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Everything posted by TerryC

  1. Has anyone besides me spent countless hours walking the banks of the new Red Hill seaching for a steelhead this spring. I have not found even one yet, a few chinnys in the fall but not one Trout this spring. There is some great holes and easy runs all the way to Kings forest (golf course) and I have searched every pool. I am not looking for somewhere to fish, even if there were a few in there, I wouldn't bother them. The creek just looks like it has lots of potential and I was hoping someone saw atleast one in there. I would hate to think they put all that work into the creek and all it would handle is suckers. Just Curious Clarence
  2. Great fish, beautiful pics. Well done! Clarence
  3. Sweet lookin steel, good job. Clarence
  4. Exactly how hard do you have to swing a crutch to knock the antlers off a passing Buck? LOL
  5. Sweet lookin Brownie, looks like she's been eating well. Nice job. Clarence
  6. Beautiful fish, Kudos to your wife!
  7. Great post, awesome fish. You can have them, looks to damn cold for me. Cheers, Clarence
  8. Awesome post, I had a flat on my car today and decided to leave it until tomorrow because I thought it was too cold out. You either CRAZY TOUGH or just plain CRAZY......... Cheers, Clarence
  9. Thanks for posting, great Video. Clarence
  10. That is one of the nicest Lakers posted this season, well done. Clarence
  11. Looks like a good little feed. Clarence
  12. Congrats, those are some nice looking fish. Well Done. Clarence
  13. With all the money tied up at the fishing show you would think they could spend some money and get a real celebrity like Charlie Moore!! LOL
  14. Sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. I am heading down to the falls with my wife and kids for a couple off days of shopping and am looking for some input on stores in the niagara falls (American side) area with fishing gear. Please help me cause if I gotta spend two days shopping for kids clothes I will probably launch myself over the falls, minus the barrel! Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Clarence
  16. I would rather sit with my wife and watch JOHN & KATE plus 8. Clarence
  17. Very cool, Thanks
  18. Awesome fish......Fishing on Lac seul is dream of mine. Incredible walleye fishing there to boot. Clarence
  19. Beautiful Specks, way to go!
  20. Penn was in way to deep with this one, better to stick with the punching bags at 155, Time to start thinking Silva (spider)vs GSP in UFC # 100. I can see it coming already. Clarence
  21. Ya It's hard travelling, I usually only get there once a year, I was thinking on having an OFC GTG...LOL. I know the fish looks big, but up there it only weighs 2 GRAMS.... Clarence
  22. I was up there last week, Ice on Brooks bay was 12-14 in, Very easy to walk out if you follow the snowmobile trails from Forest Glen, there has been a bit of snow since I was up but I imagine it's still in good shape. Most of the Crappies are being caught suspended in 22 to 26 feet of water. Grab some minnows at Stone's (Hwy 28) and you shoud be in Buisness. There is alot of pressure there on the weekends, so if I ways heading up I would try to get on for the early bite or hang around until dusk. Good Luck Clarence
  23. A few years ago they said Pat Quinn couldn't motivate the young players on the Leafs, what a CROCK, he sure found a way to motivate the boys last night after a tough start. Kudos for hangin with Tokarski? after going down 3 zip. Great game. GO CANADA GO. Happy new year Clarence
  24. Pike, and their a pretty good size too. Good luck. Clarence
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