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Everything posted by Terry

  1. the link is in my post NOTE: Kiteboarders and sailboarders should not wear a lifejacket or PFD that is fitted with an automatic inflator
  2. the way I read it, If everyone on board is wearing a lifejacket or a PFD of appropriate size, you are only required to carry : . 1) a sound-signalling device; and . 2) a watertight flashlight if the boat is used after sunset or before sunrise or in periods of restricted visibility looks like another fine day on the water http://www.tc.gc.ca/media/documents/marinesafety/TP-511e.pdf?campaign=Twitter%20-%20en&WT.mc_id=vryag
  3. have a great day Roy
  4. oh yeah those ones would work fine then never mind ...lol yeah just checked and the 3 bank one is a great deal SJS50 "50% Off" $-134.98 Cart Subtotal $134.97 * Shipping (Standard) $2.95 Tax (0.0%) $0.00 Order Total $137.92
  5. @ 1.1 amp per bank I would have no use for it, it would take 3 or 4 days to recharge my deep cycle batteries but if you had 4 batteries stored for the winter it would maintain them
  6. thought he was a great actor Rockford
  7. Hey I oared and flippered till they hurt
  8. wonder why I gained 8lbs...lol
  9. oh yeah
  10. nice of someone to catch a bass for you to film I mean cool
  11. These things are fun they force you to slow down and fish smarter I have a port-a-bote a 18 ft lund and one of them, they are fun your statement is like saying to bikers, why do you ride a bike when a BMW is way better, even a smart car or ford is more practical
  12. my my X85 was a fine unit
  13. I think my 2.5 hp would work on it
  14. Maybe the wind, barometer and moon phases all really do make a difference and I do check them just before or at the start of a storm can be the best fishing ever but I work and have a life so I can not pick and choose to go fishing when all the signs add up..so I go when I can go and I check on when the best fishing is and if there is a best time during the time I am on the water I try to be in the best spot in the area I am fishing at that time but other then that I just fish when I can
  15. yup you should be proud of him
  16. he must be pitching not flipping flipping you really can't get a birds nest cause you keep the line in your left hand and wind the worm letting out the line you have in your had no reason to release the spool now pitching you release the spool holding with our thumb and pitch the lure out ..if you are really pitching you don't need a lot of line so on your first pitch let out an extra 20ft and put tape around your spool you will never get a bad birds nest while pitching
  17. didn't I already here the rumor about that one
  18. Well he said flipping. And I will take a baitcaster over spinning everytime If I am doing a real flip , the size of weight does not change the way I flip it.
  19. I use the lightest I can that will get through the weeds 1/8 to over an ounce
  20. what program do you use most have a noise volume oh and looks cool
  21. that's why I posted that modified picture first...just to keep the swelling down.....lol
  22. I was fishing while you were snapping pictures.....lol nice job
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