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Everything posted by cowanjo

  1. Here is the Link - Great days fishing and here are some true crazy Australians Great white Shark Hunters _ Stockton Beach http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LebBRGS8hLY
  2. I have had incredible success this season, but fall has arrived and for some reason I normally struggle. I spent 9 hours over the weekend tossing lures, not even a follow! I though Karma after towing the Ohio guys would have made me get a nice one but to no avail. My technique - troll believers jointed 20 -30 feet slow at 3 mph. Cast which i did this weekend I would love some help and advice, I fish Pigeon lake. Thank you for the help. I dont need spots just some ideas to try! John C
  3. I think the Kawarthas are a great fishery - tough weekend however - I found a group of guys from ohio broken down just as I wanted to fish, towed them home stayed for dinner and beers. Had to leave the boat! get wife to pick me up Now to answer the question, I think any Muskie in Kawartha over fifty is very unusual (see my posts) I have not got the number of Pete but 50 plus in my boat this year with me getting 34. I have nver split out the averages as I am interetsed in getting them back in. In three year and 100 skis never one over fifty. Although i believe Lees below is as close as you will see. All I can say is see the one attached it is the biggest ever I have seen (Lee owes me huge not my musky but caught at 1:45am)It is not a great Photo but we measured it on the tape side of boat it was curved at 46 inches. We didnt measure the guy the weekend before last but it was also huge so were the waves (See me below)
  4. Roy is absolutely right there is more science too this, I was taught when my uncle had a prawn trawler in South West Rocks (Kinchela) Australia - add some weather and knowledge and get out there late in the dark it is truly scary and amazing to hear a splash in the dark. this is my third year fishing muskie and my logs are the most beneficial piece of information i have coupled with a great knowledge of my lake. The nice part is that as usual iphone has really helped out - it is not about moon up or down but the solunar tables. I use an iphone app - I dont want to plug them here - good luck to all
  5. I would start by thanking all who helped a newcomer to canada really find a passion here, all were released to swim another day - cannot thank the guys who told me to get wire cutters. They are used on nearly every fish in lieu of hand grenade in mouths which I see often Lets start with the weekend just past - all I can say is - rough and scary at times. My new boat really got a workout. For all those who responded earlier this year - the smokercraft is an awesome stable boat - Fished with my mate Terry and the wire cutters were in overdrive We got out after lunch on Saturday - wow tough conditions - could not hold position to much swell and wave so decided trolling way to go - caught this one about moon rise at 2pm Terry chimed in later - good to see the lake in such health and he kept providing What a great weekend. I havent posted in a while - I shared some great times with Ryan (First Muskie), Gary (First this year),Kevin and Lee (Many but has got the bug back in 2010) here is August update for you - note Mark also fished with me but he is still wearing a black and white jersey (for those who know me you should understand this Gary and his first of 2010 Ryan amd his first ever - not the scared look after i have netted cut out the hooks and handed over said fish Terry Multiple - I am too nice a host to him! Now to my month - more difficult fish by myself sometimes - quick snap when they are in the net or hopefully by the boat if easily unhooked some also with my friends above - I know some of these will look very dark - for those who know me I follow the solunar tables - so i am out there deep into the night I liked this one note the free lure thrown in! I can not forget Lee Or Kevin I also had some great fun fishing for other species with Gary (note there were a great number of mossies
  6. Absolutely awesome - it was rough Saturday that is for sure in the kawartha. They were on the bite however - i look forward to your company later in the fall to chase some trophys - I am not sure you will want the sideways rain and the white caps again
  7. I am biased and blessed to be on Little bald lake which I think is best. The Bald lakes get less traffic, the fishing is sometimes tough (Especially if you were with me last weekend ... where did those musky go?) good Luck - everyone here help me learn to fish in canada so enjoy.
  8. All I can say is awesome - this is going to cost you huge. yes you will hear should have cut line but this could be someone who is trolling at 30 feet or more who probably do as much damage Anyway why this will cost you is simple. This happened to me a few years back - sons bobber and perch.....musky ate (I didnt catch like you) but I can not even fish for anything but musky now...i am addicted. Good on you and good luck John
  9. I will be blunt - I only wanted 10 lures, to many different scenarios. The guys have given you some great advice. If I had one lure only (Decent Rod, Reel, Net, pliers, Bolt cutters, torch etc) it would have to be a bulldog - you just cant beat it. If your casting and retrieving you never know - deep water to shallow. Troll it if you feel inclined. Get a silver coloured one musky fishing is a passion. I know I have two much stuff already, yep some hang in my tackle box but let me tell you the other thing that everyone forgets - decent leaders. All the best lures are crap when you loose them in mouth of musky. Secondy make sure you have the gear to release sucessfully. I know I got advice here when i started and I bought the release gear before more stuff. I am proud of my release technique now Good luck.
  10. Update Week 2 sorry for the delay - pretty sad no fishing this weekend 50th anniversary of inlaws! Musky log Date June 12th 2010 Time : 7:25Pm finish 1.25AM Conditions Water temp 70.6 - overcast Windy from the south East Crew kevin (Newbie to muskie fishing)Lee Plan : put in place with the guys who didnt make it last week - start dogs in deepwater and some swimbaits in shallow casting - then troll later. Follow last weeks trail just slightly shallower 14-18 feet Again fished hard - sunset saw some follows. again same area which we could not get a strike last week. We have named the musky "Nemisis" and will show you pictures when we finally work out what it will eat. Looks like a very healthy musky. It is the first one I have ever seen to follow the figure 8 on three spins, then an "o" then lost interest when I went into a W pattern. 12:05AM Newbie (Kevin) never fished musky before, we hit weed while trolling - slow boat due to two off us in dark with bowed line no fish. He starts casting - happy days we are in - here is his first muskie very health 43 inch fish. Measuresd and photo this time So we think we have found the pattern weed line - casting - we do this for another hour for zero - frustrating night. We keep going 1:21Am Troll less then 1 minute Lee catches his first musky - these guys have all the luck. Honestly when I hand him the fish he is scared, never held one before and it shows. Sorry lee I have to share Photo. Happy to say we also have this one swimming away! Everyone states had enough lets go have a beer - I think they are just starting - overruled! I hope you enjoy the Photos. Saturday watched the Aussies in world cup soccer. Fished afterwards - like soceroos came up empty. Anyway this weekend can not fish - hope everyone else is safe and has some luck. i look forward to a week off and catching up with sinker. We will slay them! John C
  11. Gidday All, been a while since I posted but hopefully all will enjoy. Musky log Date June 5th 2010 Conditions Water temp 74.8 - overcast Windy from the south Plan to get out for the MR at 1:48 am just after the openers - crew were to be Lee and Mark. in the end did not happen as both partners and myself very fragile by the time we would have had to depart. Thanks guys memorable night - too many beers and talk about the season ahead. all of us indicated felt like christmas. Musky log Date June 5th 2010 Time : 1:30 aim for MS at 2:45 fished to 4:10pm Conditions Water temp 74.8 - overcast Windy from the south Crew Luke (Son 8 years old) grandad (Many years older than Luke) Plan : start with topwater due to chop try others dependant on activity. Fish area of production from June 2009 log. Luke was casting jig heads and anything else he could find to make me tie on or grandad. Many casts slow retrieve, fast retrieve mising it up to find any pattern. Fishing inside out in area which is 9 feet falling to 22 feet. Luke gets pay dirt in twenty five secconds opens up with slot size walleye - making his dad look like a novice. I change lures booty tail - finally a follow at 2:15 - really lethargic, try to figure eight multiple times - no take. grab two other rods prepared - cowgirl and bulldawg for zero. Little frustrated. Keep fishing finally right at 2:50 (Just after MS) finally catch a little guy approx 33 inches on the measure. Note to self, OFC fishing contest is not simple to get logo in frame, cost me teeth marks in thumb! have to get hat made with logo. Anyway have photo will be sent to sinker Happy - no skunk for 2010 and believe all my hard thinking has paid off, keep fishing for no more Luke gets a couple of OOS Bass - returned. fish until 4:00Pm and back home for dinner - thanks Luke! Musky log Date June 5th 2010 Time : 6:30 fished to 11:00pm Conditions Water temp 74.8 - overcast Windy from the south - ss 8:41 Crew Lee next door neighbour with reputation of skunking boat Plan : start with topwater due to chop try others dependant on activity. Fish area of production from June 2009 log. Lee casting cowgirl, John casting bulldawg (and many others trying to work out pattern) fish hard, many different retrieve styles. changed lures multiple times. No follows - not even a sign. Decide at 7:45 to head towards productive area not to far from a marina (Yes we wanted a beer!) which held fish in June 2009. Arrive cast number two catch the following - really nice healthy fish 41 inches on length. first attempt at using cradle ever, seems to work well. Hooks out quickly - get ready to take photo with tape on side of boat and OFC logo - well not to be - slipped straight back in as put her down, one kick of tail gone. Sad to not have photo happy she was so health .... big gut and incredible healthy. Fish until 9:15 nothing more....decide we have had some luck so decide to grab a beer. We have one beer and strategise for return back to our end of lake. We think troll - back on water by 9:45 - following contours at 16 foot mark (Exactly depth fish caught above) - Lee gets a hit very very dark - fish on, alas fish lost ... disappointed we troll some more. Lee wearing black and white pullover looks alot like a skunk. We continue to troll for no more hits. Decide to hit the "honey hole" - those who read my post before may remember a prolific area in Late September. Back to casting - very dark, wind has died somewhat - great to be alive and fishing again. Fishing topwater gurgle gurgle.....splash. fish on. time 10:53 - big run down into the weeds keep pressure on get her to the boat. cradle in water fish in ...big fish cradle tells me greater than 45 inches ... hard to tell need photo for OFC comp of this one ... try to put her on side of boat with logo not eay - didnt start her at begining of tape big bow and still longer than measure. Anyway dont care estactic, huge musky on opening day was she greater than 45 - Lee thinks so but cant really tell as have to get her back into the water. Notes to self. A) rechargeable torches suck, thankfully two torches in boat. Cradle is much harder to use after dark. Anyway heres the picture for sinker, may be the last one if the effort doesnt get easier. Nice health musky and I will get bigger, so lets call it more than 40 Fish a little more for no more action ... Day one of musky season for three fish. Was going to fish today but drove back to Toronto ... looking at the day now should have stayed at cottage. Anyway hope everyone enjoys and had as much luck as I did! John
  12. I also have been looking forward to this weekend. Good luck to all and post on Monday! Tactics will be simple moon rise /fall - tossing barramundi lures - has worked a treat - spring early summer - smaller baits. We will be out at 1:48 Am hopefully I get the first in season musky! If this fails will slug it out until we get one Saturday - maybe a very long night morning. New lures I modified some of my sofy plastics in the winter and made some lures using pieces of others like a train wreck. currently smallest about 8 inches largets over 25 - not sure but think the decent fish have seen it all before - time to try something different. Most likely will fish these later in season. If all else fails I look forward to everyones pictures Monday. All i can say if you dont have a golden bomber your not barra fishing - 30 plus fish last season
  13. Hi i picked up my new boat two weeks ago Call or email "Dan Smith" <[email protected]> - he is an awesome guy and tell him I refered you. Small marine but awesome price and service. Thanks John Cowan
  14. Simple but not used in Canada often - we use rainwater tanks (1000 Litres hooked together) run from the roof. Currently even with not much rain we have about 1200 litres in four weeks - switch the pump over after ice out to rainwater tanks then switch back to the well in winter. This is at our cottage. The well replenish without all the use and we have no issues anymore - we used to run dry also. We also have the home spring system sinker talks about - this all runs through this after collection prior to anyone using I will take some pictures of my system next week when at the cottage Good Luck John
  15. Awesome time for sure - have just done this myself and settled on a Proanger Xl from smokercraft (note thier deal was exceptional and got the price I demanded) - looked at all listed (not same model as i fish Kawartha lakes exclusively so I wanted a little smaller - I purchased through Port colbourne - Dan - can not say enough about them or the service on this boat or the last Legend Boats we have Henry Nguyen on this site who works for them - great guy and will give you his best as well. Good luck and post some pictures
  16. I agree log here before my personal emails, i miss home and really appreciate this board.
  17. I have read about crappie fishing using the above baits - as most know here i am learning to fish in canada being an Aussie. I dont understand how you rig these, do I go through there backs or rig texus? i appreciate this site and all the help. i will post my first crappie! thank you John Cowan
  18. I would like to thank everyone for the responses. I will post some pictures and reviews on delivery in April. hopefully I will post more pictures then just the boast of the musky which will come aboard!
  19. Hi all, I would like to ask for your help. My broker is not great in boat insurance. Just purchased a smoker craft 161 with 60HP. Want to ensure have adequate insurance cover. Any suggestions Thank you John
  20. Thanks All as usual validating my thoughts - seems like they are a solid investment (Maybe wrong word!) I will post some pictures post delivery now. i will never forget my little lund so many musky ... i may display on here to sell ... pretty hard maybe i should keep both but my wife may divorce me! so you will all see my Lund DLX honda 9.9 2006 on here some time i next month. Dont want anyone to buy until the spring - let em burn around my lake Hondas are awesome - maybe I should keep for my 8 year old. Anyway again thank you all . as many know I am an aussie and this site taught me to fish here thank you!
  21. Hope everyone is salivating for the new soft water season. I can not wait being an aussie cannot walk on ice without waiting for the crack! I am considering taking one of these underneath me this season. 60 HP 4 stroke. I want to hear the good bad and the ugly. Mylittle 14 footer on Pigeon has given me an awesome time - but want to upgrade. Thoughts and thankyou! John
  22. Yes fished this in May 2007 went to ceasars lodge - outpost fishing. We had a good time fishing was pretty good. Loads of them on topwater - it was hard with a great deal of others. Have a good time Topo Map quebec 32B-11 Previous Thread http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=16506
  23. Caught a muskie this year, cowgirl jaw and just above right eye - ended up with blood everywhere dont ask - always try and release quickly. I was trying to stop the blood flow from said thumb that happened to be bitten notice said muskie now not swimming away. (read this as belly up) five - ten minutes later said thumb bandagaed - my mate gary still cradling muskie - finally kicks and swims away. Happy to say caught this opening day! - in July caught muskie at same spot with scar just above right eye - weight and length very simlar (within 3 cm) We are all learning this site is awesome because everyone tries to release. I think that my son will have a better fishery than we do. the only issue in canada is lack of catch and release muskie
  24. I fished little bald lake off Pigeon. I got to tell you drilled 11 holes (not many) all in areas i marked pre ice with gps. I have to tell you building the ice rink with my son awesome - fishing - nil Ice was a little dubious as well - found all different depths in a 50 metre radius from "im scared" to rink. I went with my neighbour - it was like a highway with teh amount of traffic. Maybe we need a bounty on first Pigeon panfish! take care out there all I did and thanks to a couple of well known guys here who pointed me to two very bright survival suits! John C
  25. I live the Revo but had a huge issue getting parts after destroying one on a musky - hard to explain but the plate came off during fight and had to eventually hand line it in - I have recently purchased the following Calcutta TE401
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