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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. OOPs, you meant trout opener!!! It's good too!!!!
  2. Nice!!! Here is a Link to purchase online direct from Princess Auto for those who want one but don't live any where near a store.
  3. What's the diameter of the prop you are currently using? If it's the same as the one you are looking to purchase you should gain 200 rpm with it. What is the max rpm of your motor? That will help you decide whether it's worth it or if you should drop more pitch or even go to a 4 or 5 bladed prop. It would be an idea to talk to your local dealer or if you know all of the pertinent info regarding your boat use the Mercury Prop Selector tool.
  4. Exactly!!!! All of my big ticket Honda parts have been ordered from a dealer in PA. When I was buying the parts needed for the towing package on my Pilot I saved about $700 by purchasing from the US and having it shipped to me. Saved a bundle on a new grille when I had to replace it because of rock damage as well.
  5. Dale Jr.= Dale Earnhart Jr. son of Dale Earnhart Sr. one of the best stock car racers there ever was. Hide under a rock much? :rofl2:
  6. I fished West of Long Point but with stick baits (usually Cordell Ripplin Redfins).
  7. Starbucks beans suck. I can't help if the masses of sheep think otherwise. The same thing goes here in Canada with Tim Hortons thier coffee sucks but no where near as bad as their expresso!!!! Try your Dunkin Doughnuts coffee with a shot of expresso in it. Much better. I have never had plain coffee at Dunkin so can't comment on it. McDonalds coffee has come a long way since the old days. I can say that it is (at least IMO) the best plain old coffee to be had out there. Haven't tried their expresso drinks yet though.
  8. It's true. I've become a total coffee snob and I find it very hard to find a decent cup unless it has been brewed by me. Starbucks expresso roast is horrible!!!! Nasty beans. I found that Dunkin' Doughnuts in the states had a much better grind. Most of the stands in Alaska have horrible grinds which I find strange because that is where I first got turned onto expresso. Since I started brewing my own I think I have become more critical of the brew.
  9. I even take it with me to Alaska evry fall. I have it hooked up to a generator and it has a place of honour in my camper. Eventually hope to have a Rancilio Silva and a Rancilio Rocky grinder.
  10. Hey now don't be painting all of us urbanites with the same brush (I live in a city too). You see more people running around here with guns than I ever saw in Ontario (yes even in the North). I also like my daily Mochas!!! Though that swill they sell at Starbucks it's hardly worth drinking. I pull my own shots thankyou very much!!! :tease:
  11. Ask and ye shall receive. Not floating though. You could always clip a float on. http://www.lifeproof.com/
  12. In land walleyes I usually troll about 1.7-1.9 mph (usually trolling jigs or rigs). Always found that I did better with the faster speeds on Erie (this was trolling stick baits).
  13. It might be tough to get it down to 2 mph but it depends on the boat really. My boat I can get down to 1.9 with an older 2 stroke 90 Merc. I am going to a 115 4 stroke in the next year or so and think I can still get it down to 2 mph due to the smoothness of the 4 strokes and the fact I will be able to electronically adjust trolling speed through Mercs smartcraft system. Yamahas also have the ability to electronically adjust trolling speeds but I'm not sure if the other manufacturers offer this option. You will probably be better off with a kicker motor if you are running a 150 I would think. If it were me I would try trolling with the 150 and if it won't troll down enough pick up a kicker for it. I plan to add a new kicker when i repower my boat.
  14. I troll the same speed for lakers as I do for salmon. 2-2.5 mph When I trolled Lake Erie eyes they wanted 2.5-3.5 mph. Most eye trolling I did with my electric though.
  15. Isn't it a union shop? If it is, why isn't your union taking care of you?
  16. If you haven't got releases yet. I swear by hte Offshore Releases. They grip really well and the fact that they are on vinyl coated wire intead of being connect right to the ball or between the ball and cable make it much easier to detect shaker bites. I usually replace the wire with longer wire to make them even more sensitive. I use my 60# wire I make my pike leaders from. You could also use 80# mono. Offshore Releases
  17. I never did register them. I got an RMA # using the repair page on their site. Mine are 6 years old and today they said this is the only time that they would repair them as they are at the end of their life. To get 6 years with no issues is pretty good. IMO Although this past fall they started springing leaks all over the place. I ended up using 5 Simms patch kits on my trip to Alaska and still had some leaks when I came to Ontario in October. They told me they fixed the pocket (it was ripped to shreds) replaced the booties (one had pi holes) and fixed a ton of pin hole leaks. As for my G4's, they are nice waders. I can't wait to get them wet. I'll probably go down to the Yellowknife River when it opens up next month. I need to go and figure out how to do this spey casting thing anyway so I'll get to test out the new pants and get to swing some flies at the same time. I wonder how many people spey fish for pike and walleye? :rofl2:
  18. Just got off the phone with the guys at Simms about the repair on my G3's. I sent them in quite a while ago and hadn't heard back from them or seen my waders show up in the mail. Turns out they have been fixed for a while and sitting on a shelf there since the repairs were done. They apologised about the delay as I should have received a call way back. The repairs cost $41 plus the shipping back to me (probably about $30). They waived all of the fees because of the delay!!! :thumbsup_anim: When they come back they will be relegated to backup duty as I got some new duds this year. A shiny new pair of G4 Pros and Guide boots. :good:
  19. I never fly AC. Never had a decent flight crew on any of times I did so I would rather stick a hot poker in my eye than fly with them. Love Westjet, just wish there were more flight options. Their flight crews are a joy to fly with. :good:
  20. Poke the outlet of the tell tale with a piece of wire or paper clip. I have had bugs plug up the very end before and went through what you did only to find this out after. :wallbash: A piece of mig welding wire works really good for this.
  21. The guys from Fishing Canada have done several trips with STS and they always seem to do well. STS Sturgeon Fishing
  22. BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Thanks Mike, I almost puked I was laughing so hard!!! :good:
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