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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. To answer your questions Yes, No and Yes. Carry on......
  2. Looks like mine except I currently have 3 servers 2 laptops and a desktop as well as enough paperwork to sink a battleship!!!! LOL I have more work space and things are spred out a bit more.
  3. The only places it would not be legal is on single hook designated waters.
  4. The same one, it was hooked up. It finally ended up landing on the line during the last jump and snapped off.
  5. If this doesn't get the old blood pumping you're probably already dead!
  6. Looks like the worst is to the North. There's some nasty stuff just North of Owen Sound and the people in Espanola better batten down the hatches!!!!
  7. It goes out on the smaller lakes around town about the May 24 weekend and on Great Slave it goes out in mid to late june. Up at Plummers the ice went out in early June last year, but it generally goes out the last week of June first week of July. I have seen it go out as late as the third week of July. FYI, Great Bear is 400 miles North of Yellowknife.
  8. Not here!!! LOL Maybe next month, late next month.
  9. I have dealt with them quitea bit and have had nothing but positive experiences. They have even ordered stuff for me that isn't listed on the site. (mounting brackets and power cables for a finder).
  10. I think there's a spot available beside Bubbles' trailer.
  11. Check these guys out. MaxRules.Com Or these guys. MarineParts.Com Or these guys. US Boat supply
  12. With the beach wheels you can just roll it into the water and once she's floating pull the wheels up. Your best bet would be to get a small flat bed trailer for hauling it around. I have a smaller 8' inflatable that I can actually lift and throw on my roof rack, or I can drag it around on my snowmobile trailer if need be.
  13. Or if you want it bullet proof and never have to paint it again use Rhino Liner (you can get it tinted different colours).
  14. Only if the head bolts are the torque to yeild type mostly seen on newer engines. As for the OP's question check on the iboats forum.
  15. The guy I bought my new Minnkota off took it off his Tyee 1950 and his boat was on a single axle trailer and he towed it from Ontario to YK. If it is the original that came with the boat package you'll be ok. I would be repcaking the bearings before starting the journey home though. You really don't know their condition until you pull the hubs so do that at least.
  16. Yeah, I saw that this afternoon..........................they're right.
  17. To tell me they had a package for me. They take care of FedEx deliveries here in YK. So I goes down and pick it up during lunch. I open it up and lo and behold it's my winnin's from the WFN video contest!!! According to the rules and all the paperwork I had to fill out it was supposed to be a flip ultra video cam standard definition.................well it's the HD version!!!! I also got a package from the people at IS with my 2010/11 online ice fishin' tourney this week too. Been a good year so far.
  18. I hear the boat manufacturers are also now implimenting larger big gulp sized drink holders and french fry dispensers on the 2012 models.
  19. That there sounds like a Bill Dance blooper!!!
  20. Can't wait for the Edmonton store to open in the fall!!!
  21. I do it all the time and use a couple of methods. The first one I just put my ciscoes/minnows in a ziplock bag and add pickling salt and shake the bag to cover the baits evenly, then place in the fridge overnight. The next day drain off the liquid that comes out of the bait and test the firmness of the bait. If it's still too soft leave for several hours more and check again. When they firm up to your liking wash off the salt to stop them from curing too much and go fishing. This is a good brine recipe that works well with ciscoes/herring and smelt (should work for shiners too) Bait Brine Instructions Have fun!!!!
  22. Faulty Co-Pilot module, faulty board on the motor? Try disconecting the co-pilot and running the motor without it and see if it works properly. You can call up Minn Kota and they should be able to tell you what the problem is. They have been very good when I have called them in the past.
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