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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Dang!!!! You mean I could have gotten my card by cheating? And I went and did it the hard way by spending 5 minutes flipping through the book!!!!
  2. Would need some tweaking for fishing but it could be very usefull up here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aiOiULG8F8&feature=related
  3. There's a bunch in the Grand River. Ihave seen them in Caledonia when I used to fish there.
  4. The best thing I have found for removing water spots and the crud that builds up on the lower unit is CLR. For the cover I have a polisher and just use regular car polishing compounds and wax. I also use regular car wax on the lower unit after the CLR treatment.
  5. I'm going to try and get out for some Pike and Eye action but I have a ton of stuff that needs doing around the house and only 4 months until winter. P.S. the ice went out on our in town lakes last Sunday.
  6. I have a Garmin that I use as a portable and it's a really good unit for the $$$$. Garmin Fishfinders On my boat I have an older high end Lowrance that will be replaced with an HDS 10 when I have some spare $$$.
  7. I can see it now Bear Genocide!!! Mass graves in the bush where they toss all the bears they have gassed.
  8. Yep, they're just lulling the Flyers into a false sense of security!!!
  9. HOW TO GIVE A CAT A PILL 1/ Who cares they're only good for bait anyway!!!
  10. It's a loop that is taken off the hot water heater.
  11. Ya broke your link Gerritt. Here is my ex business partners place on Mississauga Rd. It is a little $$$$ to heat and such too. You have to go down to the bend in the road. Little House on the River
  12. You haven't seen the houses on the Bridle Path have you? The houses are so big they have multiple HVAC systems.
  13. Randy, this post is too funny!!! I do have to say I have camper envy as I also bought me a new to me camper this year and am looking forward to living in it in Alaska for a month this year. It's going to be nice to get off the ground and have a lot more room. Here is my JR Training camper. FYI I haven't backed it into anything yet but it's still early.
  14. There's a heck of a lot more water than just the few miles of no bait trout water in the Grand. I lived in Grand Valley about 15 minutes upriver and would catch my own bait in the river up there. Plus there are several lakes that hold bass, pike etc in the area. The regulated Brown Trout section is only a tiny piece of a very large system. Saying that most of the river is non organic bait is akin to saying the Credit is mostly non organic bait due to the special regs section at the forks.
  15. What took you so long? I've disliked work for 30 years now. It gets in the way of fishing, but it does allow me to buy lots of fishing stuff and go on fishing vacations to exotic far away fishing nirvana's. So I guess it's not all that bad, but if I won the lottery I could stop working and fish full time!!!
  16. That would be First Choice. There is also Kingsway a couple of clicks West as well.
  17. If Bill had caught some fish maybe he would be in the photos. Sorry Bill, couldn't help it!!!
  18. HMMMMMMM, I missed it. Was it actually a video of an angry beaver instead?
  19. We have 2 different versions of those mounts on our boats. The ones in those pictures and some that have 1 1/2" pins with srings 4 or 5 times as big as the ones on the 3/4" pins. They're real pogo sticks, saves the butt and back in rough water though.
  20. Just head down to an empty parking lot and practice your backing there. Focus on getting you trailer straight in between the parking stall lines.
  21. What's that sonny? A what, Telegraph!! Well what will they think of next? Moving pictures?
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