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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Some sad news. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/registered-nurse-dies-london-covid-19-1.5567862?ref=mobilerss&cmp=newsletter_CBC+News+Top+Headlines++–+Morning_1174_27567&fbclid=IwAR2RGT9oBDXHB-Hh9Nwq6rBrcJ0kLs8eYnel-QFDBdG0RRiOu6YAQUcQ9Ww This home was one that I was looking to get dad into but crossed it off the list as it was mostly dementia patients. The one he is in (moved on March 12th) just before all hell broke loose is a couple of miles away. They have the Rona in his home as well but it has been held to one floor that is not his. At least last I heard. We haven't even been able to move his stuff from his old retirement home since everything has been locked down.
  2. CNE and the Airshow cancelled. 😪 https://z1035.com/2020/05/12/1the-cne-has-been-official-cancelled-for-2020/?fbclid=IwAR29-BIMCM_qLUOQURzvbPsDXGcGm3u27UXcyopIQE-EXz3F_IW8mVDdris
  3. https://globalnews.ca/news/6926938/speeding-teen-308-km-h-qew/?fbclid=IwAR1OhlmU-BO030XdMa1gugTegf0j_nXlHG1jGD7GtbwU8CYNVZZz_jcL6nI
  4. Flour, eggs, beer. I won't tell you the ratios though because it took me 10 years to get them perfect.
  5. I wonder how many sniper rifles that Canadian Tire has sold?
  6. And now the government took our AR-15's away so we can't protect ourselves against the killer hordes!!!!
  7. 2020 came in like a numbers matching 68 dodge charger r/t ,and you open the hood and it has a sb Chevrolet motor.
  8. Could be a while. The border into the NWT is still closed off to you germy Southerners!!! 😜
  9. The link I posted a few posts back relates to this. https://thepostmillennial.com/airsoft-gun-found-on-the-list-of-assault-style-firearms-banned-by-the-liberal-government?fbclid=IwAR14aQLboBEGf_SgZ15R7j0VNPnobDIpfaklvPUxdLGiErD0SDs_NF2zEME
  10. https://thepostmillennial.com/airsoft-gun-found-on-the-list-of-assault-style-firearms-banned-by-the-liberal-government?fbclid=IwAR14aQLboBEGf_SgZ15R7j0VNPnobDIpfaklvPUxdLGiErD0SDs_NF2zEME
  11. Saw a post earlier today where one of the scary black guns on the list is actually an Airsoft gun made of plastic with the bright orange barrel. One might think the law was put together by a bunch of people lacking grey matter. 🤬
  12. Put a fork in er, she's done. I got 51 of the 60 bags of insulation out. Now I have some issues with the truck from all the deep water on the lake. 🙄 Now I've got work to do on the truck, sled, boat and one of my garages to get done before the ice goes out. It's been a tough go this winter as I've not been well and am still in rough shape. What started out as a bad flu evolved into bacterial pneumonia and as of this week there is still something going on in my lungs and the bacteria seem to have had their way with my inner workings as my liver and kidneys aren't working quite right. More tests tomorrow, hopefully they find out what is going on and fix it.
  13. They banned all the black "scary looking" guns. 🙄 I'm just glad I didn't spring for the new gun I was looking at getting because it's on the list and would have been $2k gone thanks to people who don't even know anything about guns. 🤬
  14. I took a leak off the deck at the cabin. Does that count?
  15. Exactly what I thought. Get rid of all that road salt from my trip to Ontario in December.
  16. Lots of water on the ice this weekend. Took 34 bags of insulation for the attic out today. Hope to get the last 26 bags out tomorrow. Drove past this vehicle out by my cabin. Seems he's having a bad weekend.
  17. To call the ice fishing season done!!! Man this happened fast. Went from beauty hard ice last weekend to this in less than a week. There's a bit of water on the ice. MOV_20200502_1041378.mp4
  18. 60 bags of cellulose blow in insulation for the attic was delivered to the house in town today. Will start hauling to the cabin on the weekend.
  19. Yep, everything is open except for a few walleye spawning rivers on the big lake.
  20. No slush and 4 to 5 feet of ice with a few feet of snow on it.
  21. Got out to the cabin today and got some trail maintenance done as well as hauling a bunch of gas in. Ordered up 60 bags of cellulose to blow in the attic that will be delivered this week. Should be able to haul a bunch in next weekend.
  22. Pay via PayPal and you'll be fine + your purchase is protected.
  23. That's why I live where there are virtually no people. I hate people!!!! People SUCK!!!!! 😜
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