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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Yup, we had a heat pump when we lived in Grand Valley. There are 3 types of heat pumps available. 1/ Air source Takes warmth or cool out of the air and is the least efficient. 2/ Ground source Uses buried pipes with antifreeze circulating through them to extract warmth or cool from the grounds heat. Mid efficiency. 3/ Water source uses water from your well and takes warmth or cool from it. Most efficient but you need a well that can supply enough water to run the system as well as the regular water needs of the home. The water source system also needs a place to get rid of the water too. This is most often a pond. Not a bad deal, I had ours stocked with fish. Ours was a water source heat pump and it cost less to heat/cool our large ranch style house than the previous house in town that was 1/2 the size and used NG.
  2. Well it took most of the day but I got the ridge board in place and secured!!! Took about 2 1/2 hours to rig the crane and about 3 1/2 to raise the ridge and secure it. I figure the board weighs in at about 250#. Think I'll do light work the rest of the day and start rafters tomorrow.
  3. Got my front wall beam finished, also got the scaffolding done. It works great!! Also got my gable end ridge braces in place and have mostly completed assembly of the ridge board. It's going to be interesting trying to get the 41' long piece of 2X12 eighteen feet up in the air!!!! Lots of wild fire smoke here the past couple of days too.
  4. We get them here too. But even better is when the CF18's are up here doing sorties!!!!
  5. Those 2 little windows in the front are just temporary. There will be 4 5'X8' windows across the front. Where ever you see bare wood is a window.
  6. I deal with Superior Propane and they have always treated me well. Their system on their delivery vehicles print out a receipt after they finish filling the tank, sort of like gas pumps. Tells me cost per liter, amount of liters etc.
  7. Took a pic from the lake as I was heading in to town this morning. Looks pretty good up there EH!!!
  8. I run propane here in Yellowknife and it generally costs me $2K per winter for heating. I fill up in October and then again in February.
  9. HOLY COW!!!! https://www.facebook.com/DC.Shoes/videos/10152983458681669/
  10. Tribute video on Monday Night Raw tonight. http://www2.tsn.ca/bardown/Story.aspx?WWE%2Bpays%2Btribute%2Bto%2Bthe%2Blate%2BRowdy%2BRoddy%2BPiper%2Bwith%2Bwonderful%2Bvideo&id=553800
  11. Managed to get most of my front wall beam built but started running low on screws so I switched over to working on my scaffolding as I wanted it at least partially built today. Got the beam 3/4 done and the scaffolding about 1/2 done. It even has good locking casters on it to move it around the cabin.
  12. They had a tornado in Teviotdale tonight. Sounds like there is a lot of damage from it.
  13. Actually I am a member of the union of Northern Workers. No kidding, my gubermint job is unionized.
  14. The walls are all in place!!!!! Have to finish off the top plates install a beam in the front wall and then build my scaffolding so I can install the ridge board and rafters.
  15. Got 1/2 the front wall up and the other 1/2 almost ready to go. Just need to cover my window openings and install my last temporary window. In case you're wondering those front windows are going to be 5'X8'!! No use having a wicked view if you can't see it!!
  16. I say forget about the fifth wheel or motor home and get one of these!!!!
  17. One of my faves from back in the day Rowdy Roddy Piper died last night. http://www.tmz.com/2015/07/31/roddy-piper-dead-dies-wwe-wrestler-cancer/
  18. Dinner is fresh burbot tonight!!! My neighbour brought it over yesterday. Got em in his net.
  19. You'll have to use the one a mile or so away Brian. It's @ the hydro plant!!
  20. Boat in during the summer and drive in or snowmobile in the winter. There is a winter road to the hydro plant not too far from me. It goes right past my place.
  21. No, it's on Prosperous Lake just North of town. The Aleve is working fine. I just have muscle spasms and it fixes it right up.
  22. Last piece of the South wall is built and raised. Put one of my 3 free temporary windows in for light and ventilation. Currently on rain delay as there is a T-Storm moving through the area. I'm thinkin' I'll take it easy tonight and just watch a movie and drink a few rums.
  23. Two more sections of wall built and raised today!! Only 3 more to go and then it's on to rafter installation!!!!
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