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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Better watch out!!!! Seems you can be convicted for having it!!!! http://www.lolwot.com/man-found-guilty-of-possessing-fish-porn/
  2. This is the kind of crap we have to deal with living up here in the North country!!! Took these just now out in my driveway.
  3. Because I hate the Bruins I thought this was pretty funny. http://www.csnne.com/boston-bruins/all-3-boston-bruins-first-rounders-fail-conditioning-test-camp
  4. Yep, one of these and a blanket. http://www.havahart.ca/medium-1-door-easy-set-trap
  5. I hear there might be a little trip coming up in December.
  6. Early steelhead, browns and coho's should be available as well. Quinte should be getting hot as well. Up here in the North the big lakers and pike put on the feedbag then. I look forward to that time of year.
  7. Speedboat hits marker bouy @ 150 MPH!!!!
  8. I have 5 or 6 weeks before freeze up, but I need to be done by the end of Sept. so I can fish hard until the freeze. It's giant pike and laker time.
  9. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=786689431414429
  10. Crappy weekend this week. Sick on Saturday, good day on Sunday and rain on Monday. I didn't get done what I wanted to but did get a little done before heading home early due to the weather. Too dangerous to be up on the roof when it's wet. Saturday I was able to work for 10 mins before taking a 30 min break. Too weak from the sickness. Got the door in and some of the exterior sheathing and tuck taping done on the front and South side. Also got half of the back gable end sheathed. Sunday I got all of the blocking on the North side rafters done as well as the eve and front fly rafters. I redid the sheathing as it wasn't working out from the top down. Hopefully next weekends weather is good and I can get the roof finished.
  11. Yep definitely chukkar. I used to see them at our place in Grand Valley. They would release them in the Luther Marsh and some would end up @ our place along with pheasants.
  12. Boat buckles on my trailer too. Regular tiedows suck!
  13. Here are the links I use. 1st one is in BC http://www.marinemanifold.com/ #'s 2&3 are in Florida http://www.maxrules.com/fixmercindex.html http://www.marineparts.com/ #4 is in New York http://www.usboatsupply.com/outboard-parts.php And my last one is located in the Western US http://www.boats.net/
  14. It does look like a very nice rig with tons of storage. Boats are a lot of money these days but $36K is not bad at all really. My 18 foot aluminium with 90hp, trailer and TM back in '91 was $20K!!
  15. I have been using Olympus Stylus P&S cameras for fishing for close to 15 years now. They perform very well, take decent pics and are tough. My latest is probably 6 or 7 years old and still functions perfectly. All the photos in my Working @ the lake thread were taken with it. My avatar pic was taken with my Canon EOS and efs 10-22mm wide angle lens. The DSLR does not come out very often but like your Powershot has to be looked after since it's not fluid friendly.
  16. New hockey based sitcom coming to a teevee near you October 1st!!!! http://www2.tsn.ca/bardown/Story.aspx?New%2bsitcom%2bBENDERS%2bfollows%2bgroup%2bof%2bfriends%2bplaying%2bbeer-league%2bhockey&id=558087
  17. Actually Grade 1 (exterior) OSB is quite resistant to water and can be exposed for quite a while without harm. I hope to get it all finished and covered for the winter this weekend though.
  18. Tell that to any one that's been in a fiery jetliner crash. ​Yes the stuff is less flammable but still explosive given the right conditions.
  19. Not an issue for fresh water boats Art. A huge issue with saltwater boats though. As long as you have no TM interference with your sonar there is no need to worry about a ground bus in fresh water. IMHO
  20. The plan is for standing seam metal roofing. Hunter green in colour like this roof.
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