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Everything posted by rock34

  1. I agree with responsibilities being a fishermans worst enemy (mostly work lol)
  2. Right on Lazlo! Good stuff. Ive been at the Pinning for a few years now and thats still a better day then I have sometimes. I think I was skunked about my first 4 or 5 trips out so you are well ahead of the curve. God job and congrats.
  3. I never said at the same time....although that is bound to happen time to time
  4. This is great Dan! He looks like a big time fisherman in the making. My daughter is 12 weeks old today (finally qualifies for the Jolly Jumper ). I cant wait until I can get her out with me chasing down some pan fish!
  5. Thanks Paulus. They would pretty hard guys NOT to get along with. I always say there are 2 pieces to finding out if someone is friend worthy or not: 1. fish with them 2. Drink heavily with them Mike and Bill are in for a morning headache at some point!
  6. Cool video! Mike, you would have a trained fish.....is that why all your pictures look like the same fish?
  7. Nice brownies.... Bring on the opener so that I can get a piece of those resi's!!
  8. Amen to that!! Im one of the lucky guys however who's wife is very encouraging and understanding of my fishing addiction.
  9. Thanks MJL. Its always fun to write a report after a fantastic day!
  10. Looks like a lot of fun! I have a 3 month old daughter and I cant wait to take her out when shes ready. Great post.
  11. Nice post! Me likey the poem The location looks sweet!
  12. I got home from the fly fishing show in Burlington on Saturday evening ready to relax for the night and have a nice chilled out Sunday morning with my wife and daughter before I had a family dinner in the afternoon. Of course the first thing I do is jump on OFC to see what’s new in the fishing world within the last few hours that I missed . Hey, I’ve got a PM, cool! Its Solopaddler "Hey, I’m heading out in the morning, conditions are too good not too, want to head out with me?". Now the wheels are spinning, all the plans I had to relax, spend time with the family and of course the darn family dinner that was on Sunday afternoon. I paced around the house for about 10min trying to decide what to do .....then my wife says "just shut up and go!!". That’s all the encouragement I needed to start packing my gear for the next morning. There was no way my family would let me miss dinner so I had to be back by 4:30 and I had to drive seperatly. After a sleepless night, I hook up with Solo at Tim Horton's at 4:45am, another truck pulls in with us. Hey, its BillM. Right on, the more the merrier! I didn’t know the exact spot that we were going to drop into the river so we decided that if we got separated we would meet at a certain gas station. Well, we got separated and I got to the gas station thinking I was behind them but they were nowhere to be seen. So, I parked and waited for 5.....10......15min. Ok, now this is weird, was I in the wrong parking lot??? I drove out to the road, look back and there they are on the OTHER SIDE of the gas station the entire time. Brutal!! I just cost us some fishing time We threw on our gear and off we go!! Oh crap...while waiting for me with the headlights on in the car Solo's battery died. Out come the jumper cables and within a few more minutes we were finally on our way to the river! Now I had never fished with either of the guys before but honestly, who on here hasn’t seen their steelheading posts?? I knew that I was in for a fun day and a great learning experience with a couple excellent fishermen and more important, good guys. We parked the cars and off we went! Of course we start the day having to wade waist deep across the river... We walk past lots of fishable water on our way to what we hope will be an awesome spot. Turns out we were right!! (By we, I mean Mike and Bill ) Who would have guessed it, my second drift of the day and BAM I hook the first fish of the day! I thought to myself, hey if I leave right now I can say that I have fished with Solopaddler and BillM and out fished them both .....before I had even gotten my fish back in the water Mike was into one Then Bill took his turn right after! Within the next few drifts I hear "Fish on!" from Mike, then "Fish on" from Bill. Double header! For the next hour every time Mike hooked into a fish, Bill would as well but one of them always lost their fish so there was never another landed double header of steelies. The next fish somewhat suprised us all for this time of th year. A beauty smallie landed by Bill. We continued to hit steelies out of this run for a while..... After watching Bill and Mike come so close to multiple double headers I was getting the itch. I was trying to double up with one of them but couldnt seem to make it happen. I hooked into another steelie and then I hear Mike again "Fish on"!! Im pumped, double header steelies, this would be my first ever. As Mikes fish gets to shore we realize it will not be a double header of steel but... We continued to hit fish here and there throuout the morning. It got to 1:30pm and I knew I had to get going, darn family dinner. We all knew this feeling of depression was going to come over me when it got to this point in the day but it was well worth it. Gentlmen, it was a pleasure fishing with you yesterday and I look forward to doing it again soon. You both answered my million and one questions and helped guide me to my best steelheading day ever. I am sure you had a very successful afternoon once I left so feel free to add to this report. Here are some more pics from the day
  13. Beauty! Congrats
  14. If I had the day off to fish, I would be fishing. Weather is no factor in my world because I dont get to fish everyday like I wish I could. My wife thinks Im crazy
  15. Mike, Fantasic job as always! You understated how difficult the conditions were. I was there on Sunday and the fishing was tough. 2 guys, 1 bow and 1 HUGE sucker is all we managed to scratch up. I saw one other fish caught the entire day. Keep in mind that I am not nearly as experienced as you Mike but it is clear that you are head and shoulders above most fisherman when you can produce numbers like that under those conditions. Excellent post as always!
  16. Great pics man! Thanks for sharing.
  17. I agree with this idea Bill. I better get posting though in order to get past that 100 mark! lol Seriously though this is a great idea. I also agree that one person "hammering" fish on a lake or river doesnt mean that the guy right beside him will. I have been the guy on both ends of food chain on that one.
  18. Thats cool man. Welcome to fishing!! Be prepared to be broke....lol Its worth every minute. Sorry I wasnt trying to call you out in the pervious post, when I re-read it I realized it kinda sounded like that. Cheers.
  19. Never heard of a lamprey? The St.Lawrence is how they got everywhere else... Nasty little buggers.
  20. Mike, Do you ever miss a fresh run? As usual I more then impressed with your report.
  21. Right on man. Congrats. That is a beauty.
  22. Intense is all i have to say
  23. Have a great trip Mike. Fishing with you dad should be great! As usual your posts break my heart a little anytime I am stuck at work.
  24. John, clearly you speak from experience. Great reply! I do really appreciate the advice.
  25. I am a reasonably successful person in my profession and I do enjoy what I do for a living. However the passion is not there like it is with fishing. I want to get into the fishing industry some way or another. I want to wake up and think about fishing rods, tackle, techniques, etc. any or all of those to be exact. I have a strong business and leadership education background, I am reasonably young, I fish many different styles and have all my life. I am so passionate about the industry that I am willing to start in any area just to get my foot in the door. So, the question is, how do I break into the industry and what types of jobs should I be looking for? I dont care if it is promotions for a company on a part time volunteer basis even. My end goal I believe would be to become a rep for a fishing company throughout a specific region. If it takes 15years to get there the so be it. I know the argument that pleasure that becomes business eventually becomes work but I dont believe that in this case. Thanks all. Cheers
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