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Everything posted by frozen-fire

  1. Nice snapping turtle! Personal best? haha
  2. Thanks for the heads up. Good on you for warning others on this forum
  3. Thanks guys!
  4. Hey Jedi, pike was caught on a hot steel x-rap. Love the colours! Seemed like half the people there were using clown... decided to switch it up and try something new
  5. WOW there were a lot of people out there today chucking lures... from both shore and boat. Picked this one up 15 minutes into the day. Very clean pike! Ended up being 31" and is my personal best so far. Nothing amazing. My girlfriend still has me beat as hers is 33" from last year Was the only fish we managed to see aside from one caught from a boat. No follows at all... which is weird for me. Admiring a beautiful predator. Back where it belongs.
  6. congratulations on the new addition
  7. good stuff efka
  8. Kayaking is fun. I can imagine how fishing out of one while controlling it would be quite a challenge though! She's just gliding along with little resistance!
  9. PM SENT! I can't believe I can have jedi's famous sportspal!
  10. you can launch in port perry at the end of water street... i'm not sure if the docks are put in. there is also a public launch in caesarea. can't miss 'em.
  11. no need to apologize... you pointed me in the right direction!
  12. Thank you waterwolf for the tip.. gave them a call. they are able to order in the model i want (14' square stern), but it'll cost about $1100 not including tax... you were right they have ONE left on sale. it's a 14' transom. it is on sale for $1100 tax included.
  13. Yeah, i've been on their site for a while now... North Bay is quite far...but I guess if i save 2-3 bills, it's worth it?
  14. Looking for more advice again. I'm pretty set on getting a sportspal for their stability and weight. I can't seem to find any used ones on any online classifieds, so I think I have to buy new if possible. If anyone can provide any leads or know where they sell them, it'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  15. Yeah...there will be accidental catches of smallmouth. They will be promptly released as do all the OOS fish that bite Oh, you can bet there will be a camera!
  16. Andrew, your reply was greatly appreciated. Great to hear about the smallmouth fishing! However, since they will still be out of season, I will focus my attention on the walleye and pike. I plan to explore the structure available and will post a report on how I do! Thanks again! Anthony
  17. Thanks for your opinion and advice Mark! Had no idea pike were in there, and you're definitely right about them being fun. It will be a good change from the urban piking that i'm used to!
  18. I will be staying at a cottage up at Cordova Lake in the end of May and was wondering on the species available in that lake. According to the MNR, there are: largemouth smallmouth muskie walleye yellow perch rock bass Most likely i'll be after some walleyes. My gf who's really into crappie fishing was wondering if she could fish for them. I couldn't answer this question as I had no clue if they have made their way up there. I know Crowe Lake just south of it has black crappie, and since they are connected, surely they have populated that lake as well? Any insight on this is much appreciated Either way, I guess I should still pack the ultralight gear.
  19. omg... you are slaying them... good job out there they sure beat all the tiny ones i've been catching. can't wait until zone 17 opener... i'm hoping for ones that look more like yours and i know what you're talking about with the colour...they can be gorgeous.
  20. nice work out there...
  21. nice bass! theres some big fish lurking in around where you are.... it was where i pulled out my PB a few weeks ago!
  22. Choked with weeds as it is all the time. Doesn't really change haha. I was about 30 feet away from shore. The fish were caught in about 2-3 feet of water with about 3 inches of free water between weeds and surface. Perfect for topwater if you plan your casts according to where the weeds are. It's tough... every other cast we would be bringing up strands of weeds. Pays off though, cause big fish like hiding in weeds hehe. I would love to get a replica done, but i have no proper measurements and it won't be the same. photos will do. Seriously... what are my chances of catching another one like this?
  23. wow, now that you mention it... i do look tiny! pics could've been better, they were just taken with my cell phone, and we were in an inflatable. Pretty much sitting next to each other, no room at all to get a better shot in.
  24. It was probably a few minutes... before it threw itself into a pile of weeds, it was an awesome fight! It never came up to take a leap, just kept it's nose down and took us for a ride in the inflatable. I find that fish tend to stop fighting after getting wrapped up in some weeds. It seems to subdue them.
  25. My friend and I decided we would do some 'close to shore' fishing in an inflatable. We hit the lake at about 5 PM and starting to fish in some very weedy water. I had a nice topwater hit on my second cast and I manage a decent 1 lb largemouth. We don't see anymore action til about 6:30 or so when I get a nicer 2.5 lber. Not nice enough for pics though! A couple casts later, I see something making a disturbance in the water, following my rapala J-7. It was like a torpedo! It hit, and I set the hook. Solid. Fish took it deep into the weeds. It feels really good, as it gets closer to our inflatable, I see it swirl it's body. I notice that it was really long looking, and the first thing that came to my mind was that it would turn out being my first musky! I start to get worried as it gets really deep into the weeds and won't move. I eventually pull everything up and see a huge head... it's a largemouth! I lip the thing not knowing how big it was and when the whole fish is out of the water, I start screaming. Didn't have a scale and also no measuring tape. It still swims and is to be caught next year by me when it gains weight This fish was over 2 feet. Heaviest bass I've caught, and I've managed to get a couple 5 lbers in the past. Pics don't really do it justice as we were on a tiny inflatable and couldn't take any better ones.
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