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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. This brings back some memories. I have been using giant Tora Tubes from Canyon Plastics for lakers. http://www.canyon-plastics.com/category-s/1824.htm And their jig heads too. http://www.canyon-plastics.com/Magnum-Ultimate-Lead-Heads-Tubes-and-swimbaits-p/412.htm http://www.canyon-plastics.com/Giant-Tora-Tube-Head-with-Gamakatsu-Hook-p/711.htm
  2. Yep, sounds like a willow to me. Should be dry in 8 or 10 years!!!!! Cottonwood is another crappy tree fer burnin'.
  3. Saw a guy last summer have a spring break on his pontoon boat trailer. Was not a nice scene as the whole axle ended up being ripped out!!!
  4. Live bear traps are large and expensive. Bullets are much cheaper.
  5. http://www.charts.gc.ca/dealer-depositaire/locator-localisateur-eng.asp
  6. City slickers are freaking morons!!!!
  7. Exactly, just what I said in my post a few back. They will NOT tranquilize a bear in a heavily populated area due to the time it takes for it to go down. Way too easy for it to maul one or more people as it's running scared after being shot.
  8. As for protocols involving bears, they are very hesitant to tranquilize them in urban areas as it takes time for the bear to go nighty night and in that time it can injure someone. Especially if in an area near a school or playground. We have had numerous bears wander through town here in Yellowknife and there have been a few that were frequenting areas where there are children and they were put down. Others in less populated areas of town have been trapped and relocated. This does not usually work if the bear has become habituated to peoples garbage though. You can dump them in the bush 100 miles away and they will usually be back in a few days. Then they get shot.
  9. Can't blame the MNR as they were handcuffed when the Lieberals took away their funding. Now they are down to one CO posted in Moosonee and need to have bottle drives to afford gas for the '71 Pinto he drives!!!!
  10. I've done it before a couple of times. Before my dock was built. During one storm I had to double anchor with 100' of line on each anchor in 6 or 8 feet of water in order to not drag and end up smashed on the rocks.
  11. Yeah, marine grade ply is spendy, but you get what you pay for. Regular ply when wet will warp and delaminate. What ever you choose put a couple of coats of sealer on all surfaces to help it last longer. I'm very lucky with my boat as the entire floor is aluminium and will last for ever.
  12. The house we owned in Grand Valley had a heat pump. There are 3 types of heat pumps. 1/ Takes warmth or cold out of the ambient air (least efficient) 2/ Takes warmth or cold out of the ground (AKA Ground Source HEeat Pump) that uses a buried set of pipes to run liquid through to the exchanger (Mid effieciency) 3/ Takes warmth or cold out of a water source (well) and runs it through the exchanger and back to a holding pond or back into the well (most efficient) . Ours was #3. Water was pumped out of our well (same one that supplied water to the home) into the house and through the heat pump where the heat was extracted in the winter and cold in the summer. Our house was a 2800 sf bungalow with full basement and it cost 1/2 of what our previous house 1500 sf) in Mississauga cost to heat/cool on gas.
  13. The Leafs added another piece to the puzzle today. http://mapleleafs.nhl.com/club/news.htm?id=769460
  14. I too drove through the day after on my way to Honey Harbour to do a little fishin' and remember that as well. On the same day as the Barrie tornado the longest tornado track in Canadian history went from Grand Valley to Tottenham 115kms away. It was also an F4 like the Barrie tornado. There were a total of 14 tornadoes on that day in Ontario. 2 F1's, 8 F2's, 2 F3's, and 2 F4's!!!!
  15. Are your quotes coming from Edmonton? Alberta does not have HST only GST. Get your quote from an Edmonton co. and you will save the PST portion of your HST.
  16. PM John (MrBlizzard) on the board. He shipped a van and a boat to Edmonton when they moved out here. He can tell you who they used and what it cost. $1200 is a very good price I would think.
  17. They don't itch at all. Actually they are pretty comfortable. I wear them on those scorching cloudless days mostly. And when I'm down South. This is down in FLA during some smoking heat.
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