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Everything posted by scuro2

  1. I've rented a cottage there too. Mainly a bass lake, apparently there are walleye and I've seen people fish for them. I fished it for lakers which are supposedly there too but not even a nibble over several mornings.
  2. Can you believe your concern was the first thing scientists considered?!???
  3. If I am a leftist then that makes you a conspiracy luvin' knowitall? How else to explain the universal acceptance of the science an model of climate change. Take the time to see the science as presented by the climate scientists. May I suggest starting with the ice core samples? Beautiful science.
  4. Good thing there's youtube. Those climate experts are trying to pulling the wool over our eyes!
  5. Tell that to the people in the interior of BC where the all time Canadian heat record was shattered at just a touch under 50 degrees. Seriously dude, if your older then 30 you know winters have changed. Here we are in mid Jan and for most of this winter I've seen some grass sticking out on my lawn.
  6. I'm not going off grid and am sending excess generation to the electrical company. I won't be paying for electricity any longer. You get credit for over production in the summer which you can use in the winter. Yes in the winter you will have to pay the transmission costs but the electricity will be free. There is a $5000 grant for energy saving projects. Calculated out it's likely less then 7 years to pay for for itself. That's hard to calculate because I included enough panels for an EV car. No more paying for gas. I talked to the mechanic and maintenance is minimal on the 2015 that he services. With my gas car of a similar age I'm paying some real change to upkeep that car.
  7. Working on that, solar panels installed. Another 6 years and I'll have cheap free usable electricity
  8. I'm not sure it's worth the extra cost of a flyin unless it's for the first float plane ride for the grandson. It's a prolific species and not the fish of choice for meals if there are other options.
  9. Lookin to make Crow'a la'Orange?
  10. I have that smoke reel and a whole bunch of other quantum reels. I've caught huge fish in the far north and in saltwater with a variety of quantum reels. I have a 90s cabo that I still fish with. Higher end quantum have handled all challenges. One lower end one blew up but I landed the fish in my avatar. The drags on high end ones are exceptional. You get what you pay for.
  11. Generally you will catch nothing big off the peer. If you do consider yourself very lucky. Depending on the season something like mackerel or rock bass is more likely. In NFL they call them Connors, lol. Bring a decent rod that you can toss with and lures like cleos that you can chuck a fair distance. I wouldn't bring your cheapest reel nor your most expensive. Take a spinning reel because you get more distance. Quantum makes reels specifically for salt water but if you can't afford that you can buy a small lube injector from Canadian tire. Thoroughly lube any section that salt water can get in, specifically the shaft and the joint on the handle. Thoroughly wash your reel soon after every use. Lube it up again as necessary. Don't forget to soak your lures in water after every use!
  12. If you are going that way consider a ferry across to Manitoulin.
  13. This is when Canada contracted for the bulk of their vaccinations. Pretty well everyone who wants a shot will get it by the end of June. Second shots will go till the end of summer. 15,207,678 Vaccines have been given in Canada ( 6 M in 2 weeks) 33.6 % have received at least one dose 5,740,761 vaccines given in Ontario as of yesterday 46.16% of the vaccine eligible population with one dose
  14. Those pandemics are kinda of unwieldy things, if you could just will it to be over it would just be an outbreak. Encourage everyone to get the jab, that is the quickest way it will be over.
  15. Well you're going to look preetty odd at the kid's outdoor birthday party this summer as you keep your 10 foot bubble quaking from the variants.
  16. The figure I heard was 10 x less likely and those catch it are in close proximity say 2-3 ft away
  17. I dunno, say a few courses don't open. Imagine the demand for the courses that were open, you could fill every slot 7 days a week. I know that pretty well happens on some courses but for other courses singles all day long 7 x a week may actually bring in more money.
  18. What should have been the maximum restriction was that you can only fish or golf alone. Many would be happy with that.
  19. Where you at? I've got lures I'll never use I'd give away.
  20. I got 4 really nice quantum reels cheaper on ebay for 50-70% cheaper then I could buy them retail. The problem with ebay is that you gotta follow the auctions and you need to be disciplined. In my case I put in low bids on 6 different reels hoping to get one at a great price. In my case I won four bids. I only needed one reel and had use for a 2nd.
  21. It may be that sort of binary choice for some of the elderly, risk death or get hugs and kisses. Some can't live without touching, but it's not that way for most. The elderly often are well informed and do everything to not get infected. I do get it, try not to live in fear and live your life. But again that is not a binary notion. You can take precautions knowing that you're doing the best you can do and move forward. We have all learned that most need in person human contact. If something like this happens again and I'm much older I will seek low risk human contact. Take the smarter risks for human contact, meet outside or only see one or two people that you can fully trust. Being part of 20 plus person Christmas celebration in the middle of a pandemic at 80+ is idiotic if you desire to live. We mostly don't need lots of hugs and kisses necessarily but just to be around people and 6ft away seems to be good enough for most. This is why the Ford ban on all outdoor contact is Stuupid. Allow for low risk contact. Singles tennis or two person fishing 6ft apart if you come in separate cars should have been a given. The knowitalls will do whatever they want to do anyways. The vast majority of the population will follow smartly thought out rules.
  22. But is it really wow? In both the US and Canada cases and deaths spiked after Thanksgiving. Who was dying? In a nutshell Grandma and Grandpa. Generally speaking they are not the ones flying to get to Thanksgiving. So people came to thanksgiving already infected. You can't get infected and spread CV19 within 3 days so you couldn't catch it while travelling and then spread it once there. I'm sure there were many discussions within families ahead of time to be safe, to isolate. In Canada many younger ones could isolate because they were on CERB. My daughter's definition of isolation included being with her one friend who was also "isolating". Think of the skeptics on this board, how many of them would even know all the guidelines for isolation? If CV19 is "just another flu" most likely you're not going to take this as seriously and pour over federal guidelines as someone who is worried about dying from this, like grandparents.
  23. I did hear of an extraordinary situation during the first outbreak where the employees moved into the retirement home until that first wave was over. It worked, they created a bubble. Otherwise look at my case, you can't even trust your own family to do the right thing because the young don't take CV19 as seriously. In my daughter's case she avoids news and learns of things if it is trending on one of her platforms. To the young we are out of date relics and in some ways we are. The flip side to that coin is naivety.
  24. If only it were so simple. How do totally isolate the vulnerable and those in the retirement homes? You have diabetes and you are not going to see your kids for 13 months?? Both groups you speak of have contact with "those living their lives". Even within our family I told my girls if they want to come live at home they have to do a 10 day quarantine...my one daughter spent the last few days isolated in my house and then I learned that she didn't start her quarantine when she said she did. Those workers in the retirement homes are the same, you know that there were instances where they didn't self report symptoms.
  25. I'm sure there are foreigners who complain and scream that it doesn't work, and pressure politicians to make an exception for flights from their country. My daughter's best friend is a border security guard and she said the real complainers are the snowbirds trying to get back into the country without quarantining now that summer is approaching. ....and then there is this, it turns out that the country that has exported the most infection into Canada is the USA. When you think about it that makes sense, the US was a train wreck. Currently they should do their best to keep us out of their country because our national daily infection rate is higher then theirs!! https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/u-s-the-biggest-source-of-covid-19-brought-into-canada-study-finds
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