep the reports coming!
  20. You might as well just send it to me, there are exactly 95!
  21. I am trying to find words of comfort, of compassion; but all I can think of right now is that Kareem was in like company. Thank you for sharing this very memorable experience with us. I would ask God to bless Kareem but I think he already has by surrounding him with people like you and Mike.
  22. Good for you Jen, I think it's wonderful that you get the kids invlolved, it will be something that they will remember for the rest of their lives. Fishmaster; really good to see you taking the time to teach others about the outdoors. Good on ya! Cute story (but true). Several years ago a friend invited me to fish with him and his son on Quinty. The only worm harnesse I had was dark green and at one point I got snagged and and it broke. I had some blades and beeds in my box and some heavy line so I made a harness, only thing was I didn't have much to work with so there was a pink blade, a blue blade, and a yellow blade..... can't remember what colour beeds were on it. My friend, Ruby started to laugh when he saw it, he called it Cliffie's "christmas tree"! He stopped laughing when I ended up with 11 walleye and they had 4 between them LOL. He still talks about it to this day.
  23. Prayers are sent! Keep strong for your friend and family, from the sound of it, he would do no less for you!
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