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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. AHHH!!! Those were the good old days weren't they? I remember on snowstorm in the 80's in Mississauga where we had 10' drifts in the driveway. Spent 10 hours shovelling and still didn't have it cleared before the old man got home after work.
  2. Surprised they didn't hire Oprah for that position. She knows how to interview. Probably knows more about hockey than Snuffleupagus as well!!!!
  3. Not trucking yet. Ice is about the usual time. I've just been slacking getting my gear ready. I think I may be getting oldish!!!
  4. Seems things have been getting hard around here since last I went to the lake 2 weeks ago. Guess I had better get out sooner rather than later if I want some early ice fish.
  5. I used the house brand of contact cement @ Canadain Tire when I last did my boat in the mid 90's. The stuff isn't going to fall off any time soon.
  6. As said if your hand dragging your gear out, get a popup. I have a 2 man popup for early ice when I can't take the Yamaha out.
  7. No spare in the boat Matt? I carry a spare in mine. I have plastic propeller box to carry it in along with a spare hub.
  8. Had mine about 5 years now. It's on it's second cover but I have close to 2000kms on the sled in that time.
  9. Go in to your local dealer with the serial # and they will tell you the year.
  10. How much snow do you get there? I figure you will be OK up to about a foot with chains but any deeper and you'll want tracks or a snowmobile.
  11. WOW!!!! The Leafs are playing absolutely brutal tonight. The whole team is sucking big time. ​Lazy defense, no pressure on the puck and a no show by Reimer. I've given up and turned on the Jets game.
  12. I spent 20 years in the car audio industry and a good portion of that was spent doing insurance repairs on dashes and the substructure. It is quite time consuming to do the job but it is not very hard to do, especially if you have reasonable mechanical skills.
  13. $4 on years you have to replace your card Bill.
  14. Not if you use the proper lube it doesn't. http://www.jegs.com/p/ARP/ARP-Ultra-Torque-Fastener-Assembly-Lube/744896/10002/-1
  15. Three words can take care of that issue "Anti Seize Compound".
  16. I had a piece of a chin file go through the tread and come out the sidewall on the way to Alaska one year. It was somewhere in the driveway to the gas station I was filling up @.
  17. Of course I can change my own tire. In some pretty harsh conditions to boot!!!! While on the way back from the lake my cabin is on I had a flat and pulled over to inspect. If possible I use my compressor to fill up a slow leak but this was a sharp rock in the tread and not slow. So I replace the tire with the spare no biggie. OH, did I mention it was -50 with the wind chill? Another motorist stopped and asked if I needed help (I didn't)
  18. That still works!!! I have the new version in my tent trailer in Alaska. Heated mattresses!!!! Just turn on the generator and thermostats 1/2 before bed and it's toasty warm.
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