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Everything posted by rock34

  1. Good luck my friend! done.
  2. I have never fished the Ganny myself but that should work fine. Your best bet is probably small roe bags fished with a 2-3' flourocarbon leader and som split shot.
  3. There is not much I can say that has not already been said....beauty! Thanks for sharing
  4. Nicely done man. Sounds like you have a great spot there. I have yet to bust out the fly rod for steelhead but one of these years its going to happen.
  5. Thinking about fishing

  6. Nicely done Aaron. I think you guys ran into one of my buddies out there as well. He told me he was chatting with Lonnie and he took a bunch of pictures of him with fish. I fished the same stretch of river Sunday morning as you guys. I didnt see another person, it was a treat. Nicely done and thanks for sharing.
  7. Those underwater pics are great. Nice report
  8. Ha ha, thats a good one. Trust me, Solopaddler has nothing to worry about. I got lucky this weekend. He does this and better on a regular basis. His advice had a lot to do with our success this weekend.....thanks Mike! I must admit though, I did steel a few picture poses from him, they are cool!
  9. You need a peofile pic Jon.....come on now
  10. Dude, thats awesome! sounds like a heeluva good time!
  11. Im sorry about your loss. Pets are family. I almost dont want to get another one because it sucks so bad when they move on.
  12. Awesome pics dude
  13. Thanks Mike. I have learned a lot from you so you are to thank for lots of these fish
  14. So, trout opener was here again! Much like for many, this is my adult life "christmas eve". This year my younger brother and I were going to head out in search of some steel. Him and I are relatively expereinced steelheaders but we never really have any GREAT days with big numbers when were together, one or two fish days seem to be the norm for us. As always, we were looking for one of those crazy days where everything just works. Much like many steelheaders that dont have a "secret spot" we were tossing back and forth all week where we should go. With all the low and clear water it made the decision tough as we thought that our regular spot would not hold many fish. Saturday morning started at 3am. The Trib we decided to fish was not our reguar location and was 2.5-3hrs away. Lunches packed, a quick stop at timmies and we were on our way. There was no way werent going to be prepared. We had roe tied in all colours and sizes, dew worms, pink worms, jigs, flies, and of course confidence! We arrived a little later then we would have hoped but we just miss timed sun up I guess. Our weapons for the day The 20min walk to the pool we were targeting had us pass a number of fisherman and was making us nervous that our target location would be taken.....but when we got there it was not and it was looking good! I started my day with roe and Jon with worms. On Jon's second drift, BOOM...fish on. Too bad it was a sucker. New worm on and next drift, BOOM...this time it was a small steelhead. A good start to the morning. This was enough to convince me to switch to worms only a few drifts in. Right away I found this beauty. The excitement settled down from a little flurry of action there to start the day and before you know it a couple drifts later I was into another fish. This time though it was a SM Bass! We landed 10-12 (and lost another 5+) SM bass throuhout the day and this was honestly the smallest one. It was crazy. On worms, pink worms and roe....they didnt care. As I mentoined in a reply yeterday, its funny how we didnt care about these 3-4lb bass at all and they were actually considered annoying on this day. If we had been targeting bass it would have been an amazing day! Check out these hogs. Not only was the Bass fishing good. So was the Steelheading. Here are some more pics from the day: As you can tell, we had a great day and an incredibly fun opener. It was one of those days where we seemed to be the only guys out there consistently catching fish and the river was VERY busy. Keeping our excitement quiet at times was difficult. Around 4pm we were both dead and ready for our 3hr drive home. Back into the truck and on our way home. We were talking about how well we did and how great of a day it was and how Sunday was supposed to rain so we were just going to be satisfied with our day on Saturday and sleep in sundat morning . Then I get a call from my buddy who fished our regular opener creek and he did amazing!! He actually outfished us by himself....well guess what we were doing Sunday DAY 2 Up at 4:30 AM this day as our drive is only about 45min this time around! This type of fishing is a lot differenet then the big river fishing that we were doing the day before. This is pocket fishng at its best. We met up with our buddy who fished here the day before and we were off. I havent asked him if I can post pics of him so I will only show pics without his face....but trust me he was on fire. We also ran out of camera battery half way through taking a picture of our first ever double header. Here are some pics of these beauty fish, with the rain falling hard at times not all of the pics turned out great. The day started with a quick fish by my buddy After I had broke a fish off I managed to land a scratched up male I must say that for Jon this was a tough day. He not only had to re-tie at least 10 times from snags in trees and rocks, around 10am his reel managed to wind a bunch of line up inside of it and without the proper screwdriver to take the reel apart, his day finished early without a fish. As a true fisherman would though he just helped the two of us land fish the rest of the morning. Here are some more pics. Im not sure whats with my face in this one...lol This is the last picture that the camera would take that day just moments away from taking a picture of our first ever double heder together after fishing together for 2 years. We finished the day from 6am-11am going 14/21 and this was slow compared to the day my buddy had on Saturday. Anyway, sorry for the long post. I know there are a lot of "opener" posts out there. I hope you enjoyed and I sure know that I did!! Till next time.
  15. Nicely done! Looks like a lot of fun. Not to start anything but if you are going to release those fish you should try not to hold them by the gil plates like that. Some people just dont know that, which is why I bring it up. Im not being all "righteous" or anything. Thanks again for the post.
  16. I was out the door at 3:30am on Saturday and 4:30am on Sunday. Problem is, im too stupid to stop fishing early like you and now I am so tired I have no idea whats going on......6hrs sleep in a weekend makes Rob go crazy So, nicely done.....I think
  17. Great report....I fished a Trib on Saturday that between two of us we landed at least 10-12 SM Bass with not one being smaller then 3lbs. Its actually kinda funny how you can catch a 4lb SM while Steelie fishing and not care in the least. If I was targeting bass some of the fish we caught would have had me jumping up an down. Welcome to the float fishing world.
  18. Nicely done!
  19. Good luck everyone! I will have my garbage bag with me for sure.
  20. Nicely done! Good looking King
  21. Awesome pics man! I cant wait until the day I get to do that! I am planning on fishing the BOW when I am out there in November for a conference but something tells me I wont be in short sleves at that time of year
  22. His price was in line with every other Canadian distributors. I found a sale on-line that was out of the US and calculated with duty how much I could get the waders to my door for. I told him to come within reason of the price and I would buy from him and he matched it. Trust me, service is amazing there and if you dont like the price them tell him why not. His strategy to success is clearly building customer loyalty and repeat business not huge margins.
  23. I buy 90% of my fishing gear at Rainbow sports. The owner Chad is awesome. I wanted to buy a new pair of Dan Bailey waders and I told him the price I could get in the USA if I had them shipped in and he matched it, which was like a $100 discount. He always takes care of his customers. Natural has a much larger selection but there prices are no better and their customer service is very weak. If you arent a pro then they dont seem to have time for you. Anyone with a dumb question will be made to feel like it was a dumb question. Just my 2 cents
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