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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Oh they'll eat!!! Just pray they are not social distancing from your hook!!!!! 😁
  2. Doesn't the LCBO sell weed too? Our liquor stores do.
  3. I had been informed that the end of June was the expected ending of this madness but today I read August. I hope this is wrong.
  4. Are they supplying the employees with masks and gloves? They should be.
  5. If you tested positive and you start getting worse health wise they are treating with Chloroquine as it has shown to kill the virus. It's a Malaria medication.
  6. Hand sanitizer at least the Gel kind is 1/3 aloevera gel, 2/3 99% Isopropyl alcohol and most manufacturers add a few drops of an antibacterial essential oil for scent.
  7. D.R. as in Dominican Republic? They have 34 confirmed cases and 2 deaths to this point.
  8. If we're luckily it will peak then. If we're lucky. We are 2 weeks behind Italy and they are nowhere near peak as they had over 5,300 new cases and 427 fatalities since yesterday. It's just getting started here.
  9. That's what started this whole thing!!!!!
  10. At the college we have cancelled all in person classes for the rest of the semester(school year). All staff except essential staff are at home. There are a few like myself still working on setting up the network so all can work from home and deliver classes online so the students don't lose the rest of the school year. Hopefully next week I'll be locked down at my house until this crap is done with. I've had 2 really bad bouts of the flu this winter and if I come into contact with this thing I can pretty much guarantee I won't make it out alive. I wish my cabin was fully insulated because if I had a big sack of rice and gas I could live out there until the fall.
  11. We lost the last 1 1/2 to 2 months of the Aurora season because of it. No spring carnival and no Ice Castle.
  12. Well as of Thursday myself and all other NWT Govt. employees will be working from home until at least April 14th. Longer if the situation is still dangerous. They also ordered all rec facilities, the museum, all schools and the college all closed. We are still COVID free North of 60 which is good. Hope it stays that way. Since I'm working from home I can also work from my cabin if I can get it warm enough as most of the ceiling insulation has yet to be installed. Went shopping for weekly food today and it's stupid!!! No bread, chicken, pork, soup, TP, rice, soya sauce, pancake mix, tinned pasta, baked beans, tinned veggies, boxed pasta, pasta sauce, and a bunch of other empty shelves. There was some ground beef and 3 roasts so I got some burger and a roast to make into beef stew in the slow cooker. Got a buffalo roast in the freezer along with a bunch of fish. Need to head back to the store and get some fresh fruit and veggies. The Dene National Chief says screw it I'm heading out onto the land to get away from this shizz!
  13. Yeah I have a High 5 on my rig. Nice piece of metal. I got it at an even better price.
  14. A four blade gives better holeshot, much better in cornering and the top end loss is negligible. At least on my 115 4 stroke. Also I can run my motor higher in the water column with a 4 or 5 blade prop which actually gives me more top end as I don't get slippage and cavitation like I do with my 3 blade props. I currently have my 4 blade on as my 5 blade needed some tuning work done on it. I shipped it to Citywide in November and picked it up when I was down in December. There is a big difference between my 4 blade and my 5 blade when it is tuned right.
  15. This thing does nasty things to your lungs. https://www.smalljoys.tv/xray-images-coronavirus-lungs/?grt_origin=smalljoys_us.vonvon.me_202003170445&fbclid=IwAR3IRdUZBgTgZ5tJtu9K9EEuU5p9vT4uA53EN6G3Xe1p3r5D2-oZN7aa-EM
  16. Good info from an actual doctor and not the media. https://medium.com/@hjluks/covid-19-update-3-14-2020-a-message-from-concerned-physicians-33d00b88eefd
  17. Just go and cross with the illegals in Quebec.
  18. Hard numbers. Updated daily. https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
  19. ***Home owners tip*** If you have old fuel you don't trust to use in your engines, it works great for burning the corpses of your COVID-19 infected neighbours. Subscribe to my channel for more awesome tips!!!!
  20. Not sure if that one will work or not as it doesn't give the diameter of the pins. The marine ones are more expensive of course. Check if this one fits. https://www.amazon.ca/Marine-Pin-Wrench-AMT0006-32mm/dp/B017KTYA86 Found this little trick that might help you too. The PVC trick. https://www.thehulltruth.com/boating-forum/568006-yamaha-trim-cap-spanner-wrench.html
  21. You'll notice in the video I posted that they have theirs too. Although I don't think I'd want to have to paddle back after a marlin towed me 10 or 15 miles out to sea.
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