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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Add more pictures or increase the time each pic is on screen. If you have say 30 pictures at a display time of 3 seconds each just adding a second gains you 30 seconds of video time. I have audio editing software that can be used to legthen/shorten clips but it is easier just to add a couple of extra photos, video or tweak display times to get your timing right. If it's outdoors related try Trophy Clips
  2. I have a bilge pump control panel in my boat with 2 float switches, 2 pumps and the ability to go manual as well. Here is a simple wiring diagram for wiring in as automatic with manual over ride. My system just has an extra float switch and extra pump in case the main float switch fails. The second automatic switch is mounted about an inch or so higher than the main switch so if the main switch or pump fails it closes when the water level is an inch or so above the level it should switch on if the main switch was working. The second switch also sets off an alarm on my dash to let me know that the primary switch or pump has failed. When the switch is in the manual osition both pumps turn on. The bypass switch is a double throw, single pole center off switch. Center the bilge pumps are turned off when the boat is on the trailer/ out of the water, auto for when the boat is left in the water and auto when needed. Bilge control panel is just above my radio.
  3. One of the good things about living in Yellowknife is the stable gas prices!!! Unlike Ontario where they change if an oil exec farts they stay the same here and don't change for a year or more. We have been at $1.389 for over a year now (except for a temporary bump when the ferry had to shut down for a few days unexpectedly. The price went back to normal as soon as the ferry started up again). All gas stations in town charge the same price, there is never one that is lowere or higher than the others. Even when Ontario's prices went way up not too long ago ours remained the same and at one point we were paying less than those of you in Ontario. :lol:
  4. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/A61i0Xscj-k" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  5. Nice to see they were recognized they lacking in that department and came up with a better solution. :good:
  6. Got a few of my own. We ran into this big girl on our way back to the car. She and I ended up about 15 feet apart by the time we both got stopped. I really wish I had a better pic as she was on my side of the downed tree in the foreground. But I had one hand on my fishing rod and the other ready to draw my bear spray out of the holster if needed. Plus I couldn't remember if I had the camera set to flash fill and I really didn't feel like ticking off a 1000# grizzly that was only a bound and a half away from ripping me to shreds!!! We paced it out and the distance was 15 feet!!!! She was an awesome beast with a huge round head the size of a 55 gallon drum and the good thing is she completely ignored us and stood there for almost a minute before heading back into the bush. We followed as that was the way to the car!!!
  7. I believe it is required over 3000#. On my camper brakes were optional and it weighs in at about 2500#.
  8. OMG!!!! When did the sun go super nova? Did I miss something? :rofl2:
  9. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/xkz71zy8T8s" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  10. No problem got it covered with the College's Iridium Sat Phone. :tease:
  11. HEHEHE!!! I have the Adobe CS5.5 Master Collection complete with After Effects, Premier Pro, Audition, Speedgrade, Prelude, Encoe, Bridge, Photoshop....... All I have to do is figure out how to get the most out of it. I see there is CS6 available now, time to upgrade!!!!!
  12. They don't take great UW video out of the box due to the underwater housings curved lens. There is a loss of focus with the UW housing which can be resolved by a fairly simple fix. Read about it HERE For simple and free movie editing there is Windows Movie Maker Download Here There are lots better but for free you can't complain. Download it and play around with it. You can drag in a bunch of pictures and create a slide show with cool transitions and effects if you don't have any video to play with. I edited both of these videos using Windows Movie Maker so you can get a sense of what you can do with it. Video 1 Video 2
  13. I could phone in sick if you want to pay the plane fare Mike.
  14. IF Just put out a couple of traps and make sure your exterior vent is covered with some screen (metal not the chewable stuff used in windows and doors). The mice have found a way in and the only way to stop them from using it is to plug the leak. If you find a small hole or gap between the rim joist and foundation plug it with some steel wool (available at the hardware store), this will keep them from coming in.
  15. Damn dude!!! That's a nice lens!!!! What are you shooting? Oh yeah, nice bear shots too. :good:
  16. Species Hagenius brevistylus - Dragonhunter My link
  17. My buddy has a glass boat and I cringe every time he beaches it on the rocks up here. It's bad enough doing it with an aluminum boat.
  18. If you like fishing bass, pike etc and like to beach your boat and get out pick aluminum. If you will be fishing the great lakes for sammins and troots, go glass. If you will be doing both pick aluminum.
  19. That would make for some serious pucker factor right there. Grizz are bad enough but the white bears are to be feared!!!
  20. I'd feel better with a S&W 500 under my pillow. I did feel pretty safe with my buddies 44 MAG under the pillow though.
  21. Having a 1000# grizz sniffing at the side of your tent at 2:30AM makes you lose a little sleep too!!!!! After 5 years and as many close encounters with grizzlies I went out and bought a camper. Had 4-5 grizzlies in camp at different times last fall. A little tin gives you a "feeling" of security at least.
  22. Did you cross it in an open 18' aluminum boat? If you ever see 75 footers on Erie say goodbye to your loved ones and make peace with your god because the world will have bigger problems than just some Erie waves!!!!!
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