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Everything posted by cowanjo

  1. I appreciate all the responses. I have a local guy coming to talk to me saturday. the comments are spot on he suggested the survey to get the rebates, he talked to me about why high efficiency vs others. He wants to come crawl around and then suggest. Talked about HST - never thought this would cost more but it will not be exempt. I have the insert described in bedroom - looks like fireplace, but its electic and really sucks the juice! Thanks all I will put comments after I meet with his suggestions and let everyone comment.
  2. I just did the sums - I have to be honest i am a starbucks guy - dont ask. Thats it im done - I will not do this habit anymore. I just worked out with coffee meetings I probably do easy $2K a year i can not give up the beer maybe I wil lstart a thread on how to home brew. Here it a buck a bottle (and a bottle is 3 litres) Good thread and will make me quit
  3. I just watched the decade in review - this some how tells me why i get up at 5 am and go out in the dark or cold with mates or not and fish. i race to the cottage every Friday night am normally alone trolling or casting. I caught one musky at almost 1;30 Am and I think I was more scared then i was Why do i fish - because my dad taught me and he was passionate to sustain (thats why i take maybe a couple walleye a year) - he made be able to work out structure and where to fish. I am lucky that way and i think it is due to this tuition. I live in an opposite country now and dont see him so much but i will tell you he is an active member here! Here is the link to why everyone should fish not fight - it has not been our finest decade http://www.smh.com.au/multimedia/world/the...91229-li3s.html Great topic made me think of my family John C
  4. Yes get the floatation terry a good mate of mine is till looking for his blackberry and his new Olympus - musky fishing late October Pigeon lake - marked the spot - on GPS will take a look in july next year!
  5. hi all, considering putting a furnace in the cottage - propane - today 4 season cottage wood heated mostly. any thoughts and direction most appreciated. have to duct etc s have no infrastructure at all. appreciate any experiences and pit falls! Thank you and have a great new year (hope icefishing jan 1 zone 17 is sucessful for all!)
  6. I dont want to catch or target them - i was told they were in this lake - i cannot believe this is correct and if they were it would be an independant strain worth saving
  7. I had lunch with a guy today who indicated there were sturgeon in Pigeon and tri lakes? I am australian as most here know - so felt like I was a sucker on the hook - given Sturgeon lake et al Does anyone know if there are strugeon in Pigeon, Big Bald or Little bald lakes? or as I iterated am i the sucker who said no way thankyou and good luck ice fishing this year - i am going to give it a crack (waiting to Feb so I am safe!) Have a great season all and enjoy time with your families and safe travel to all John C
  8. If they are supporters of this site name them here I would like to support the small guys like my new store in bobcaygeon.
  9. So everyone get my situation I fish by myself alot due to being new to canada - my mate normally fish weekends - 2 or 3 in my little 14 foot DLX. We love this boat and get more muskie then anyone else up there (Maybe not???_ but we are smiling ) - i have a 4 and 7 year old so I think if i plan to upgrade again in 5 years so they can ski et all this should be enough. I like the forum and I think that a 40 will power me enough (Majority of times) and will be enough when I bring my friends and they can pay the extra gas! I am interested do all Mercs have PTO?
  10. Thank you everyone - wow my head is spinning - was about to commit - Can I ask how much power you have on the extreme? I am thinking waiting until the boat show is a very good option. As always this site is awesome
  11. We travel the highway - I taught my kids this year - my son is in awe of why people have to have war to get freedom(Age 7). In fact we stopped and watch seven heros on our way to 115 this year. He understands but is sad for the families as i think everyone on the site would be God bless their families as a immigrant Australia to canada we are almost one - i will ensure my kids are proud - thank you for sharing
  12. gday all - I am considering upgrading from my little Lund 14 foot DLX 9.9 - lots of fish have come aboard so what does everyone think of think of the above boat with a 40hp efi 4 stroke - it was tough pigeon this year in rough weather. Thankyou for your thoughts? John C
  13. As most who have read my posts would know I fish the Kawartha area Zone 17 looking forward to this year - what would everyone recommend for a medium sized guy as best to buy at a decent price. Thank you John C
  14. I have set up a rink over one of my favourite fishing holes in the past three winters. We love it up there - is it risky - maybe - before I sent the kids out I did the work and drilled some holes to see. I waited to feb so I guess I tried to limit the risk. Please take your garbage with you, have a beer at my place afterwards and cook and share the fish at my place' John C
  15. I think it will be an interesting year -last year I asked multiple groups on big bald lake (sec 17) if you could ice fish - knew your could not but coolers were full (walleye and crappie) - will making it legal maybe mean we get some scrutiny. I apologise i should have reported I know - interesting question will making it legal lead to more people which could get rid of these guys?
  16. Awesome fish - my only comment would be you talk about the rules but add no value to anyone learning - this site is both educational and connecting fisherman who all want to catch and release all (or twice in picture 1 and 3???) I agree I am new to Canada from Australia and caught many in the summer - the fall has seen me lose the muskie - time is not an issue ill be out there tomorrow - yep im getting them spasmodically but there are not many posts the last month - is it really true the bite gets better? Awesome fish and put them back so I can release them later and enjoy a brew
  17. crazy here is the link - Land based great white fishing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LebBRGS8hLY
  18. No Photoshop - they use nets (Baited Drums) up there - the first shark was no doubt stuck in a net or hooked the second just takes a chunk. The water quality throught Eastern Australia is improving and a greater numbers are now seen. I saw an article when i lived in Newcastle australia of guys fishing on front of their vehicle on a beach for great white - Ill find and post. Awesome creatures!
  19. HI I have seached google but cannot find the dates of opening for Kawartha (Pigeon lake) for 2010 - never too early to start planning Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  20. I would like to say I caught the fishing bug from my dad - i can remember catching fish for dinner whiting (Salt water fish white fillet) - i remember shoving the bait in some fish mouth he caught on the bank - not sure the minnows (mullet) liked it or he did either. i spend days now trying to make my son interested but fishing in canada is too easy - he sits on the dock and catches fish after fish. maybe he has the expertise. This year he caught his first musky trolling for walleye wasnt big but all by himself age 7. If anyone is really interested I spent my summers in a place called south west rocks NSW Australia - romantic name awesome fishing - i caught mullet (Bait) for people who paid me in the summer (They tried to catch a mulloway) - i will never forget the loaves of bread i bought - i used inside as bait and ate the rest. thankyou for this topic i live in canada now miss my family in australia especially my dad who made me who i am
  21. I should add no complaints here some nice ones from earlier all due to great people on this site - every one went back and swam away http://s103.photobucket.com/albums/m134/co...holiday%202009/
  22. Gidday all, as you know I am from Australia and am learning in Canada, this site and the people I have met are awesome. All year I have been posting and having a great time - I have fished last two weekend really hard for Zero - I have fished moon rises et al - rain and even a little ice on my lake the weekend before last in the inlet. i am last boat left. So I need help - what would people try to catch musky at this time of year? I have ready musky hunter nad many websites and even tracking here not many shown now ... is it over do i get the boat out?
  23. i had the same issue - if you dont buy Little Bald lake or big bald lake your nuts - buy slightly off lake and rates are less and roads are plowed - fishing is as good as it gets world wide (I am aussie who fished a great number of places, muskie, bass walleye and others) PM me
  24. I fish with Cammo braid and mono leader - for some reason fishing this new braid is not producing - anyone else have an opinion. I tried on weekend one all mono vs braid catch musky Thanks John
  25. Anyone know where I could get parts for this real. Misadventure at the front of my boat led to a mate losing the side plate (completely) have had it in but cannot get parts to fix this. anyone with assistance would be greatly appreciated. thank you
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