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bare foot wader

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Everything posted by bare foot wader

  1. In AB you can pull tandem (leading has to be 5th wheel with min 2 axles, overall length can't exceed 20m), but not in BC...guessing buddy in the pic is in a state where he cant tow tandem
  2. don't feel bad about the pellet gun
  3. as for casting and float control...practice, practice, practice...summer time carp will get you ready for fall in no time with the wrist thing...how/where is the reel mounted? sliding rings or fixed seat? if sliding, try adjusting where the reel sits when I first started out it seemed like everybody mounted the reel closer to the butt, which does not work for me...so eventually I just did what felt most comfortable for me, and mounted my reel slightly forward of the center point on the handle....I've since had a few custom rods built with a balancing weight system in the butt, I had right hand issues and having a rod that was overall heavier, but balanced made a huge difference
  4. light lines are more susceptible to nicks and abrasions, end of story...I don't think you'll find any brand that will last a full day when you're fishing 2-6lb test, checking and re-tying is just part of the game but if you're getting a lot of failures, have you checked your line guides? I went through my fluoro phase, there's a lot more crap than good on the market, and with ultra light lines I don't think you're getting too much extra abrasion resistance compared to mono/copolymer, sounds like you need to step up to 8 or 10 lb tippet for main lines though, a line I like a lot and is kind of hard to find is silver thread excalibur and sivler thread trout
  5. introduce some big eastern gray's to your attic, your little red devil will soon go away
  6. thicker diameter = less wraps I don't use the improved for heavy lines, just a regular clinch with 2 or 3 turns in 60 lb mono, easy to tie and the knot pulls up nice and tight...pull hard, you want to stretch the line and set the knot
  7. don't say that to the kids face, he'd triple tap your nutsack before you hit the ground lol very impressive for his age... get him into any sport he wants!
  8. interesting, sounds like a known issue and they still make the customer pay....perhaps I have different standards for "excellent" customer service I've snapped 2 avid's, won't be buying more....the guy seemed offended that I asked why I should pay shipping both ways..."IF we find it to be a manufacturing issue we will ship new, or if not we will call for your credit card" the legend extreme seems over priced, at the same price point or cheaper shimano/gloomis, dobyn's offer a lot of competition and IMO better than st Croix...if the OP likes the handle on the new legend extremes, try looking at the airrus nano rods, very good rods...I just ordered an iRod that I haven't fished yet, another option to consider if you don't mind ordering online, again cheaper
  9. there are companies that do better for brand new rod failures...for the money, I think there are rods with better warranties too, just don't agree with paying return shipping...or maybe I just spoke to a person lacking customer service skills, he didn't make me a happy camper lol what does the OP want to do with the rod? species? techniques?
  10. somebody else on this board commented a while back about snapping the avids easily...just saying, their policy for customer to pay shipping both ways has turned me away....but I also prefer rods that don't break when they're brand new
  11. full of assumptions there LOL...you get a pro staff/guide discount? the avids snapped within first 3 days of use, the first rod I snapped was on the very first cast, 3 hours out of the store...9'6" heavy action steelhead series at $260 each...I even sent a picture of the lure on an electronic scale to show I was casting well under the rod specs...it wasn't my fault so IMO, it's not fair they make me pay shipping both ways, or pay 50 for a new tip (which isn't really warranty)...I should pay shipping one way and get a brand new rod IMO....original receipt and the rod serial number indicates the rods were newly built, not sitting in a store for 5 years I've broke one shimano that was my fault, I told them so (flipping a bass into the boat), I paid shipping one way....never broke a loomis yet
  12. after snapping 2 avids last year, I'm not a fan of their warranty policy, they make the customer pay shipping both ways which is unusual in my experience...I guess if you live close enough to a retailer maybe it's over the counter still...if you had a 2 piece rod you could order a new tip section for 50....which is quick enough turnaround but still more expensive than paying shipping one way, as it should be IMO
  13. ah, well I hope you get it back either way...always record SN, hindsight is 20/20 eh...I learned through the same lesson myself
  14. no, you can call the police and send the link, and give them the SN....that's exactly what they told me to do...they instructed me to avoid confrontation
  15. how often does the MNR actually collect angler data? I could support the licensing only for the reporting aspect, but flip those numbers, give them an 80% discount, or make it a one time payable for a "lifer license"...or just requirement to keep their info up to date for survey collections if the argument is presented that many rely on fishing to put food on the table, I see benefit in asking for those harvest stats, especially on some lakes if an organization, say OFAH, started a fund for licenses for seniors/anybody on restricted income, I'd donate to that every year
  16. there are more details on the alberta forum, former coworker is at that camp as well but he was on days off, he's got some texts, sounds like workers tried their best with what they had available but couldn't save her most camps don't allow guns, but spray and bangers have been permitted in the camps I was in...if that's their policy, hope there is a lawsuit, gross negligence
  17. I've had tools ripped off from my truck and found them on craigslist, you need to get the police involved and notify them of the ad....if you show up and things get ugly, you can wind up in trouble yourself...a motor isn't worth assault, sadly that thief has rights too apparently did you keep a record of your serial number? I hate thieves, hope you get your motor back
  18. yes, use a plug at the trolling motor end....I was talking at the battery end, if my trolling motor is off then my batts come out as well so I can use that compartment for extra storage
  19. most guys use the plug connector, wiring stays in boat year round my trolling motor comes on/off often...when I want to remove batters too only takes a few minutes for the nuts, you want a solid connection there, I wouldn't experiment with any quick disconnects, get rid of the wing nuts and use real nuts...instead of ring connectors you could use the horsehoe connectors maybe? wouldn't need to take the nut off completely, just a few turns
  20. this is key, but I am dedicated biter, I rarely have either knot fail under normal circumstances either way I use the suffix advanced for trolling wedding bands and tiny spoons for trout in the summer, my leader is about 2 arm pulls...IMO it's the same concept has a long leader a sink tip fly line, you don't want a long leader...only exception is floating rapalas, where I like some start/stops and let the lure rise up I might start using heaver stuff trolling in rivers this year, there was a thread on that a while back, so if I remember i'll post how that goes
  21. I like the Albright myself, imo a bit easier/quicker to tie than the willis, both knots are good either way
  22. ah, we typed at the same time are you open to shipping?
  23. assuming your grandfather was in legal possession, as the inheritor even if you do not have a PAL you have a "reasonable amount of time" to facilitate the sale...there's a few forms to fill out last time I was involved, but with the registry gone I would guess that only applies to restricted (not your guns)...but it is your responsibility to make sure the buyer has the PAL if you ask the local police they will often insist they hold the guns, they have no right and don't let them, just sell them but ask to see a valid PAL, check the expiry date
  24. x3 for bringing them inside and air out I've tried drilling holes on the dividers to help with some air flow inside the tray but I don't think it helped, waste of time basically but I tried it for myself anyways
  25. agreed, just saying there's a Darwin award winner out there that might be saved lol...but I wonder how that will be enforced too? hopefully about as much as j-walking
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