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Everything posted by rock34

  1. What about Habitat for Humanity? They put families in houses which over the long run has an effect on the lives, education level and success of the children in the future. The Habitat for Humanity program doesnt just help the child or family but it actually breaks the cycle of poverty and gives them a chance. I should note that I work for Habitat for Humanity and I just thought I would throw this out there. There are so many great charities and this is just one of many, you cant go wrong when helping children.
  2. I have 4 nights booked on Booth Lake in July. This is my first trip to the park! I cant wait. Has anyone fished Booth or any of the surrounding lakes? I plan to make some day trips foe sure. Cheers !
  3. Marc, Thanks for the details you have outlined. I had no idea that someone would need the training that you mentioned, although it does make total sense. Where do you take training such as that??
  4. Hey group! I think we have all heard the expression at one time or another "do what you love and you will never work another day in your life". While I have realized that there is one major passion that I have in my life and that is FISHING of course. So I am wondering how people have become charter boat captains.....? Have you simply fished a location for pleasure for so long that you are productive enough to turn it into a business venture? Are there Charter companies that will hire "deck hands" (for lack of a better term) to be trained to eventually captain a boat? If you are a charter boat captain in Ontario, what do you do in the winter? So many questions and I have no idea what the answer is. I really have no idea how people get into the industry and I am sure there are many ways, I am just curious as what those ways are Cheers everyone!
  5. I am the National Supply Chain Manager for Habitat for Humanity Canada. Basically I move donated building product around the country from coast to coast.
  6. Thanks man. I was told that the fishing was really slow in these rivers this year. I wonder why and I hope that is not a sign of things to come. I almost dont believe that it has been as poor as I have been told, which is why I ask. Huron Tribs have treated me well lately but I was thinking about heading to a Lake O trib at some point for a change of scenery. If nobody has a report on these rivers though I think I will stick to where I have been as it is a bit of a long drive when there are no fish around. Thanks again!
  7. I am curious as to how the action has been in these rivers lately. I know earlier in the year they were rather quite..... Any reports to share? One more question, with Petro park being closed, where can you park to fish lower Bronte this time of year? Thanks everyone!
  8. This looks like an insane day gentlemen! Congrats!
  9. Cool Thanks. I have been told that I would be wasting my time there in July and August.
  10. Anyone have any experience fishing out of Port Dalhousie? I know the fishing is good in the spring and in the fall but how about July and August? How far do you need to run from the marina in order to get into so fish? I have never fished out of there before but I am thinking about moving the boat from Lake E to Lake O for next year so any info you have would be amazingly helpful! Thanks, Rob
  11. Does anyone have any info on Bronte Creek? Im not looking for specifics.....just wondering if I am waisting my time taking my brothers fishing on Monday. They have never float fished and I would like to get them into a few for their first trips. Cheers and good luck to you all!
  12. I wish I could go to the US and fish this weekend. Really I am looking to take my two young brothers out and they are just starting to float fish this fall so I would like them to actually see a fish or two and possibly avoid the crowds of a place like the credit. We are leaveing from Waterloo but have no issues driving anywhere really. Any tips?
  13. If you were to go river fishing on Thanksgiving weekend, anywhere in Southern Ontario.....where would you go?
  14. Nothing as of last weekend.
  15. Hello All, I know Bronte Creek is a heavily fished river (or creek whatever you want to call it) but I have no idea where the access is to it. I know that it is now closed below dundas (HWY 5) but where can you park and fish this time of year. I have only ever fished north of hwy 5 during the spring. Any input would be great. Even if you want to PM me. Thanks!
  16. Hey man... I live in Waterloo and am thinking about going out this Saturday. I was thinking the Credit river but have not decided. I am about 70% going at this point but not quite sure if my wife needs the car or not. Anyway, when and where were you thinking about going? I only know a few spots but I would be willing to hook up if I am going.
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