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Everything posted by frozen-fire

  1. doesn't look like it's rotting away to me...just damage (split fins) it most likely is a skin mutation that isn't seen too often. the fish (other than the obvious discolouration) seems healthy, has proper mass and is eating fine.
  2. seems okay right now... yesterday night was really bad.
  3. wow...that thing has got a belly! good job on the PB.
  4. What a great smile. Lovely!
  5. that's pretty cool!
  6. I know the original thread was closed, and if mods feel that this should be closed too, then so be it. My dad came up to me today after I got home from work and told me that yesterday on the evening news (cantonese), they mentioned an attack on boaters fishing near Fenelon Falls. Once he said that someone tried cutting anchor line, I knew it was the same incident as was posted by hearingfish. Felt bad, cause my dad told me to try and not head out as often in the canoe... it's not safe even on the water, and if I do choose to go, i should try and go with more people if possible.
  7. that is a huge black slab! good job!
  8. What's your secret?! Haha! I can't seem to be on top of the schools. We drift around clsoe to shore but are only able to locate isolated individual fish.
  9. There have been attacks on asian anglers for the last couple years now. It has actually gotten pretty serious. If I were in the situation, I would assume it to be racially motivated as well. The two complaining clearly have no idea of regulations. They saw a couple of asian people fishing and keeping some fish, they then row over and make up rules on size regulations and whatnot...and also utter threats? What's the point? The point is that no one should experience what those two innocent anglers did. Especially a senior. What if thing went out of hand? I feel really bad that the victims are still shaken up by the incident.
  10. No... maiden voyage was a few weeks ago, got a lot more crappie and some oos bass. dad managed to land this big muskie. it never touched the boat though as it was released immediately. I still remember clearly cause I got soaked by the huge splash as it took off... was freezing the rest of the outing haha Hard to imagine a 40" fish going for a 1.5" tube under a float! I hope to take it out on muskie opener and get it slimed for real
  11. Your steel reports are getting to me. Perhaps I should take the plunge into river fishing. You'll have to teach me everything you know though.
  12. Congratulations man! You got your girl hooked on fishing, just like how mine is now! Isn't it the greatest thing in the world? haha
  13. Wow... As an asian angler, it hurts to read stuff like this. I was thinking of trying Cameron, but I think I'll avoid it now. I would contact authorities.
  14. My fishing buddy (one who took the pics) and myself both have the same camera (Canon Rebel XSi). On our outing, he was using his new lens, the Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5. I am crazy jealous, but don't have the coin to drop on a lens like that.
  15. Decided to hit Scugog for some evening walleye/crappie. Loaded up the sportspal and off we went. Moved quietly along weed edges with the electric looking for target fish. Didn't end up with much though. Managed one decent bog eye at about 16" and a crappie about 10-11". Caught some chunky largemouth released at boatside and a handful of other panfish. I could not believe the colours that the sky presented us that evening. Unbelievably relaxing...just sitting back, staring at the sky and letting the cool breeze carry us.... all this while eating a spicy chicken sandwich with a coke from Wendy's Here are some pics... didn't get any of the fish cause it was pretty dark already.
  16. Great report!
  17. I will be heading up there to stay in a cottage next weekend. I've already asked for help on this board... here is the link. Some good info in there http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...hl=cordova+lake remember to post a report and let me know how you do so i can prepare myself
  18. nice girthy eye! good job!
  19. THis has also happened to me, but only when i foolishly don't open the bail completely (it should click or lock open). Perhaps that is the issue with you as well? When you're in a hurry to whip your lure out there, you sometimes don't think to open it fully and it will definitely snap back after an attempt to cast.
  20. I know...it's weird...my fishing bud and I bought the stradics together. Exactly the same ones. His is still fine.
  21. i always close the bail manually. line still gets caught. as bail closes and you start to tighten the line or reel, the bail wire is supposed to force/guide the line to the roller... however, it gets caught at the connection between the bail wire and the cone/teardrop shaped piece. It really has nothing to do with how you close the bail. Supposedly this was first noted when they were using them in japan (where they were made), but shimano never bothered to fix this issue when the reel was released here in North America. and yes, i do have daiwa's as well. I loved the daiwa laguna's...had two at one point. and NO, i'm not going to sell/give away this reel. I'm actually looking for one more. may seriously consider the saros I'll go try the new bail out first with some walleye fishing then decide if i'll go the super glue route. Shimano has never failed me before.... I hope my Curado holds up after a couple years.
  22. This is to those who have experience with the shimano stradic 2500FH. The reel was purchased about 2-3 years ago and starting last year, the line would catch at the bail. The bail wire connects to this other cone/tear drop shaped piece before putting the line on the roller. The connection isn't smooth enough and the line will catch. Why didn't shimano make the whole assembly one piece?!?! At first I thought it was my bail that needed replacing, so I went to the Mississauga Warranty Service center yesterday to get a new bail. Upon replacing it, I played with the line few times and it still catches. I think I just wasted $23.73. Now I'm starting to wonder why it didn't do this the first year of use? I read somewhere that some people fixed this by adding a glue or epoxy to make the connection smooth. Any advice? If i did use a glue/epoxy, i would have to sand it down after it cures right? It's a big pain in the rear having to manually move the line from the 'connection point' and putting it on the roller after every cast. Lost plenty of fish when it first started happening...
  23. wow...those are some nice simcoe crappie!
  24. Good job out there man! I must've walked right by you...or maybe I even asked how your day was. I only landed one myself. Check my thread. You seem to be the only one who had a good opening day!
  25. wow, that net must've pissed you off! great report and pics!
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